orthogonal-rotation 0.0.6

Functions for rotating the points on a square

use std::f32::consts::PI;

pub fn display_rotated_array( amounttorotate: f32 ) {
    let mut square : Vec<Vec<u32>> = Vec::new();
    let mut newsquare: Vec<Vec<u32>> = Vec::new();
    let mut counter = 100;
    //filling the new square with "888" to represent values that are not mapped to after rotating square
    for x in 0..9{
        let mut newsquarevec = Vec::new();
        for y in 0..9{
    //filling square with 100 - 180 and newsquare by rotating each point of the old square
    for x in 0..9{
        let mut squarevec = Vec::new();
        for y in 0..9{
            let newpos = ortho_rotate_i8_point_at_point( (x, y) , (4,4), amounttorotate);
            let vecx = newpos.0 as usize;
            let vecy = newpos.1 as usize;
            newsquare[vecx][vecy] = counter;
            counter += 1;

//print a 2d vector of u32s
fn print_2d_vector(vec: Vec<Vec<u32>>){
    for x in vec{
        for y in x{
            print!(" {:?} ", y);

//turn the point into 
pub fn ortho_rotate_i8_point(point: (i8,i8), torotate: f32 ) -> (i8,i8){
    let floatpoint = (point.0 as f32, point.1 as f32);
    let rotatedfloatpoint = ortho_rotate_point_at_origin(floatpoint, torotate);
    let rotatedi8point = (rotatedfloatpoint.0.round() as i8, rotatedfloatpoint.1.round() as i8);
    return rotatedi8point;

pub fn ortho_rotate_i8_point_at_point(point: (i8,i8), origin: (i8,i8), torotate: f32 ) -> (i8,i8){
    let pointprime = (point.0 - origin.0, point.1 - origin.1);
    let rotatedpoint = ortho_rotate_i8_point(pointprime, torotate);
    let rotatedpointprime = (rotatedpoint.0 + origin.0, rotatedpoint.1 + origin.1);
    return rotatedpointprime;

//rotate a point with another point as its origin
pub fn ortho_rotate_point_at_point( point: (f32,f32), originpoint: (f32,f32), torotate: f32) -> (f32,f32){
    //move the point so that the origin is the originpoint
    let pointprime = (point.0 - originpoint.0, point.1 - originpoint.1);
    let pointprime2 = ortho_rotate_point_at_origin(point, torotate);
    let pointprime3 = (pointprime2.0 + originpoint.0, pointprime2.1 + originpoint.1);
    return pointprime3;

//rotate this point by this amount and return it
pub fn ortho_rotate_point_at_origin( point: (f32,f32), torotate: f32) -> (f32,f32){
    if point.0 == point.1  && point.0 == 0.0{
        return (0.0,0.0) ;
    for numrotation in 0..4{
        //rotate the point clockwise x times (negative direction)
        let (rotx,roty) = rotate_point_90_degrees_x_times( point , - (numrotation as i8) );
        if roty<rotx && roty>=-rotx {
            let sidelength = rotx * 2.0;
            //how much the position in the current section contributes to the total rotation
            let sectioncurrotation = ((roty / sidelength)+0.5 ) / 4.0;
            //add the amount this is already rotated to the amount to rotate
            let torotate = torotate + (numrotation as f32 * 0.25) + sectioncurrotation;
            //how many blocks (full 90 degree rotations) to apply to the newposprime2
            let blockstorotate = (torotate / 0.25).floor() as i8;
            //how much the section will contribute to the total rotation
            let sectiontorotate = torotate % 0.25;
            //point at bottom right corner
            let newposprime = (sidelength/2.0, -sidelength/2.0);
            //bottom right corner plus how much of a rotation is needed for this section * sidelength
            let newposprime2 = (newposprime.0, newposprime.1 + sectiontorotate * sidelength *4.0);
            let newpos = rotate_point_90_degrees_x_times(  newposprime2  , blockstorotate);
            return newpos;
    panic!("something went wrong");

fn rotate_point_90_degrees_clockwise( point: (f32,f32)) -> (f32,f32){
    //90 degrees clockwise rotation matrix (negative)
    //xprime = (0,  1)  = point.1
    //yprime = (-1, 0)  = -point.0
    return (point.1, -point.0);

fn rotate_point_90_degrees_counter_clockwise( point: (f32,f32)) -> (f32,f32){
    //90 degrees counter clockwise rotation matrix (positive)
    //xprime = (0, -1) = -point.1
    //yprime = (1,  0) = point.0
    return (-point.1, point.0);    

//how much to rotate this point in the positive rotation direction (counter clockwise)
fn rotate_point_90_degrees_x_times( mut point: (f32,f32), mut times: i8 ) -> (f32,f32){
    while times != 0{
        //rotate in the positive direction
        if times > 0{
            point = rotate_point_90_degrees_counter_clockwise(point);
            times += -1;
        //rotate in the negative direction
        if times < 0{
            point = rotate_point_90_degrees_clockwise(point);
            times += 1;
    return point;