openssl 0.10.45

OpenSSL bindings
//! Utilities for secure random number generation.
//! # Examples
//! To generate a buffer with cryptographically strong bytes:
//! ```
//! use openssl::rand::rand_bytes;
//! let mut buf = [0; 256];
//! rand_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
//! ```
use libc::c_int;

use crate::error::ErrorStack;
use crate::{cvt, LenType};
use openssl_macros::corresponds;

/// Fill buffer with cryptographically strong pseudo-random bytes.
/// # Examples
/// To generate a buffer with cryptographically strong random bytes:
/// ```
/// use openssl::rand::rand_bytes;
/// let mut buf = [0; 256];
/// rand_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn rand_bytes(buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), ErrorStack> {
    unsafe {
        assert!(buf.len() <= c_int::max_value() as usize);
        cvt(ffi::RAND_bytes(buf.as_mut_ptr(), buf.len() as LenType)).map(|_| ())

/// Controls random device file descriptor behavior.
/// Requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or newer.
pub fn keep_random_devices_open(keep: bool) {
    unsafe {
        ffi::RAND_keep_random_devices_open(keep as LenType);

mod tests {
    use super::rand_bytes;

    fn test_rand_bytes() {
        let mut buf = [0; 32];
        rand_bytes(&mut buf).unwrap();