packed_struct 0.3.1

Binary-level structure packing and unpacking generator
//! Integers that are limited by a bit width, with methods to store them
//! as a native type, packing and unpacking into byte arrays, with MSB/LSB
//! support.

use internal_prelude::v1::*;

use super::types_bits::*;

/// A bit-limited integer, stored in a native type that is at least
/// as many bits wide as the desired size.
#[derive(Default, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Integer<T, B> {
    num: T,
    bits: PhantomData<B>

impl<T, B> Debug for Integer<T, B> where T: Debug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self.num)

impl<T, B> Display for Integer<T, B> where T: Display {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.num)

use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer};
impl<T, B> Serialize for Integer<T, B> where T: Serialize {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        where S: Serializer

use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
impl<'de, T, B> Deserialize<'de> for Integer<T, B> where T: Deserialize<'de>, T: Into<Integer<T, B>> {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        where D: Deserializer<'de>
        <T>::deserialize(deserializer).map(|n| n.into())

impl<T, B> PartialEq for Integer<T, B> where T: PartialEq {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

impl<T, B> Integer<T, B> where Self: Copy {
    /// Convert into a MSB packing helper
    pub fn as_packed_msb(&self) -> MsbInteger<T, B, Self> {
        MsbInteger(*self, Default::default(), Default::default())

    /// Convert into a LSB packing helper
    pub fn as_packed_lsb(&self) -> LsbInteger<T, B, Self> {
        LsbInteger(*self, Default::default(), Default::default())

/// Convert an integer of a specific bit width into native types.
pub trait SizedInteger<T, B: NumberOfBits> {
    /// The bit mask that is used for all incoming values. For an integer
    /// of width 8, that is 0xFF.
    fn value_bit_mask() -> T;
    /// Convert from the platform native type, applying the value mask.
    fn from_primitive(val: T) -> Self;
    /// Convert to the platform's native type.
    fn to_primitive(&self) -> T;
    /// Convert to a MSB byte representation. 0xAABB is converted into [0xAA, 0xBB].
    fn to_msb_bytes(&self) -> <<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes;
    /// Convert to a LSB byte representation. 0xAABB is converted into [0xBB, 0xAA].
    fn to_lsb_bytes(&self) -> <<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes where B: BitsFullBytes;
    /// Convert from a MSB byte array.
    fn from_msb_bytes(bytes: &<<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes) -> Self;
    /// Convert from a LSB byte array.
    fn from_lsb_bytes(bytes: &<<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes) -> Self where B: BitsFullBytes;

/// Convert a native platform integer type into a byte array.
pub trait IntegerAsBytes where Self: Sized {
    /// The byte array type, for instance [u8; 2].
    type AsBytes;

    /// Convert into a MSB byte array.
    fn to_msb_bytes(&self) -> Self::AsBytes;
    /// Convert into a LSB byte array.
    fn to_lsb_bytes(&self) -> Self::AsBytes;
    /// Convert from a MSB byte array.
    fn from_msb_bytes(bytes: &Self::AsBytes) -> Self;
    /// Convert from a LSB byte array.
    fn from_lsb_bytes(bytes: &Self::AsBytes) -> Self;

macro_rules! as_bytes {
    (1, $v: expr) => {
            (($v >> 0) as u8 & 0xFF)
    (2, $v: expr) => {
            (($v >> 8) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 0) as u8 & 0xFF),
    (4, $v: expr) => {
            (($v >> 24) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 16) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 8) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 0) as u8 & 0xFF)
    (8, $v: expr) => {
            (($v >> 56) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 48) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 40) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 32) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 24) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 16) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 8) as u8 & 0xFF),
            (($v >> 0) as u8 & 0xFF)

macro_rules! from_bytes {
    (1, $v: expr, $T: ident) => {
        $v[0] as $T
    (2, $v: expr, $T: ident) => {
        (($v[0] as $T) << 8) |
        (($v[1] as $T) << 0)
    (4, $v: expr, $T: ident) => {
        (($v[0] as $T) << 24) |
        (($v[1] as $T) << 16) |
        (($v[2] as $T) << 8) |
        (($v[3] as $T) << 0)
    (8, $v: expr, $T: ident) => {
        (($v[0] as $T) << 56) |
        (($v[1] as $T) << 48) |
        (($v[2] as $T) << 40) |
        (($v[3] as $T) << 32) |
        (($v[4] as $T) << 24) |
        (($v[5] as $T) << 16) |
        (($v[6] as $T) << 8) |
        (($v[7] as $T) << 0)

