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Convert OCR Latin GCSE Defined vocabulary lists to a simple format
OCR Level 1/2 GCSE (9–1) in Latin – Defined Vocabulary List ,,,
"This vocabulary list is required for the Latin–English sections of Latin GCSE (9–1), Component 01, Language.",,,
"In addition to the words printed in the list, candidates will be expected to be familiar with the following forms: ",,,
        •       all regular adverbs formed from the listed adjectives; ,,,
        •       comparative and superlative forms of all listed adjectives and corresponding adverbs;,,,
"        •       cardinal numbers 1 to 10, 100, 1000; ",,,
"        •       compound verbs which are formed by using the prefixes contained in the list (e.g. remitto, I send back).",,,
"All other words in a passage will be glossed. When a listed word appears in a passage with a meaning that is not listed, it will be glossed.",,,
"a, ab ",+ ablative (also used as prefix with verbs),preposition,"from, away from, by (as prefix = away)"
absum ,"abesse, afui",verb irregular,"be absent, be away, be distant from"
"ac, atque ",indeclinable,conjunction,and
accido ,"accidere, accidi",verb 3,happen
accipio ,"accipere, accepi, acceptus",verb 3,"accept, take in, receive"
ad ,+ accusative (also used as prefix with verbs),preposition,"to, towards, at"
adeo ,indeclinable,adverb,"so much, so greatly, to such an extent"
adsum ,"adesse, adfui",verb irregular,"be here, be present"
advenio ,"advenire, adveni",verb 4,arrive
aedifico ,"aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatus",verb 1,build
ager ,"agri, m",noun 2,field
ago ,"agere, egi, actus",verb 3,"do, act, drive"
alii … alii ,,,some … others
alius ,"alia, aliud",pronoun/adjective,"other, another, else"
alter ,"altera, alterum",pronoun/adjective,"the other, another, one (of two), the second (of two)"
altus ,"alta, altum",adjective,"high, deep"
ambulo ,"ambulare, ambulavi",verb 1,walk
amicus ,"amici, m",noun 2,friend
amo ,"amare, amavi, amatus",verb 1,"love, like"
amor ,"amoris, m",noun 3,love
ancilla,"ancillae, f",noun 1,"slave-girl, slave-woman"
animus ,"animi, m",noun 2,"spirit, soul, mind"
annus ,"anni, m",noun 2,year
appropinquo ,"appropinquare, appropinquavi + dative",verb 1,"approach, come near to"
aqua ,"aquae, f",noun 1,water
arma ,"armorum, n plural",noun 2 plural,"arms, weapons"
ars ,"artis, f",noun 3,"art, skill"
ascendo ,"ascendere, ascendi, ascensus",verb 3,climb
audax ,audacis,adjective,"bold, daring"
audeo,"audere, ausus sum",verb 2,dare
audio ,"audire, audivi, auditus",verb 4,"hear, listen to"
aufero ,"auferre, abstuli, ablatus",verb irregular,"take away, carry off, steal"
auxilium ,"auxilii, n",noun 2,help
bellum ,"belli, n",noun 2,war
bene ,indeclinable,adverb,well
bibo,"bibere, bibi",verb 3,drink
bonus ,"bona, bonum",adjective,good
brevis ,breve,adjective,"short, brief"
cado ,"cadere, cecidi, casus",verb 3,fall
caelum ,"caeli, n",noun 2,"sky, heaven"
capio ,"capere, cepi, captus",verb 3,"take, catch, capture, make (a plan)"
captivus,"captivi, m",noun 2,"captive, prisoner"
caput ,"capitis, n",noun 3,head
