oe 0.0.2

OE is a macro to make errors easy and expressive
use error_test::{ParseThenCombineError, parse_then_combine};

extern crate oe;

mod error_test { //you don't need to have a separate module like this, but it is added to the test to test that the `pub` specification works
    use std::str::ParseBoolError;
    use std::num::ParseIntError;

    create_error!(pub ParseThenCombineError: ParseBoolError, ParseIntError);
    pub fn parse_then_combine(a: &str, b: &str) -> Result<String, ParseThenCombineError> {
        let parsed_bool: bool = a.parse()?;
        let parsed_int: i32 = b.parse()?;
        Ok(format!("{} {}", parsed_bool, parsed_int))

fn test_succeeds() {
    assert_eq!(parse_then_combine("true", "52").expect("Result didn't return Ok"), String::from("true 52"));

fn test_malformed_bool(){
    let result = parse_then_combine("This string isn't a boolean.", "52");
    match &result{
        Ok(_) => panic!("Result was okay: {:?}", result),
        Err(err) => if let ParseThenCombineError::ParseBoolError(_) = err{
            panic!("Result's error type is incorrect, expected bool: {:?}", result);

fn test_malformed_int(){
    let result = parse_then_combine("false", "THis string isn't an integer.");
    match &result{
        Ok(_) => panic!("Result was okay: {:?}", result),
        Err(err) => if let ParseThenCombineError::ParseIntError(_) = err{
            panic!("Result's error type is incorrect, expected integer: {:?}", result);