osmgraphing 0.12.1

Playing around with graphs created via parsing OpenStreetMap data


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Welcome to the osmgraphing-repo! :) Goal of this repo is parsing openstreetmap-data to calculate traffic-routes and different related use-cases on it. This repo will be involved in dealing with the analysis of selfish routing and learning metrics for balancing load in street-networks. All calculations should be done effectively on a single desktop instead of an expensive cluster.

Reason for version < 1.0.0

I'm currently building this library for my master-thesis, leading to interface-changes with breaking changes (at least) every few weeks, why version 1.0.0 is not supported yet. However, the underlying parser and graph-structure are working very stable, efficiently, tested with different maps (see resources/), and will be used in April 2020 to simulate different routing-scenarios, so version 1.0.0 should be reached soon. :)

Setup and usage

Long story short

Rust has a build-tool called cargo, which can be used to run everything except scripts in scripts/.

# Just executing some easy cargo-build-commands
# Parse isle-of-man
./target/release/osmgraphing --config resources/config/isle-of-man.pbf.yaml

Download and generate maps

Downloaded osm-data is provided in xml (osm) or binary (pbf), where nodes are related to location in latitude and longitude. Problems will be the size-limit when downloading from openstreetmap, but there are other osm data providers like geofabrik for instance.

For testing, some simple text-based format fmi is used. Since they are created manually for certain tasks, parsing them - generally speaking - is unstable. However, this repository has a generator, which can create such fmi-files from pbf- or other fmi-files (e.g. for different metric-order). The binary mapgenerator (binaries are in target/release after release-building) helps with generating proper config-files, but have a look at resources/configs/blueprint to get further explanations. A tool for creating fmi-map-files, which contain graphs contracted via contraction-hierarchies, is multi-ch-constructor.

Requirements for large maps (e.g. countries)

In general, the requirements depend on the size of the parsed map (also same map of different dates) and your machine. Following numbers base on an 8-core-CPU and the pbf-maps from March 14th, 2020 running on archlinux with 16 GB RAM. Basing on the numbers below, without doing further detailled benchmarks, the memory-usage scales linearly with the graph-size with a growth-factor of 0.5. Hence you could expect around 2x RAM-usage for 4x graph-size (meaning 4x node- and 4x edge-count).

In the module defaults, you should change the number of inlined metrics (for SmallVec) according to your needs. Several GB can be saved by doing so.

  • Parsing Germany.pbf (4 metrics, ~51 million nodes, ~106 million edges) needs around 14 GB of RAM at peak. After parsing, the memory-needs are much lower due to the optimized graph-structure.
  • Preprocessing Germany.pbf (including parsing) needs less than 4 minutes.
  • A routing query on Germany.pbf of distance around 600 km takes around 22 seconds with bidirectional Dijkstra, highly depending on the specific src-dst-pair (and its search-space). This could be improved by removing intermediate nodes (like b in a->b->c), but they are kept for now. Maybe, they are needed for precise/realistic traffic-simulation. An Astar is not used anymore, because its only purpose is reducing the search-space, which can be reduced much more using Contraction Hierarchies. Further, Astar has issues when it comes to multiple or custom metrics, because of the metrics' heuristics.

Small maps like Isle-of-Man.pbf (~50_000 nodes, ~107_000 edges) run on every machine and are parsed in less than a second.

The German state Baden-Württemberg.pbf (~9 million nodes, ~18 million edges) needs less than 5 GB RAM at peak and around 30 seconds to parse.


For speedup, this repository supports graphs contracted via contraction-hierarchies. The repository lesstat/multi-ch-constructor generates contracted graphs from fmi-files of a certain format. This repository, osmgraphing, uses the lesstat/multi-ch-constructor/master-branch (commit bec548c1a1ebeae7ac19d3250d5473199336d6fe) for its ch-graphs. For reproducability, the used steps are listed below.

First of all, the tool multi-ch needs an fmi-map-file of specific format as input. To generate such a fmi-map-file in the correct format, the mapgenerator of osmgraphing can be used with the generator-config shown below, following the defined requirements.

The Ignores are important, because the multi-ch-constructor needs the placeholders. Besides that, the multi-ch-constructor uses node-indices as ids, leading to errors when the mapping node -> indices [0; n] is not surjective.

  map-file: 'resources/maps/isle-of-man_2020-03-14.osm.pbf'
    category: 'Car'
    are-drivers-picky: false
  - category: 'NodeId'
  - category: 'Latitude'
  - category: 'Longitude'
  - category: 'SrcId'
  - category: 'DstId'
  - category: 'Meters'
    is-provided: false
  - category: 'KilometersPerHour'
  - category: 'Seconds'
    is-provided: false
    calc-rules: ['Meters', 'KilometersPerHour']
  - category: 'Ignore - SrcIdx'
    id: 'SrcIdx'
  - category: 'Ignore - DstIdx'
    id: 'DstIdx'

  map-file: 'resources/maps/isle-of-man_2020-03-14.fmi'
  - category: 'NodeIdx'
  - category: 'NodeId'
  - category: 'Latitude'
  - category: 'Longitude'
  - category: 'Ignore' # height
  - category: 'Ignore' # level for contraction-hierarchies
  - id: 'SrcIdx'
  - id: 'DstIdx'
  - id: 'Meters'
  - id: 'Seconds'
  - id: 'Ignore' # shortcut-edge-0
  - id: 'Ignore' # shortcut-edge-1

The multi-ch-tool needs 3 counts at the file-beginning: metric-count (dimension), node-count, edge-count. The mapgenerator does add these counts in this order.

Before the multi-ch-tool can be used, it has to be built. For the sake of optimization, you have to set the metric-count as dimension in multi-ch-constructor/src/multi_lib/graph.hpp, line 49. Set this dimension according to the dimension in the previously generated fmi-file.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/lesstat/multi-ch-constructor
cd multi-ch-constructor

cmake -Bbuild
cmake --build build

./build/multi-ch --text path/to/fmi/graph --percent 99.85 --stats --write path/to/new/fmi/graph

Note that the multi-ch-constructor is not deterministic (March 12th, 2020). Using it does only speedup your queries, but due to a different resulting order in the priority or rounding-errors, it could lead to different paths of same weight.


The project started in the mid of 2019 as a student project. This page honors the workers and helpers of this project, sorted by their last names.

Florian Barth
is the supervisor of the project since beginning and is always helping immediately with his experience and advice.

Dominic Parga Cacheiro
has been part of the project's first weeks when project-planning and learning Rust was on the scope. He continues the work and is writing and improving the simulation.

Jena Satkunarajan
has been part of the project's first weeks when project-planning and learning Rust was on the scope. He has implemented the first (and running) approach of the A*-algorithm.