macro_rules! integer_as_bytes {
    ($T: ident, $N: tt) => {
        impl IntegerAsBytes for $T {
            type AsBytes = [u8; $N];

            fn to_msb_bytes(&self) -> [u8; $N] {
                as_bytes!($N, self)

            fn to_lsb_bytes(&self) -> [u8; $N] {
                let n = self.swap_bytes();
                as_bytes!($N, n)
            fn from_msb_bytes(bytes: &[u8; $N]) -> Self {
                from_bytes!($N, bytes, $T)

            fn from_lsb_bytes(bytes: &[u8; $N]) -> Self {
                let n = from_bytes!($N, bytes, $T);

integer_as_bytes!(u8, 1);
integer_as_bytes!(i8, 1);

integer_as_bytes!(u16, 2);
integer_as_bytes!(i16, 2);

integer_as_bytes!(u32, 4);
integer_as_bytes!(i32, 4);

integer_as_bytes!(u64, 8);
integer_as_bytes!(i64, 8);

macro_rules! integer_bytes_impl {
    ($T: ident, $TB: ident) => {
        impl SizedInteger<$T, $TB> for Integer<$T, $TB> {
            fn value_bit_mask() -> $T {
                ones($TB::number_of_bits() as u64) as $T

            fn from_primitive(val: $T) -> Self {
                let v = val & Self::value_bit_mask();
                Integer { num: v, bits: Default::default() }

            fn to_primitive(&self) -> $T {

            fn to_msb_bytes(&self) -> <<$TB as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes
                let mut ret: <<$TB as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes = Default::default();
                let b = self.num.to_msb_bytes();
                let skip = b.len() - ret.len();

            fn to_lsb_bytes(&self) -> <<$TB as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes
                let mut ret: <<$TB as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes = Default::default();
                let b = self.num.to_lsb_bytes();
                let take = ret.len();

            fn from_msb_bytes(bytes: &<<$TB as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes) -> Self
                let mut native_bytes = Default::default();
                    // hack that infers the size of the native array...
                let skip = native_bytes.len() - bytes.len();
                    let native_bytes = &mut native_bytes[skip..];
                let v = <$T>::from_msb_bytes(&native_bytes);

            fn from_lsb_bytes(bytes: &<<$TB as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes) -> Self
                let mut native_bytes = Default::default();
                    // hack that infers the size of the native array...

                    let take = bytes.len();
                    let native_bytes = &mut native_bytes[..take];

                let v = <$T>::from_lsb_bytes(&native_bytes);

        impl From<$T> for Integer<$T, $TB> {
            fn from(v: $T) -> Self {

        impl From<Integer<$T, $TB>> for $T {
            fn from(v: Integer<$T, $TB>) -> Self {

        impl Deref for Integer<$T, $TB> {
            type Target = $T;
            fn deref(&self) -> &$T {

macro_rules! bytes1_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits1);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits2);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits3);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits4);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits5);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits6);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits7);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits8);

macro_rules! bytes2_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits9);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits10);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits11);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits12);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits13);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits14);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits15);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits16);

macro_rules! bytes3_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits17);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits18);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits19);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits20);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits21);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits22);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits23);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits24);

macro_rules! bytes4_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits25);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits26);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits27);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits28);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits29);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits30);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits31);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits32);

macro_rules! bytes5_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits33);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits34);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits35);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits36);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits37);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits38);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits39);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits40);

macro_rules! bytes6_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits41);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits42);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits43);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits44);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits45);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits46);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits47);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits48);

macro_rules! bytes7_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits49);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits50);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits51);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits52);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits53);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits54);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits55);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits56);

macro_rules! bytes8_impl {
    ($T: ident) => {
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits57);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits58);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits59);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits60);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits61);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits62);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits63);
        integer_bytes_impl!($T, Bits64);









/// A positive bit mask of the desired width.
/// ones(1) => 0b1
/// ones(2) => 0b11
/// ones(3) => 0b111
/// ...
fn ones(n: u64) -> u64 {
	if n == 0 { return 0; }
	if n >= 64 { return !0; }

