Crate opltypes[][src]

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A collection of data types used in the OpenPowerlifting database.


Data types for the MeetState column.


The AgeRange used by the checker for interpreting age data.

The BirthYearRange used by the checker for interpreting BirthYear data.

Our data uses imprecise dates in the “YYYY-MM-DD” format, with no timezone or time data.

The definition of the “Event” column. An Event is represented as a bitfield, with one bit for each of S, B, and D.

Common human-facing serialization format for a single row of exported data.

Represents numbers describing points, like Wilks and Glossbrenner.

An opaque wrapper for Age that serializes to “23~” instead of “23.5”.

Packed storage for all active RuleSet.

A lifter’s username.

Represents numbers describing absolute weights in their final format for printing (either Kg or Lbs).

Represents numbers describing absolute weights.


The reported age of the lifter at a given meet. In the CSV file, approximate ages are reported with ‘.5’ added.

The AgeClass used by the server for partitioning into age categories.

A BirthYearClass is similar to an AgeClass: instead of being based off Age, it is based off the BirthYear. This is primarily used by IPF federations.

The Country column.

The Equipment field.

Enum of federations.

Possible failures when constructing a MeetPath.

The definition of the “Place” column.

Enum of known powerlifting points systems, like Wilks and Glossbrenner.

A rule of competition.

The Sex column.

Displayable, unit-less variant of WeightClassKg.

The definition of the “WeightClassKg” column.

Units of weight.

Writing systems for characters, for categorization.


Gets the MeetPath from a string representing a directory.

Gets the MeetPath from a string representing a filepath.

Returns the likely writing system of a string.

Get the WritingSystem for the current character.