openvr 0.6.0

A high-level binding for OpenVR.
openvr-0.6.0 doesn't have any documentation.


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High-level bindings for OpenVR.

API documentation

C/C++ API documentation for reference purposes.


openvr-sys requires CMake and C++ to compile and statically link the OpenVR library.

Imporant: OpenVR does not support MinGW on Windows, i.e., you have to use the MSVC Rust toolchain and C++ compiler.


extern crate openvr;

fn main() {
    // Initialize OpenVR.
    let context = unsafe { openvr::init(openvr::ApplicationType::Scene) }.unwrap();

    // Access subsystem.
    let system = context.system().unwrap();

    // See examples/ for a more detailed example.