ofnn 0.1.3

An open (accessible parameters), feed-forward-only NN (neural net) library to use it in an dynamic and free way in evolutionary algorithms. Design is influenced by the Keras Sequetial model.
//! @author = FlixCoder
//! Architecture influenced by Keras: Sequential models
#![allow(clippy::expect_used)] // TODO: get rid of it.

mod activations;
pub mod losses;

use std::{fs::File, io::prelude::*};

use rand::prelude::*;
use rand_distr::Normal;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

/// This crate's float value to be used.
pub type Float = f32;
#[cfg(feature = "floats-f64")]
/// This crate's float value to be used.
pub type Float = f64;

// TODO:
// add 3d data input, processing and flatten
// add (batch) normalization? (using running average)
// try new softmax without exp? (possibly bad for losses)
// multiplication node layer? (try some impossible stuff for backpropagation)
// add convolutional and pooling layers?
// add dropout layer with param getting optimized as well
// fix dropout: dropout has to be equal across batches => modifications needed.
// currently it kind of is more noise

/// Define the available types of layers
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Layer {
	//Activation functions
	/// linear activation
	/// rectified linear unit
	/// leaky rectified linear unit (factor = factor to apply for x < 0)
	/// parametric (leaky) rectified linear unit (factor = factor to apply for x
	/// < 0)
	/// exponential linear unit (alpha = 1)
	/// parametric exponential linear unit (factors a and b)
	PELU(Float, Float),
	/// scaled exponential linear unit (self-normalizing). parameters are
	/// adapted to var=1 data
	/// sigmoid
	/// tanh
	/// absolute
	/// quadratic
	/// cubic
	/// clipped linear activation [-1, 1]
	/// gaussian
	/// soft plus
	/// soft max

	//Regularization / Normalization / Utility
	/// Apply dropout to the previous layer (d = percent of neurons to drop)

	/// Dense layer (params = weights of the layer, be sure to have the correct
	/// dimensions! include bias as first parameter)

/// Definition of usable initializers in Sequential.add_layer_dense
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Initializer {
	/// Glorot/Xavier initialization, preferably for Tanh
	/// He initialization, preferably for ReLU
	/// initialize with a constant value

/// Implementation of the neural network / sequential models of layers
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Sequential {
	/// Number of inputs.
	num_inputs: usize,
	/// The layers in this sequential model.
	layers: Vec<Layer>,
	/// Number of outputs.
	num_outputs: usize,

impl Sequential {
	/// Create a new instance of a sequential model
	/// num_inputs = the number of inputs to the model
	pub fn new(num_inputs: usize) -> Sequential {
		Sequential { num_inputs, layers: Vec::new(), num_outputs: num_inputs }

	/// Returns the requested input dimension
	pub fn get_num_inputs(&self) -> usize {

	/// Get the layers (as ref)
	pub fn get_layers(&self) -> &Vec<Layer> {

	/// Get the layers (as mut)
	pub fn get_layers_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Layer> {
		&mut self.layers

	/// Return the flat parameters of the layers (including LReLU factors).
	/// Used for evolution-strategies
	pub fn get_params(&self) -> Vec<Float> {
		let mut params = Vec::new();
		for layer in self.layers.iter() {
			match layer {
				//Activation functions
				//Layer::LReLU(factor) => params.push(*factor),
				Layer::PReLU(factor) => params.push(*factor),
				Layer::PELU(a, b) => {
				//Regularization / Normalization / Utility
				//Layer::Dropout(d) => params.push(*d),
				Layer::Dense(weights) => {
					for vec in weights.iter() {
						for val in vec.iter() {
				//rest does not have params (that have to/may be changed)
				_ => (),

	/// Set the layers' parameters (including LReLU factors) by a flat input.
	/// Used for evolution-strategies.
	/// Panics if params' size does not fit the layers
	pub fn set_params(&mut self, params: &[Float]) -> &mut Self {
		let mut iter = params.iter();
		for layer in self.layers.iter_mut() {
			match layer {
				//Activation functions
				//Layer::LReLU(factor) => *factor = *iter.next().expect("Vector params is not big
				// enough!"),
				Layer::PReLU(factor) => {
					*factor = *iter.next().expect("Vector params is not big enough!");
				Layer::PELU(a, b) => {
					*a = *iter.next().expect("Vector params is not big enough!");
					*b = *iter.next().expect("Vector params is not big enough!");
				//Regularization / Normalization / Utility
				//Layer::Dropout(d) => *d = *iter.next().expect("Vector params is not big
				// enough!"), Neuron-layers
				Layer::Dense(weights) => {
					for vec in weights.iter_mut() {
						for val in vec.iter_mut() {
							*val = *iter.next().expect("Vector params is not big enough!");
				//rest does not have params (that have to/may be changed)
				_ => (),