castra ,"castrorum, n plural",noun 2,camp
celer ,"celeris, celere",adjective,"quick, fast"
celo ,"celare, celavi, celatus",verb 1,hide
cena ,"cenae, f",noun 1,"dinner, meal"
ceteri ,"ceterae, cetera",adjective,"the rest, the others"
cibus ,"cibi, m",noun 2,food
circum ,+ accusative,preposition,around
civis ,"civis, m and f",noun 3,citizen
clamo ,"clamare, clamavi, clamatus",verb 1,shout
clamor ,"clamoris, m",noun 3,"shout, shouting, noise"
clarus,"clara, clarum",adjective,"famous, clear"
coepi,coepisse,verb irregular,began
cogito ,"cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus",verb 1,"think, consider"
cognosco ,"cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus",verb 3,"get to know, find out"
cogo ,"cogere, coegi, coactus",verb 3,"force, compel"
comes ,"comitis, m and f",noun 3,"comrade, companion"
conficio ,"conficere, confeci, confectus",verb 3,"finish, wear out"
conor ,"conari, conatus sum ",verb 1 deponent,try
consilium ,"consilii, n",noun 2,"plan, idea, advice"
conspicio ,"conspicere, conspexi, conspectus",verb 3,"catch sight of, notice"
constituo ,"constituere, constitui, constitutus",verb 3,decide
consul,"consulis, m",noun 3,consul
consumo ,"consumere, consumpsi, consumptus",verb 3,eat
contra,+ accusative,preposition,against
convenio ,"convenire, conveni",verb 4,"come together, gather, meet"
copiae ,"copiarum, f plural",noun 1 plural,"forces, troops"
corpus ,"corporis, n",noun 3,body
credo ,"credere, credidi, creditus + dative",verb 3,"believe, trust"
crudelis ,crudele,adjective,cruel
cum ,+ ablative,preposition,with
cum ,indeclinable,conjunction,"when, since"
cupio ,"cupere, cupivi, cupitus",verb 3,"want, desire"
cura ,"curae, f",noun 1,"care, worry"
curro ,"currere, cucurri, cursus",verb 3,run
custodio,"custodire, custodivi, custoditus",verb 4,guard
custos ,"custodis, m and f",noun 3,guard
de ,+ ablative,preposition,"from, down from, about"
dea ,"deae, f",noun 1,goddess
debeo ,"debere, debui, debitus",verb 2,"owe, ought, should, must"
defendo ,"defendere, defendi, defensus",verb 3,defend
deleo ,"delere, delevi, deletus",verb 2,destroy
descendo ,"descendere, descendi, descensus",verb 3,"go down, come down"
deus ,"dei, m",noun 2,god
dico ,"dicere, dixi, dictus",verb 3,"say, speak, tell"
dies ,"diei, m",noun 5,day
difficilis ,difficile,adjective,difficult
dirus ,"dira, dirum",adjective,dreadful
discedo ,"discedere, discessi",verb 3,"depart, leave"
diu ,indeclinable,adverb,for a long time
do ,"dare, dedi, datus",verb 1,give
doceo,"docere, docui, doctus",verb 2,teach
domina ,"dominae, f",noun 1,mistress
dominus ,"domini, m",noun 2,master
domus ,"domus, f (domi = at home)",noun 4,home
donum ,"doni, n",noun 2,"gift, present"
dormio ,"dormire, dormivi",verb 4,sleep
duco ,"ducere, duxi, ductus",verb 3,"lead, take"
dum ,indeclinable,conjunction,"while, until"
dux ,"ducis, m",noun 3,leader
"e, ex ",+ ablative (also used as prefix with verbs),preposition,"from, out of, out"
effugio ,"effugere, effugi",verb 3,escape
ego ,mei,pronoun,"I, me"
egredior ,"egredi, egressus sum",verb 3 deponent,go out
emo ,"emere, emi, emptus",verb 3,buy
enim ,indeclinable,conjunction,for
eo ,"ire, i(v)i",verb irregular,go
epistula ,"epistulae, f",noun 1,letter
equus ,"equi, m",noun 2,horse
et ,indeclinable,conjunction,"and, even"
et ... et ,indeclinable,,both ... and
etiam ,indeclinable,adverb,"also, even"
exercitus ,"exercitus, m",noun 4,army
exspecto ,"exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus",verb 1,"wait for, expect"
facilis ,facile,adjective,easy
facio ,"facere, feci, factus",verb 3,"make, do"
faveo,"favere, favi, fautus + dative",verb 2,"favour, support"
felix ,felicis,adjective,"fortunate, happy"
femina ,"feminae, f",noun 1,woman
fero,"ferre, tuli, latus",verb irregular,"bring, carry, bear"
ferox ,ferocis,adjective,"fierce, ferocious"
festino ,"festinare, festinavi",verb 1,hurry
fidelis ,fidele,adjective,"faithful, loyal"
filia ,"filiae, f",noun 1,daughter
filius ,"filii, m",noun 2,son
flumen ,"fluminis, n",noun 3,river
forte,indeclinable,adverb,by chance
fortis ,forte,adjective,brave
forum ,"fori, n",noun 2,"forum, market place"
frater ,"fratris, m",noun 3,brother
frustra,indeclinable,adverb,in vain
fugio ,"fugere, fugi",verb 3,"run away, flee"
gaudeo ,"gaudere, gavisus sum",verb 2,"be pleased, rejoice"
gaudium,"gaudii, n",noun 2,"joy, pleasure"
gens ,"gentis, f",noun 3,"family, tribe, race, people"
gero,"gerere, gessi, gestus",verb 3,"wear (clothes), wage (war)"
gladius ,"gladii, m",noun 2,sword
gravis ,grave,adjective,"heavy, serious"
habeo ,"habere, habui, habitus",verb 2,"have, hold"
habito ,"habitare, habitavi, habitatus",verb 1,live
hic ,"haec, hoc",pronoun,"this, he, she, it"
hodie ,indeclinable,adverb,today
homo ,"hominis, m",noun 3,"man, human being"
hora ,"horae, f",noun 1,hour
hortor ,"hortari, hortatus sum",verb 1 deponent,"encourage, urge"
hortus ,"horti, m",noun 2,garden
hostis ,"hostis, m",noun 3,enemy
iaceo ,"iacere, iacui",verb 2,lie
iacio ,"iacere, ieci, iactus (in compounds -icio)",verb 3,throw
iam ,indeclinable,adverb,"now, already"
ianua ,"ianuae, f",noun 1,door
ibi ,indeclinable,adverb,there
idem ,"eadem, idem",pronoun,the same
igitur,indeclinable,adverb,"therefore, and so"
ille ,"ilIa, illud",pronoun,"that, he, she, it"
imperator,"imperatoris, m",noun 3,"emperor, general, leader"
imperium,"imperii, n",noun 2,"empire, power, command"
impero ,"imperare, imperavi, imperatus + dative",verb 1,"order, command"
in ,+ ablative (also used as prefix with verbs),preposition,"in, on"
in ,+ accusative (also used as prefix with verbs),preposition,"into, onto"
incendo ,"incendere, incendi, incensus",verb 3,"burn, set on fire"
infelix ,infelicis,adjective,"unlucky, unhappy"
ingens ,ingentis,adjective,huge
ingredior ,"ingredi, ingressus sum",verb 3 deponent,enter
inimicus ,"inimici, m",noun 2,enemy
inquit ,,verb irregular,"he/she says, he/she said"
insula ,"insulae, f",noun 1,"island, block of flats"
intellego ,"intellegere, intellexi, intellectus",verb 3,"understand, realise"
inter ,+ accusative,preposition,"among, between"
interea ,indeclinable,adverb,meanwhile
interficio ,"interficere, interfeci, interfectus",verb 3,kill
intro ,"intrare, intravi, intratus",verb 1,enter
