owoof 0.2.0

Uses SQLite to store data and a datalog-like format to query it.
//! Requires the `explain` feature.
use std::fmt;

use crate::{sql::Query, DontWoof};

impl<'tx> DontWoof<'tx> {
    pub fn explain_plan<'n, V>(&self, query: &Query<V>) -> rusqlite::Result<PlanExplanation>
        for<'p> &'p [V]: rusqlite::Params,
        let sql = format!("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN\n{}", query.as_str());

        let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare(&sql)?;

        let rows = stmt.query_map(query.params(), PlanExplainLine::from_row)?;

        rows.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
            .map(|lines| PlanExplanation { lines })

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Explanation {
    pub lines: Vec<ExplainLine>,

/// (From SQLite shell.c:explain_data_prepare ...)
/// The indenting rules are:
/// * For each "Next", "Prev", "VNext" or "VPrev" instruction, indent
///   all opcodes that occur between the p2 jump destination and the opcode
///   itself by 2 spaces.
/// * For each "Goto", if the jump destination is earlier in the program
///   and ends on one of:
///      Yield  SeekGt  SeekLt  RowSetRead  Rewind
///   or if the P1 parameter is one instead of zero,
///   then indent all opcodes between the earlier instruction
///   and "Goto" by 2 spaces.
impl fmt::Display for Explanation {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut indent = vec![];
        indent.resize_with(self.lines.len(), || 0u8);

        let mut yields = vec![];
        yields.resize_with(self.lines.len(), || false);

        let yield_codes = ["Yield", "SeekGt", "SeekLt", "RowSetRead", "Rewind"];
        let next_codes = ["Next", "Prev", "VNext", "VPref"];

        for (e, line) in self.lines.iter().enumerate() {
            let p2 = line.p2 as usize;

            match line.opcode.as_str() {
                op if yield_codes.contains(&op) => yields.get_mut(e).map(|y| *y = true),
                op if next_codes.contains(&op) => indent
                    .map(|slice| slice.iter_mut().for_each(|i| *i += 1)),
                "Goto" if p2 < e && (yields.get(p2) == Some(&true) || line.p1 == 1) => indent
                    .map(|slice| slice.iter_mut().for_each(|i| *i += 1)),
                _ => None,

        for (indent, line) in indent.into_iter().zip(self.lines.iter()) {
            writeln!(f, "{1:0$} {2}", indent as usize, "", line)?;


#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ExplainLine {
    pub addr: i64,
    pub opcode: String,
    pub p1: i64,
    pub p2: i64,
    pub p3: i64,
    pub p4: Option<String>,
    pub p5: i64,
    pub comment: Option<String>,

impl ExplainLine {
    pub fn from_row(c: &rusqlite::Row) -> rusqlite::Result<Self> {
        Ok(ExplainLine {
            addr: c.get(0)?,
            opcode: c.get(1)?,
            p1: c.get(2)?,
            p2: c.get(3)?,
            p3: c.get(4)?,
            p4: c.get(5)?,
            p5: c.get(6)?,
            comment: c.get(7)?,

impl fmt::Display for ExplainLine {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            "{addr:>4}  {opcode:<16}  {p1:>4}  {p2:>4}  {p3:>4}  {p4:<12}  {p5:<22}  {comment}",
            addr = self.addr,
            opcode = self.opcode,
            p1 = self.p1,
            p2 = self.p2,
            p3 = self.p3,
            p4 = self.p4.as_deref().unwrap_or(""),
            p5 = self.p5,
            comment = self.comment.as_deref().unwrap_or(""),

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PlanExplanation {
    pub lines: Vec<PlanExplainLine>,

impl fmt::Display for PlanExplanation {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut indents = vec![0u8; self.lines.len()];

        for (e, line) in self.lines.iter().enumerate() {
            let indent = if line.parent > 0 {
                let search = self
                    .find(|(p, _)| p.id == line.parent)
                    .map(|(_, indent)| indent);
                if let Some(parent_indent) = search {
                    let indent = parent_indent + 1;
                    indents.get_mut(e).map(|i| *i = indent);
                } else {
            } else {

            writeln!(f, "{:<width$}ยป{}", "", line, width = indent as usize)?;


#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PlanExplainLine {
    pub id: i64,
    pub parent: i64,
    pub text: String,

impl PlanExplainLine {
    pub fn from_row(row: &rusqlite::Row) -> rusqlite::Result<Self> {
        Ok(PlanExplainLine { id: row.get(0)?, parent: row.get(1)?, text: row.get(3)? })

impl fmt::Display for PlanExplainLine {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {