optarg2chain 0.1.0

Converts optional arguments to chaining style.
mod server {
    use optarg2chain::optarg_impl;

    pub struct Server {
        hostname: String,
        port: u16,
        service_name: String,
        enabled: bool,

    impl Server {
        #[optarg_method(ServerBuilder, build)]
        pub fn new<'a, 'b>(
            hostname: &'a str,
            port: u16,
            #[optarg_default] service_name: &'b str,
            #[optarg(false)] enabled: bool,
        ) -> Server {
            // Some processes to open the server...
            Server {
                hostname: hostname.to_owned(),
                service_name: service_name.to_owned(),

fn main() {
    let server = server::Server::new("example.com", 10000)
    println!("{:#?}", server);