invenio ,"invenire, inveni, inventus",verb 4,find
invito,"invitare, invitavi, invitatus",verb 1,invite
ipse ,"ipsa, ipsum",pronoun,"himself, herself, itself, themselves"
ira ,"irae, f",noun 1,anger
iratus ,"irata, iratum",adjective,angry
is ,"ea, id",pronoun,"this, that, he, she, it, them"
ita ,indeclinable,adverb,"in this way, to such an extent, so"
itaque ,indeclinable,adverb,"and so, therefore"
iter ,"itineris, n",noun 3,journey
iterum ,indeclinable,adverb,again
iubeo ,"iubere, iussi, iussus",verb 2,order
iuvenis ,"iuvenis, m",noun 3,young man
labor ,"laboris, m",noun 3 ,"work, toil"
laboro ,"laborare, laboravi",verb 1,"work, toil"
lacrimo,"lacrimare, lacrimavi",verb 1,"weep, cry"
laetus ,"laeta, laetum",adjective,happy
laudo ,"laudare, laudavi, laudatus",verb 1,praise
legio ,"legionis, f",noun 3,legion
lego ,"legere, legi, lectus",verb 3,"read, choose"
lentus,"lenta, lentum",adjective,slow
libenter ,indeclinable,adverb,"willingly, gladly"
liber ,"libri, m",noun 2,book
liberi ,"liberorum, m plural",noun 2,children
libero ,"liberare, liberavi, liberatus",verb 1,set free
libertus ,"liberti, m",noun 2,"freedman, ex-slave"
locus ,"loci, m",noun 2,place
longus ,"longa, longum",adjective,long
loquor ,"loqui, locutus sum",verb 3 deponent,"speak, talk"
lux ,"lucis, f",noun 3,"light, daylight"
magnus ,"magna, magnum",adjective,"big, large, great"
malo ,"malle, malui",verb irregular,prefer
malus ,"mala, malum",adjective,"evil, bad"
maneo ,"manere, mansi",verb 2,"remain, stay"
manus ,"manus, f",noun 4,"hand, group of people"
mare ,"maris, n",noun 3,sea
maritus,"mariti, m",noun 2,husband
mater ,"matris, f",noun 3,mother
maxime,indeclinable,adverb,very greatly
medius ,"media, medium",adjective,middle
meus ,"mea, meum",pronoun,my
miles ,"militis, m",noun 3,soldier
minime ,indeclinable,adverb,"very little, least, no"
miror ,"mirari, miratus sum",verb 1 deponent,"wonder at, admire"
miser ,"misera, miserum",adjective,"miserable, wretched, sad"
mitto ,"mittere, misi, missus",verb 3,send
modus ,"modi, m",noun 2,"manner, way, kind"
moneo ,"monere, monui, monitus",verb 2,"warn, advise"
mons ,"montis, m",noun 3,mountain
morior ,"mori, mortuus sum",verb 3 deponent,die
mors ,"mortis, f",noun 3,death
moveo ,"movere, movi, motus",verb 2,move
mox ,indeclinable,adverb,soon
multus ,"multa, multum",adjective,"much, many"
murus ,"muri, m",noun 2,wall
nam ,indeclinable,conjunction,for
narro ,"narrare, narravi, narratus",verb 1,"tell, relate"
nauta ,"nautae, m",noun 1,sailor
navigo ,"navigare, navigavi",verb 1,sail
navis ,"navis, f",noun 3,ship
-ne,indeclinable,particle,(introduces question)
ne ,indeclinable + subjunctive,conjunction,"that ... not, so that ... not, that, lest"
"nec, neque",indeclinable,conjunction,"and not, nor, neither"
neco ,"necare, necavi, necatus",verb 1,kill
nemo ,neminis,noun irregular,"no one, nobody"
nescio ,"nescire, nescivi",verb 4,not know
nihil ,indeclinable,noun irregular,nothing
nisi ,indeclinable,conjunction,"unless, except"
nolo ,"nolle, nolui",verb irregular,"not want, refuse"
nomen ,"nominis, n",noun 3,name
non ,indeclinable,adverb,not
nonne …? ,indeclinable,adverb,surely ... ?
