object-space 0.1.1

An object store library for highly concurrent program written in Rust.


This crate is an implementation of ObjectSpace - a natural progression on the idea of TupleSpace proposed by Gelernter in 1985. ObjectSpace is a data structure with the capability of holding any structure (e.g: a string, an int, and a complex struct could all lives under one ObjectSpace). It also allows retrieving a struct based on the value of a field.

This crate also provides a fully thread-safe implementation of ObjectSpace, which allows simple concurrent and distributed programming.

The crate requires Rust nightly for build and usage.


You need a nightly build of Rust to build the library. To install nightly Rust, first follow these instructions to install Rustup, then execute rustup install nightly via the terminal.

To build the library, run cargo build, or cargo build --release to get the fully optimized version. To run the tests of the library, run cargo test

To build documentation, run cargo doc. Documentation could be found at target/doc/object_space/index.html.

Building & Running Examples

There are two examples in examples folder: primes calculate all primes up to a number, and reminder is a simple reminder program using ObjectSpace.

To build/run examples, do cargo build(run) --example <example_name>. For example: cargo run --example reminder

White Paper

We provide a white paper to go along with this project. The white paper explains in further detail the inspiration and goal of this project. The content of the paper could be found at paper/final_paper.md. While it is readable in its Markdown format, the paper is meant to read as a PDF file generated from Pandoc. To generate the PDF file, make sure you have Pandoc installed, cd to the paper folder and run:

pandoc --filter pandoc-citeproc final_paper.md -o final_paper.pdf

A precompiled PDF version of the paper could be found on ResearchGate with DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.32432.05124. Notice that this version (generated June 19th 2018) could be outdated in the future.


See the Issues section for more info on ongoing issues. Currently, most important issues are:

  • Complete Agent Interface #3
  • Timeout for blocking read #6