opsgenie 0.0.1

Simple client library for creating and closing alerts on opsgenie


Light alerting client library for opsgenie This libaray in WIP status so be aware that API can be rewritten. I have created this API because swagger-cli is not able to genereate rust lib that is compiling and it was faster for me implement needed functionality(Alert creating) on my own.

How to use it?

extern crate opsgenie_rust;
use opsgenie_rust::*;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let alert_data = AlertData::new("Some message".to_string())
        .alias("with alias".to_string())
        .tags(vec!["certyficates".to_string(), "expiring".to_string()])
    let opsgenie = OpsGenie::new("XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX".to_string());

    let mut alert_ops = opsgenie.alert(alert_data).unwrap();




  • Finish implementing alert API
  • Adding heatbeat API support
  • we will see