	(1 << n) - 1

fn test_u8() {
    let byte: Integer<u8, Bits8> = 0.into();
    assert_eq!(0, *byte);
    assert_eq!(0xFF, <Integer<u8, Bits8>>::value_bit_mask());

fn test_u16() {
    let val = 0xABCD;
    let num: Integer<u16, Bits16> = val.into();
    assert_eq!(val, *num);
    assert_eq!([0xAB, 0xCD], num.to_msb_bytes());
    assert_eq!([0xCD, 0xAB], num.to_lsb_bytes());

fn test_u32() {
    let val = 0x4589ABCD;
    let num: Integer<u32, Bits32> = val.into();
    assert_eq!(val, *num);
    assert_eq!([0x45, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD], num.to_msb_bytes());
    assert_eq!([0xCD, 0xAB, 0x89, 0x45], num.to_lsb_bytes());

fn test_u64() {
    let val = 0x1122334455667788;
    let num: Integer<u64, Bits64> = val.into();
    assert_eq!(val, *num);
    assert_eq!([0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88], num.to_msb_bytes());
    assert_eq!([0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11], num.to_lsb_bytes());

fn test_roundtrip_u32() {
    let val = 0x11223344;
    let num: Integer<u32, Bits32> = val.into();
    let msb_bytes = num.to_msb_bytes();
    let from_msb = u32::from_msb_bytes(&msb_bytes);
    assert_eq!(val, from_msb);

    let lsb_bytes = num.to_lsb_bytes();
    let from_lsb = u32::from_lsb_bytes(&lsb_bytes);
    assert_eq!(val, from_lsb);

fn test_roundtrip_u24() {
    let val = 0xCCBBAA;
    let num: Integer<u32, Bits24> = val.into();
    let msb_bytes = num.to_msb_bytes();
    assert_eq!([0xCC, 0xBB, 0xAA], msb_bytes);
    let from_msb = <Integer<u32, Bits24>>::from_msb_bytes(&msb_bytes);
    assert_eq!(val, *from_msb);

    let lsb_bytes = num.to_lsb_bytes();
    assert_eq!([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC], lsb_bytes);
    let from_lsb = <Integer<u32, Bits24>>::from_lsb_bytes(&lsb_bytes);
    assert_eq!(val, *from_lsb);

fn test_roundtrip_u20() {
    let val = 0xFBBAA;
    let num: Integer<u32, Bits20> = val.into();
    let msb_bytes = num.to_msb_bytes();
    assert_eq!([0x0F, 0xBB, 0xAA], msb_bytes);
    let from_msb = <Integer<u32, Bits20>>::from_msb_bytes(&msb_bytes);
    assert_eq!(val, *from_msb);    

use super::packing::{PackingError, PackedStruct, PackedStructInfo, PackedStructSlice};

/// A wrapper that packages the integer as a MSB packaged byte array. Usually
/// invoked using code generation.
pub struct MsbInteger<T, B, I>(I, PhantomData<T>, PhantomData<B>);
impl<T, B, I> Deref for MsbInteger<T, B, I> {
    type Target = I;

    fn deref(&self) -> &I {
impl<T, B, I> From<I> for MsbInteger<T, B, I> {
    fn from(i: I) -> Self {
        MsbInteger(i, Default::default(), Default::default())

impl<T, B, I> Debug for MsbInteger<T, B, I> where I: Debug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self.0)

impl<T, B, I> Display for MsbInteger<T, B, I> where I: Display {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.0)

impl<T, B, I> PackedStruct<<<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes> for MsbInteger<T, B, I>
    where B: NumberOfBits, I: SizedInteger<T, B>
    fn pack(&self) -> <<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes {

    fn unpack(src: &<<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes) -> Result<Self, PackingError> {
        let n = I::from_msb_bytes(src);
        let n = MsbInteger(n, Default::default(), Default::default());

impl<T, B, I> PackedStructInfo for MsbInteger<T, B, I> where B: NumberOfBits {
    fn packed_bits() -> usize {
        B::number_of_bits() as usize

impl<T, B, I> PackedStructSlice for MsbInteger<T, B, I> where B: NumberOfBits, I: SizedInteger<T, B> {
    fn pack_to_slice(&self, output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), PackingError> {
        let expected_bytes = <B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes::number_of_bytes() as usize;
        if output.len() != expected_bytes {
            return Err(PackingError::BufferSizeMismatch { expected: expected_bytes, actual: output.len() });
        let packed = self.pack();
        &mut output[..].copy_from_slice(packed.as_bytes_slice());

    fn unpack_from_slice(src: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, PackingError> {
        let expected_bytes = <B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes::number_of_bytes() as usize;
        if src.len() < expected_bytes {
            return Err(PackingError::BufferSizeMismatch { expected: expected_bytes, actual: src.len() });
        let mut s = Default::default();
        // hack to infer the type

    fn packed_bytes() -> usize {
        <B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes::number_of_bytes() as usize

