ockam_core 0.27.0

Core types of the Ockam library.
# ockam_core


Ockam is a library for building devices that communicate securely, privately
and trustfully with cloud services and other devices.

This crate contains the core types of the [Ockam][main-ockam-crate-link]
library and is intended for use by crates that provide features and add-ons
to the main [Ockam][main-ockam-crate-link] library.

The main [Ockam][main-ockam-crate-link] crate re-exports types defined in
this crate.

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

ockam_core = "0.27.0"

## Crate Features

The `ockam_core` crate has a Cargo feature named `"std"` that is enabled by
default. In order to use this crate in a `no_std` context this feature can
disabled as follows

ockam_core = { version = "0.27.0" , default-features = false }

Please note that Cargo features are unioned across the entire dependency
graph of a project. If any other crate you depend on has not opted out of
`ockam_core` default features, Cargo will build `ockam_core` with the std
feature enabled whether or not your direct dependency on `ockam_core`
has `default-features = false`.

## License

This code is licensed under the terms of the [Apache License 2.0][license-link].

[main-ockam-crate-link]: https://crates.io/crates/ockam

[crate-image]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ockam_core.svg
[crate-link]: https://crates.io/crates/ockam_core

[docs-image]: https://docs.rs/ockam_core/badge.svg
[docs-link]: https://docs.rs/ockam_core

[license-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-green.svg
[license-link]: https://github.com/ockam-network/ockam/blob/HEAD/LICENSE

[discuss-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Discuss-Github%20Discussions-ff70b4.svg
[discuss-link]: https://github.com/ockam-network/ockam/discussions