nonnulli,"nonnullae, nonnulla",adjective,"some, several"
nos ,nostrum,pronoun,"we, us"
noster ,"nostra, nostrum",pronoun,our
novus ,"nova, novum",adjective,new
nox ,"noctis, f",noun 3,night
nullus ,"nulla, nullum",adjective,"not any, no"
num ,indeclinable,particle,whether
num ... ? ,indeclinable,particle,surely … not? whether
numquam ,indeclinable,adverb,never
nunc ,indeclinable,adverb,now
nuntio ,"nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus",verb 1,"announce, report"
nuntius ,"nuntii, m",noun 2,"messenger, message, news"
occido ,"occidere, occidi, occisus",verb 3,kill
offero ,"offerre, obtuli, oblatus",verb irregular,offer
olim ,indeclinable,adverb,"once, some time ago"
omnis ,omne,adjective,"all, every"
opprimo,"opprimere, oppressi, oppressus",verb 3,"crush, overwhelm"
oppugno ,"oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus",verb 1,attack
oro ,"orare, oravi, oratus",verb 1,beg
ostendo ,"ostendere, ostendi, ostentus",verb 3,show
paene ,indeclinable,adverb,"almost, nearly"
paro ,"parare, paravi, paratus",verb 1,"prepare, provide"
pars ,"partis, f",noun 3,part
parvus ,"parva, parvum",adjective,small
pater ,"patris, m",noun 3,father
patior ,"pati, passus sum",verb 3 deponent,"suffer, endure"
patria ,"patriae, f",noun 1,"country, homeland"
pauci ,"paucae, pauca",adjective plural,"few, a few"
pax ,"pacis, f",noun 3,peace
pecunia ,"pecuniae, f",noun 1,money
pello,"pellere, pepuli, pulsus",verb 3,drive
per ,+ accusative,preposition,"through, along"
pereo ,"perire, perii",verb irregular,"die, perish"
periculum ,"periculi, n",noun 2,danger
persuadeo ,"persuadere, persuasi + dative",verb 2,persuade
perterritus ,"perterrita, perterritum",adjective,terrified
pes ,"pedis, m",noun 3,foot
peto ,"petere, petivi, petitus",verb 3,"make for, seek, beg/ask for"
poena ,"poenae, f",noun 1,punishment
poenas do ,,,"pay the penalty, be punished"
pono ,"ponere, posui, positus",verb 3,"put, place, set up"
porta ,"portae, f",noun 1,gate
porto ,"portare, portavi, portatus",verb 1,"carry, bear, take"
possum ,"posse, potui",verb irregular,"can, be able"
post ,+ accusative,preposition,"after, behind"
postea ,indeclinable,adverb,afterwards
postquam ,indeclinable,conjunction,"after, when"
postridie ,indeclinable,adverb,on the next day
praemium ,"praemii, n",noun 2,"prize, reward, profit"
primo ,indeclinable,adverb,at first
primus ,"prima, primum",adjective,first
princeps,"principis, m",noun 3,"chief, emperor"
pro ,+ ablative,preposition,"in front of, for, in return for"
procedo ,"procedere, processi",verb 3,"advance, proceed"
proelium ,"proelii, n",noun 2,battle
proficiscor ,"proficisci, profectus sum",verb 3 deponent,set out
progredior ,"progredi, progressus sum",verb 3 deponent,advance
promitto ,"promittere, promisi, promissus",verb 3,promise
prope,+ accusative,preposition,near
propter ,+ accusative,preposition,"on account of, because of"
proximus ,"proxima, proximum",adjective,"nearest, next to"
puella ,"puellae, f",noun 1,girl
puer ,"pueri, m",noun 2,boy
pugno ,"pugnare, pugnavi",verb 1,fight
pulcher ,"pulchra, pulchrum",adjective,"beautiful, handsome"
punio,"punire, punivi, punitus",verb 4,punish
puto ,"putare, putavi, putatus",verb 1,think
quaero ,"quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus",verb 3,"search for, look for, ask"
qualis? ,quale,adjective,what sort of?
quam, + superlative adverb,,as … as possible
quam ,indeclinable,adverb,"than, how … ? how … !"
quamquam ,indeclinable,conjunction,although
quantus? ,quanta? quantum?,adjective,how big? how much?