/// A wrapper that packages the integer as a LSB packaged byte array. Usually
/// invoked using code generation.
pub struct LsbInteger<T, B, I>(I, PhantomData<T>, PhantomData<B>);
impl<T, B, I> Deref for LsbInteger<T, B, I> where B: BitsFullBytes {
    type Target = I;

    fn deref(&self) -> &I {
impl<T, B, I> From<I> for LsbInteger<T, B, I> where B: BitsFullBytes {
    fn from(i: I) -> Self {
        LsbInteger(i, Default::default(), Default::default())

impl<T, B, I> Debug for LsbInteger<T, B, I> where I: Debug {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self.0)

impl<T, B, I> Display for LsbInteger<T, B, I> where I: Display {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.0)

impl<T, B, I> PackedStruct<<<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes> for LsbInteger<T, B, I>
    where B: NumberOfBits, I: SizedInteger<T, B>, B: BitsFullBytes
    fn pack(&self) -> <<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes {

    fn unpack(src: &<<B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes as NumberOfBytes>::AsBytes) -> Result<Self, PackingError> {
        let n = I::from_lsb_bytes(src);
        let n = LsbInteger(n, Default::default(), Default::default());

impl<T, B, I> PackedStructInfo for LsbInteger<T, B, I> where B: NumberOfBits {
    fn packed_bits() -> usize {
        B::number_of_bits() as usize

impl<T, B, I> PackedStructSlice for LsbInteger<T, B, I> where B: NumberOfBits + BitsFullBytes, I: SizedInteger<T, B> {
    fn pack_to_slice(&self, output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), PackingError> {
        let expected_bytes = <B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes::number_of_bytes() as usize;
        if output.len() != expected_bytes {
            return Err(PackingError::BufferSizeMismatch { expected: expected_bytes, actual: output.len() });
        let packed = self.pack();
        &mut output[..].copy_from_slice(packed.as_bytes_slice());

    fn unpack_from_slice(src: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, PackingError> {
        let expected_bytes = <B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes::number_of_bytes() as usize;
        if src.len() < expected_bytes {
            return Err(PackingError::BufferSizeMismatch { expected: expected_bytes, actual: src.len() });
        let mut s = Default::default();
        // hack to infer the type

    fn packed_bytes() -> usize {
        <B as NumberOfBits>::Bytes::number_of_bytes() as usize

fn test_packed_int_msb() {
    let val = 0xAABBCCDD;
    let typed: Integer<u32, Bits32> = val.into();
    let endian = typed.as_packed_msb();
    let packed = endian.pack();
    assert_eq!([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD], packed);
    let unpacked: MsbInteger<_, _, Integer<u32, Bits32>> = MsbInteger::unpack(&packed).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(val, **unpacked);

fn test_packed_int_partial() {
    let val = 0b10_10101010;
    let typed: Integer<u16, Bits10> = val.into();
    let endian = typed.as_packed_msb();
    let packed = endian.pack();
    assert_eq!([0b00000010, 0b10101010], packed);
    let unpacked: MsbInteger<_, _, Integer<u16, Bits10>> = MsbInteger::unpack(&packed).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(val, **unpacked);

fn test_packed_int_lsb() {
    let val = 0xAABBCCDD;
    let typed: Integer<u32, Bits32> = val.into();
    let endian = typed.as_packed_lsb();
    let packed = endian.pack();
    assert_eq!([0xDD, 0xCC, 0xBB, 0xAA], packed);
    let unpacked: LsbInteger<_, _, Integer<u32, Bits32>> = LsbInteger::unpack(&packed).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(val, **unpacked);

fn test_struct_info() {
    fn get_bits<P: PackedStructInfo>(_s: &P) -> usize { P::packed_bits() }

    let typed: Integer<u32, Bits30> = 123.into();
    let msb = typed.as_packed_msb();
    assert_eq!(30, get_bits(&msb));

fn test_slice_packing() {
    let mut data = vec![0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
    let unpacked = <MsbInteger<_, _, Integer<u32, Bits32>>>::unpack_from_slice(&data).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(0xAABBCCDD, **unpacked);

    unpacked.pack_to_slice(&mut data).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&[0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD], &data[..]);

fn test_packed_int_lsb_sub() {
    let val = 0xAABBCC;
    let typed: Integer<u32, Bits24> = val.into();
    let endian = typed.as_packed_lsb();
    let packed = endian.pack();
    assert_eq!([0xCC, 0xBB, 0xAA], packed);

fn test_big_slice_unpacking() {
    let data = vec![0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE];
    let unpacked = <MsbInteger<_, _, Integer<u32, Bits32>>>::unpack_from_slice(&data).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(0xAABBCCDD, **unpacked);