opltypes 0.2.0

Datatypes for the OpenPowerlifting database format.
//! Defines the `AgeRange` field for the `entries` table.

use std::fmt;

use crate::Age;

/// The AgeRange used by the checker for interpreting age data.
/// The ages in an AgeRange are always `Age::Exact` or `Age::None`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct AgeRange {
    pub min: Age,
    pub max: Age,

impl Default for AgeRange {
    fn default() -> AgeRange {
        AgeRange {
            min: Age::None,
            max: Age::None,

impl From<Age> for AgeRange {
    /// Create an AgeRange based on a single Age.
    fn from(age: Age) -> AgeRange {
        let (min, max) = match age {
            Age::Exact(n) => (n, n),
            Age::Approximate(n) => (n, n + 1),
            Age::None => return AgeRange::default(),

        AgeRange {
            min: Age::Exact(min),
            max: Age::Exact(max),

impl From<(Age, Age)> for AgeRange {
    /// Create an AgeRange based on a range of Ages.
    fn from(range: (Age, Age)) -> AgeRange {
        let min_age = match range.0 {
            Age::Exact(0) => Age::None,
            Age::Exact(n) => Age::Exact(n),
            Age::Approximate(n) => Age::Exact(n),
            Age::None => Age::None,

        let max_age = match range.1 {
            Age::Exact(255) => Age::None,
            Age::Exact(n) => Age::Exact(n),
            Age::Approximate(n) => Age::Exact(n + 1),
            Age::None => Age::None,

        // TODO: Ensure that min <= max if both are Exact.

        AgeRange {
            min: min_age,
            max: max_age,

impl AgeRange {
    /// Whether the AgeRange is the default, unassigned AgeRange.
    pub fn is_none(self) -> bool {
        self == AgeRange::default()

    /// The opposite of AgeRange::is_none().
    pub fn is_some(self) -> bool {
        self != AgeRange::default()

    /// Intersects this AgeRange with another.
    pub fn intersect(self, other: AgeRange) -> AgeRange {
        let mut acc = self;

        if other.min.is_some() && (acc.min.is_none() || other.min > acc.min) {
            acc.min = other.min;

        if other.max.is_some() && (acc.max.is_none() || other.max < acc.max) {
            acc.max = other.max;

        if acc.min.is_some() && acc.max.is_some() && acc.min.is_definitely_greater_than(acc.max) {
        } else {

    /// Calculates the number of years between the endpoints, if well-defined.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use opltypes::{Age, AgeRange};
    /// let range = AgeRange::from((Age::Exact(40), Age::Exact(44)));
    /// assert_eq!(range.distance(), Some(4));
    /// let range = AgeRange::from((Age::Exact(30), Age::Exact(30)));
    /// assert_eq!(range.distance(), Some(0));
    /// let range = AgeRange::from(Age::Approximate(30));
    /// assert_eq!(range.distance(), Some(1));
    /// let range = AgeRange::from((Age::None, Age::Exact(55)));
    /// assert_eq!(range.distance(), None);
    /// ```
    pub fn distance(self) -> Option<u8> {
        if let Age::Exact(min) = self.min {
            if let Age::Exact(max) = self.max {
                return Some(max - min);

impl fmt::Display for AgeRange {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match (self.min.is_some(), self.max.is_some()) {
            (false, false) => Ok(()),
            (false, true) => write!(f, "0-{}", self.max),
            (true, false) => write!(f, "{}-999", self.min),
            (true, true) => write!(f, "{}-{}", self.min, self.max),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn from_age() {
        let approx_40 = Age::Approximate(40);
            AgeRange::from((Age::Exact(40), Age::Exact(41)))