org-rust-exporter 0.1.5

exporter for org mode documents parsed with `org-rust-parser`

Exporter for Org-Mode documents

This crate exposes the [Exporter] trait, which each backend must implement.


To convert an input string to HTML/Org, just invoke [Exporter::export]:

use org_rust_exporter as org_exporter;
use org_exporter::{Html, Org, Exporter};

let html_str: String = Html::export("* Hello HTML!\n").unwrap();
let org_str: String = Org::export("* Hello Org!\n").unwrap();

You can also export into a buffer that implements [fmt::Write]:

use org_rust_exporter as org_exporter;
use org_exporter::{Html, Org, Exporter};

let mut html_str = String::new();
let mut org_str = String::new();

Html::export_buf("* Hello HTML!\n", &mut html_str);
Org::export_buf("* Hello Org!\n", &mut org_str);

assert_eq!(html_str, r#"<h1 id="hello-html">Hello HTML!</h1>
assert_eq!(org_str, "* Hello Org!\n");