orga 0.1.10

State machine engine
use crate::error::Result;
use crate::store::{Flush, Store, BufStore};

/// A helper which runs state machine logic, discarding the writes to the store
/// for error results and flushing to the underlying store on success.
pub fn step_atomic<F, S, I, O>(f: F, store: S, input: I) -> Result<O>
    S: Store,
    F: Fn(&mut BufStore<S>, I) -> Result<O>,
    let mut flush_store = BufStore::wrap(store);
    let res = f(&mut flush_store, input)?;

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::store::{Read, Write, BufStore};
    use failure::bail;

    fn get_u8<R: Read>(key: &[u8], store: R) -> Result<u8> {
        match store.get(key) {
            Ok(None) => Ok(0),
            Ok(Some(vec)) => Ok(vec[0]),
            Err(err) => Err(err),

    fn put_u8<W: Write>(key: &[u8], value: u8, mut store: W) -> Result<()> {
        store.put(key.to_vec(), vec![value])

    fn counter<S: Store>(mut store: S, n: u8) -> Result<u8> {
        // put to n before checking count (to test atomicity)
        put_u8(b"n", n, &mut store)?;

        // get count, compare to n, write if successful
        let count = get_u8(b"count", &store)?;
        if count != n {
            bail!("Invalid count");
        put_u8(b"count", count + 1, &mut store)?;
        Ok(count + 1)

    fn step_counter_error() {
        let mut store = BufStore::new();
        // invalid `n`, should error
        assert!(counter(&mut store, 100).is_err());
        // count should not have been mutated
        assert_eq!(store.get(b"count").unwrap(), None);
        // n should have been mutated
        assert_eq!(store.get(b"n").unwrap(), Some(vec![100]));

    fn step_counter_atomic_error() {
        let mut store = BufStore::new();
        // invalid `n`, should error
        assert!(step_atomic(|s, i| counter(s, i), &mut store, 100).is_err());
        // count should not have been mutated
        assert_eq!(store.get(b"count").unwrap(), None);
        // n should not have been mutated
        assert_eq!(store.get(b"n").unwrap(), None);

    fn step_counter() {
        let mut store = BufStore::new();
        assert_eq!(step_atomic(|s, i| counter(s, i), &mut store, 0).unwrap(), 1);
        assert!(step_atomic(|s, i| counter(s, i), &mut store, 0).is_err());
        assert_eq!(step_atomic(|s, i| counter(s, i), &mut store, 1).unwrap(), 2);
        assert!(step_atomic(|s, i| counter(s, i), &mut store, 1).is_err());
        assert_eq!(store.get(b"n").unwrap(), Some(vec![1]));
        assert_eq!(store.get(b"count").unwrap(), Some(vec![2]));

    fn closure_sm() {
        let mut store = BufStore::new();
            step_atomic(|_, input| Ok(input + 1), &mut store, 100).unwrap(),