-que ,indeclinable,conjunction,and
qui ,"quae, quod",pronoun,"who, which"
quidam ,"quaedam, quoddam",pronoun,"one, a certain, some"
quis? ,quid?,pronoun,who? what?
quo? ,indeclinable,adverb,to where?
quod ,indeclinable,conjunction,because
quomodo? ,indeclinable,adverb,how?
quoque ,indeclinable,conjunction,"also, too"
quot? ,indeclinable,adjective,how many?
rapio ,"rapere, rapui, raptus",verb 3,"seize, grab"
re- ,(prefix used with verbs),prefix,- back
reddo ,"reddere, reddidi, redditus",verb 3,"give back, restore"
redeo ,"redire, redii",verb irregular,"go back, come back, return"
refero ,"referre, rettuli, relatus",verb irregular,"bring/carry back, report, tell"
regina ,"reginae, f",noun 1,queen
regnum,"regni, n",noun 2,kingdom
rego ,"regere, rexi, rectus",verb 3,rule
regredior ,"regredi, regressus sum",verb 3 deponent,"go back, return"
relinquo ,"relinquere, reliqui, relictus",verb 3,"leave, leave behind"
res ,"rei, f",noun 5,"thing, matter, event"
resisto ,"resistere, restiti + dative",verb 3,resist
respondeo ,"respondere, respondi, responsus",verb 2,reply
rex ,"regis, m",noun 3,king
rideo ,"ridere, risi",verb 2,"laugh, smile"
rogo ,"rogare, rogavi, rogatus",verb 1,"ask, ask for"
Roma ,"Romae, f (Romae: at/in Rome)",noun 1,Rome
Romanus ,"Romana, Romanum",adjective,Roman
sacer ,"sacra, sacrum",adjective,sacred
saepe ,indeclinable,adverb,often
saevus ,"saeva, saevum",adjective,"savage, cruel"
saluto ,"salutare, salutavi, salutatus",verb 1,greet
sanguis ,"sanguinis, m",noun 3,blood
scelestus ,"scelesta, scelestum",adjective,wicked
scelus ,"sceleris, n",noun 3,crime
scio ,"scire, scivi, scitus",verb 4,know
scribo ,"scribere, scripsi, scriptus",verb 3,write
se ,sui,pronoun,"himself, herself, itself, themselves"
sed ,indeclinable,conjunction,but
sedeo ,"sedere, sedi",verb 2,sit
semper ,indeclinable,adverb,always
senator ,"senatoris, m",noun 3,senator
senex ,"senis, m",noun 3,old man
sentio ,"sentire, sensi, sensus",verb 4,"feel, notice"
sequor ,"sequi, secutus sum",verb 3 deponent,follow
servo ,"servare, servavi, servatus",verb 1,"save, protect, keep"
servus ,"servi, m",noun 2,slave
si ,indeclinable,conjunction,if
sic ,indeclinable,adverb,"thus, in this way"
silva ,"silvae, f",noun 1,wood
simul ,indeclinable,adverb,at the same time
"simulac, simulatque ",indeclinable,conjunction,as soon as
sine ,+ ablative,preposition,without
soleo,"solere, solitus sum",verb 2,be accustomed
solus ,"sola, solum",adjective,"alone, lonely, only, on one's own"
specto ,"spectare, spectavi, spectatus",verb 1,"look at, watch"
spero ,"sperare, speravi, speratus",verb 1,"hope, expect"
spes ,"spei, f",noun 5,hope
statim ,indeclinable,adverb,"at once, immediately"
sto ,"stare, steti",verb 1,stand
stultus ,"stulta, stultum",adjective,"stupid, foolish"
sub ,+ accusative/ablative,preposition,"under, beneath"