	/// Add a layer to the sequential model. Be sure to have appropriate
	/// parameters inside the layer, they are not checked! You can use specific
	/// add_layer_<layer> methods to get simple, correct creation of layers with
	/// parameters.
	pub fn add_layer(&mut self, layer: Layer) -> &mut Self {
		match &layer {
			Layer::Dense(weights) => self.num_outputs = weights.len(),
			_ => (),

	/// Add a LReLU layer:
	/// factor = factor to apply to x < 0
	pub fn add_layer_lrelu(&mut self, factor: Float) -> &mut Self {
		let layer = Layer::LReLU(factor);

	/// Add a PReLU layer:
	/// factor = factor to apply to x < 0
	pub fn add_layer_prelu(&mut self, factor: Float) -> &mut Self {
		let layer = Layer::PReLU(factor);

	/// Add a PELU layer:
	/// a and b are the specific factors
	pub fn add_layer_pelu(&mut self, a: Float, b: Float) -> &mut Self {
		let layer = Layer::PELU(a, b);

	/// Add a Dropout layer:
	/// d = fraction of nodes to drop
	pub fn add_layer_dropout(&mut self, d: Float) -> &mut Self {
		if !(0.0..1.0).contains(&d) {
			panic!("Inappropriate dropout parameter!");

		let layer = Layer::Dropout(d);

	/// Add a Dense layer:
	/// neurons = number of neurons/units in the layer
	/// init = initializer to use (use He for ReLU, Glorot for Tanh)
	pub fn add_layer_dense(&mut self, neurons: usize, init: Initializer) -> &mut Self {
		let weights = match init {
			Initializer::Glorot => gen_glorot(self.num_outputs, neurons),
			Initializer::He => gen_he(self.num_outputs, neurons),
			Initializer::Const(val) => vec![vec![val; self.num_outputs + 1]; neurons],
		self.num_outputs = neurons;
		let layer = Layer::Dense(weights);

	/// Do a forward pass through the model
	pub fn run(&self, input: &[Float]) -> Vec<Float> {
		if input.len() != self.num_inputs {
			panic!("Incorrect input size!");

		let mut result = input.to_vec();
		for layer in self.layers.iter() {
			match layer {
				//Activation functions
				Layer::Linear => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::linear(*x);
				Layer::ReLU => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::relu(*x);
				Layer::LReLU(factor) => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::lrelu(*x, *factor);
				Layer::PReLU(factor) => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::lrelu(*x, *factor);
				Layer::ELU => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::elu(*x);
				Layer::PELU(a, b) => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::pelu(*x, *a, *b);
				Layer::SELU => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::selu(*x);
				Layer::Sigmoid => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::sigmoid(*x);
				Layer::Tanh => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::tanh(*x);
				Layer::Abs => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::abs(*x);
				Layer::Quadratic => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::quadratic(*x);
				Layer::Cubic => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::cubic(*x);
				Layer::ClipLinear => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::clip_linear(*x);
				Layer::Gaussian => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::gaussian(*x);
				Layer::SoftPlus => result.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
					*x = activations::softplus(*x);
				Layer::SoftMax => activations::softmax(&mut result),

				//Regularization / Normalization / Utility
				Layer::Dropout(d) => apply_dropout(&mut result, *d),

				Layer::Dense(weights) => result = modified_matrix_dotprod(weights, &result),

	/// Predict values (forward pass) for a vector of input data (Vec<input>):
	pub fn predict(&self, inputs: &[Vec<Float>]) -> Vec<Vec<Float>> {
		let mut results = Vec::new();
		for input in inputs.iter() {
			let result = self.run(input);

	/// Encodes the model as a JSON string.
	pub fn to_json(&self) -> String {
		serde_json::to_string(self).expect("Encoding JSON failed!")

	/// Builds a new model from a JSON string.
	pub fn from_json(encoded: &str) -> Sequential {
		serde_json::from_str(encoded).expect("Decoding JSON failed!")

	/// Builds a new model from a JSON reader (e.g. file).
	pub fn from_reader<R: Read>(encoded: R) -> Sequential {
		serde_json::from_reader(encoded).expect("Decoding JSON failed!")

