omnipath 0.1.1

Path utlity library
//! [Windows only] Use the Windows API to perform path operations.

use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::io;
use std::iter::Iterator;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::ptr;
use std::string::String;
use std::vec::Vec;

use super::kind::{ParsedUtf8Path, Win32Absolute, Win32Relative, WinPathKind};

/// [Windows only] Extension functions that use the Windows API to resolve paths.
pub trait WinPathExt: Sealed {
	/// Makes the path absolute without resolving symlinks.
	/// Unlike canonicalize the path does not need to exist. This will also not
	/// return verbatim paths unless given one.
	/// # Example
	/// ```
	/// #[cfg(windows)]
	/// {
	///     use omnipath::windows::WinPathExt;
	///     use std::path::Path;
	///     use std::env::current_dir;
	///     let path = Path::new(r"path\to\file");
	///     assert_eq!(
	///         path.win_absolute().unwrap(),
	///         // WARNING! Depending on the path, this may not always be equivalent.
	///         current_dir().unwrap().join(path)
	///     )
	/// }
	/// ```
	fn win_absolute(&self) -> io::Result<PathBuf>;

	/// Clean the path without making it absolute or changing its path prefix.
	/// This does the same cleaning as occurs when you pass a path to the Windows API.
	/// # Limitations
	/// This function will currently discard all `..` components after cleaning.
	/// # Example
	/// ```
	/// #[cfg(windows)]
	/// {
	///     use omnipath::windows::WinPathExt;
	///     use std::path::Path;
	///     let path = Path::new(r"path\.\from\..\to\\\\file..  ..");
	///     assert_eq!(
	///         path.win_clean().unwrap(),
	///         Path::new(r"path\to\file")
	///     );
	/// }
	/// ```
	fn win_clean(&self) -> io::Result<PathBuf>;

	/// Convert a verbatim path to a win32 path.
	/// If the path is not verbatim the the path is returned as-is.
	/// # Example
	/// ```
	/// #[cfg(windows)]
	/// {
	///     use omnipath::windows::WinPathExt;
	///     use std::path::Path;
	///     let path = Path::new(r"\\?\C:\path\to\file.txt");
	///     assert_eq!(
	///         path.to_winuser_path().unwrap(),
	///         Path::new(r"C:\path\to\file.txt")
	///     );
	///     let path = Path::new(r"\\?\UNC\server\share\file.txt");
	///     assert_eq!(
	///         path.to_winuser_path().unwrap(),
	///         Path::new(r"\\server\share\file.txt")
	///     );
	/// }
	/// ```
	fn to_winuser_path(&self) -> io::Result<PathBuf>;
impl WinPathExt for Path {
	fn win_absolute(&self) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
		if self.as_os_str().is_empty() {
			return Ok(PathBuf::new());
		if let Some(std::path::Component::Prefix(prefix)) = self.components().next() {
			if prefix.kind().is_verbatim() {
				return Ok(self.into());
		let path = to_wide(self)?;
		absolute_inner(&path, |path| OsString::from_wide(path).into())
	fn win_clean(&self) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
		let path = match self.to_str() {
			Some(path) => path,
			None => return Ok(self.into()),

		// 1. split prefix
		let parsed = ParsedUtf8Path::from_utf8(path);
		if parsed.kind() == WinPathKind::Verbatim {
			// Skip on verbatim paths.
			return Ok(path.into());
		let (prefix, path) =;

		// 2. use `absolute` on the path, using `\\.\` for the prefix
		let path = String::from_iter([r"\\.\", path]);
		let path = to_wide(Path::new(&path))?;
		absolute_inner(&path, |path| {
			// 3. replace the prefix (if any)
			let mut os_path = OsString::from(prefix);
	fn to_winuser_path(&self) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
		let path = match self.to_str() {
			Some(path) => path,
			None => return Ok(self.into()),
		let (prefix, subpath) = match Win32Absolute::from_verbatim_str(path) {
			Ok(result) => result,
			Err(_) => return Ok(path.into()),
		let prefix = match prefix {
			Win32Absolute::Drive(_) => return Ok(subpath.into()),
			Win32Absolute::Device => r"\\.\",
			Win32Absolute::Unc => {
				if subpath.is_empty() {
				} else {
		let mut win32 = String::with_capacity(prefix.len() + subpath.len());

		// Test if path is unchanged by a call to absolute.
		let win32 = Path::new(&win32);
		if win32 == win32.win_absolute().unwrap_or_default() {
		} else {

/// [Windows only] Turns a relative Windows prefix into an absolute path.
pub fn resolve_prefix(prefix: Win32Relative) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
	match prefix {
		Win32Relative::CurrentDirectory => Path::new(r".\").win_absolute(),
		Win32Relative::Root => Path::new(r"\").win_absolute(),
		// GetFullPathName("X:")
		Win32Relative::DriveRelative(drive) => {
			let path = [drive, b':' as u16, 0];
			absolute_inner(&path, |path| OsString::from_wide(path).into())

/// Make a non-verbatim path absolute.
fn absolute_inner<F>(path: &[u16], f: F) -> io::Result<PathBuf>
	F: FnOnce(&[u16]) -> PathBuf,
	debug_assert!(!path.starts_with(&[b'\\' as u16, b'\\' as u16, b'?' as u16, b'\\' as u16]));
	assert_eq!(path.last(), Some(&0));
	unsafe {
		const MAX_PATH: u16 = i16::MAX as u16;
		let mut buffer: [MaybeUninit<u16>; MAX_PATH as usize] = MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init();
		let capacity = MAX_PATH as u32;
		let len = c::GetFullPathNameW(
		if len == 0 {
		} else {
			let path = &*((&buffer[..len as usize]) as *const _ as *const [u16]);

fn to_wide(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<u16>> {
	let mut contains_null = false;
	let path: Vec<u16> = path
		.inspect(|&w| {
			if w == 0 {
				contains_null = true
	if !contains_null {
	} else {
		Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "paths must not contain nulls"))

#[allow(nonstandard_style, clippy::style)]
mod c {
	type DWORD = u32;
	type LPCWSTR = *const u16;
	type LPWSTR = *mut u16;
	#[link(name = "kernel32")]
	extern "system" {
		pub fn GetFullPathNameW(
			lpFileName: LPCWSTR,
			nBufferLength: DWORD,
			lpBuffer: LPWSTR,
			lpFilePart: *mut LPWSTR,
		) -> DWORD;

mod private {
	pub trait Sealed {}
	impl Sealed for std::path::Path {}
use private::Sealed;