opaque-pointer 0.8.6

Generic functions to work with opaque pointers when use FFI to expose Rust structs
//! Specific for C types.
//! Available with the `c-types` feature.

#![cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "c-types"))]

use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_char;

use super::validate_pointer_is_not_null;

use crate::error::PointerError;

/// Convert a reference to a C string into a static reference to Rust `str`.
/// # Safety
/// The pointer must be a valid reference or behavior is undefined.
/// # Errors
/// If the C string is not a valid UTF-8 string.
#[deprecated(since = "0.8.1", note = "Use std::ffi::CStr")]
pub unsafe fn ref_str<'a>(string: *const c_char) -> Result<&'a str, PointerError> {
    // ATTENTION! 'a lifetime is required, does NOT REMOVE it
    // see commit 5a03be91d2da8909986db7c54650f3a7863a91ff fixing 3a1d15f33e8e418ef6bee2b7b9e096780bd2c8ac
    // CAUTION: this is unsafe
    let string = CStr::from_ptr(string);
    return Ok(string.to_str()?);