openweathermap_client 0.4.0

A client for querying the weather from the free OpenWeatherMap API.
name         = "openweathermap_client"
description  = "A client for querying the weather from the free OpenWeatherMap API."
version      = "0.4.0"
rust-version = "1.71"
edition      = "2021"
authors      = [ "evaneaston" ]
homepage     = ""
repository   = ""
readme       = ""
license      = "MIT-0"
keywords     = [ "openweathermap", "prometheus", "metrics", "exporter" ]
categories   = [ "api-bindings" ]

name = "openweathermap_client"
path = "src/"

http           = { workspace = true }
hyper          = { workspace = true, features = [ "client", "http1" ] }
hyper-rustls   = { workspace = true }
hyper-util     = { workspace = true }
http-body-util = { workspace = true }
log            = { workspace = true }
serde          = { workspace = true, features = [ "derive" ] }
serde_yaml     = { workspace = true }
thiserror      = { workspace = true }
url            = { workspace = true }

tokio = { workspace = true, features = [ "macros" ] }