	/// Saves the model to a file
	pub fn save(&self, file: &str) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
		let mut file = File::create(file)?;
		let json = self.to_json();

	/// Creates a model from a previously saved file
	pub fn load(file: &str) -> Result<Sequential, std::io::Error> {
		let file = File::open(file)?;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// Mean squared error (for regression)
	/// Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_mse(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = *yt - *yp;
				metric += error * error;
			metric /= y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// Root mean squared error (for regression)
	/// Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_rmse(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = *yt - *yp;
				metric += error * error;
			metric /= y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric.sqrt();
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// Mean absolute error (for regression)
	/// Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_mae(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = *yt - *yp;
				metric += error.abs();
			metric /= y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// Mean absolute percentage error (better don't use if target has 0 values)
	/// (for regression) Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_mape(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = (*yt - *yp) / *yt;
				metric += error.abs();
			metric *= 100.0 / y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// logcosh (for regression)
	/// Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_logcosh(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = *yt - *yp;
				metric += error.cosh().ln();
			metric /= y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// binary cross-entropy (be sure to use 0, 1 classifiers+labels) (for
	/// classification) Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_binary_crossentropy(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = (*yt).mul_add(yp.ln(), (1.0 - *yt) * (1.0 - *yp).ln());
				metric += -error;
			metric /= y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// categorical cross-entropy (be sure to use 0, 1 classifiers+labels) (for
	/// classification) Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_categorical_crossentropy(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = *yt * (*yp).ln();
				metric += -error;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

	/// Calculate the error to a target set (Vec<(x, y)>):
	/// hinge loss (be sure to use 1, -1 classifiers+labels) (for
	/// classification) Potentially ignores different vector lenghts!
	pub fn calc_hingeloss(&self, target: &[(Vec<Float>, Vec<Float>)]) -> Float {
		let mut avg_error = 0.0;
		for (x, y) in target.iter() {
			let pred = self.run(x);
			let mut metric = 0.0;
			for (yp, yt) in pred.iter().zip(y.iter()) {
				let error = 1.0 - *yt * *yp;
				metric += error.max(0.0);
			metric /= y.len() as Float;
			avg_error += metric;
		avg_error /= target.len() as Float;

//helper functions
/// Generate a vector of random numbers with 0 mean and std std, normally
/// distributed. Using standard thread_rng.
pub fn gen_rnd_vec(n: usize, std: Float) -> Vec<Float> {
	let mut rng = thread_rng();
	let normal = Normal::new(0.0, f64::from(std)).expect("Wrong normal distribution parameters!");
	normal.sample_iter(&mut rng).take(n).map(|x| x as Float).collect()

/// Generate parameters based on Glorot initialization
fn gen_glorot(n_in: usize, n_out: usize) -> Vec<Vec<Float>> {
	let std = (2.0 / (n_in + n_out) as Float).sqrt();
	let mut weights = Vec::new();
	for _ in 0..n_out {
		weights.push(gen_rnd_vec(n_in + 1, std));

/// Generate parameters based on He initialization
fn gen_he(n_in: usize, n_out: usize) -> Vec<Vec<Float>> {
	let std = (2.0 / n_in as Float).sqrt();
	let mut weights = Vec::new();
	for _ in 0..n_out {
		weights.push(gen_rnd_vec(n_in + 1, std));

/// Apply dropout to a layer. d = fraction of nodes to be dropped
fn apply_dropout(layer: &mut [Float], d: Float) {
	if d == 0.0 {
		//allow zero dropout to allow later change, but do nothing here
	// set nodes to zero
	let num = (d * layer.len() as Float) as usize;
	let mut rng = thread_rng();
	for _ in 0..num {
		let i = rng.gen::<usize>() % layer.len();
		layer[i] = 0.0;
	//divide other nodes by probability to adapt variance
	layer.iter_mut().for_each(|x| {
		*x /= 1.0 - d;

/// Calculate layer results with bias from weight
/// If weights matrix is empty, result will be empty (indicating zero nodes)
fn modified_matrix_dotprod(weights: &[Vec<Float>], values: &[Float]) -> Vec<Float> {
	let mut result = Vec::new();
	for node in weights.iter() {
		let mut iter = node.iter();
		let mut sum = *iter.next().expect("Empty weights! (Bias)");
		for (weight, value) in iter.zip(values.iter())
		//panics if weights do not have the correct shape
			sum += weight * value;