subito ,indeclinable,adverb,suddenly
sum ,"esse, fui",verb irregular,be
summus ,"summa, summum",adjective,"highest, greatest, top (of)"
supero ,"superare, superavi, superatus",verb 1,"overcome, overpower"
surgo ,"surgere, surrexi",verb 3,"get up, stand up, rise"
suus ,"sua, suum",pronoun,"his, her, its, their (own)"
taberna ,"tabernae, f",noun 1,"shop, inn"
taceo ,"tacere, tacui, tacitus",verb 2,"be silent, be quiet"
talis ,tale,adjective,"such, of such a kind"
tam ,indeclinable,adverb,so
tamen ,indeclinable,adverb,however
tandem ,indeclinable,adverb,"at last, finally"
tantus ,"tanta, tantum",adjective,"so great, such a great"
tempestas,"tempestatis, f",noun 3,storm
templum ,"templi, n",noun 2,temple
tempus ,"temporis, n",noun 3,time
teneo ,"tenere, tenui, tentus",verb 2,hold
terra ,"terrae, f",noun 1,"ground, land, country"
terreo ,"terrere, terrui, territus",verb 2,frighten
timeo ,"timere, timui",verb 2,"fear, be afraid"
tollo,"tollere, sustuli, sublatus",verb 3,"raise, lift up, hold up"
tot ,indeclinable,adjective,so many
totus ,"tota, totum",adjective,whole
trado ,"tradere, tradidi, traditus",verb 3,"hand over, hand down"
traho ,"trahere, traxi, tractus",verb 3,drag
trans ,+ accusative (also used as prefix with verbs),preposition,across
tristis ,triste,adjective,sad
tu ,tui,pronoun,you (singular)
tum ,indeclinable,adverb,then
turba ,"turbae, f",noun 1,crowd
tuus ,"tua, tuum",pronoun,"your (singular), yours"
ubi,indeclinable,adverb,"where? where, when"
umquam ,indeclinable,adverb,ever
unde? ,indeclinable,adverb,from where?
urbs ,"urbis, f",noun 3,city
ut ,indeclinable + subjunctive,conjunction,"that, so that, in order that"
ut ,indeclinable + indicative,conjunction,"as, when"
uxor ,"uxoris, f",noun 3,wife
validus ,"valida, validum",adjective,strong
vehementer ,indeclinable,adverb,"violently, loudly"
vendo ,"vendere, vendidi, venditus",verb 3 ,sell
venio ,"venire, veni ",verb 4,come
verbum ,"verbi, n ",noun 2,word
verto ,"vertere, verti, versus",verb 3 ,turn
vester ,"vestra, vestrum ",pronoun,"your (plural), yours"
via ,"viae, f",noun 1,"street, road, way"
victoria ,"victoriae, f",noun 1,victory
video ,"videre, vidi, visus",verb 2,see
videor ,"videri, visus sum",verb 2 deponent,"seem, appear"
villa ,"villae, f",noun 1,"house, country villa"
vinco ,"vincere, vici, victus",verb 3,"conquer, win, be victorious"
vinum ,"vini, n",noun 2,wine
vir ,"viri, m",noun 2,man
virtus ,"virtutis, f",noun 3,"courage, virtue"
vita ,"vitae, f",noun 1,life
vivo ,"vivere, vixi",verb 3,"live, be alive"
voco ,"vocare, vocavi, vocatus",verb 1,call
volo ,"velle, volui",verb irregular,"want, wish, be willing"
vos ,vestrum,pronoun,you (plural)
vox ,"vocis, f",noun 3,"voice, shout"
vulnero,"vulnerare, vulneravi, vulneratus",verb 1,"wound, injure"
vulnus ,"vulneris, n",noun 3,wound