obfstr 0.2.5

Compiletime string constant obfuscation for Rust
String Obfuscation

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Compiletime string constant obfuscation for Rust.

The string constant itself is embedded in obfuscated form and deobfuscated locally.
This reference to a temporary value must be used in the same statement it was generated.
See the documentation for more advanced use cases.


The `obfstr!` macro returns the deobfuscated string as a temporary value:

assert_eq!(obfstr::obfstr!("Hello 🌍"), "Hello 🌍");

The `wide!` macro provides compiletime utf16 string constants:

let expected = &['W' as u16, 'i' as u16, 'd' as u16, 'e' as u16, 0];
assert_eq!(obfstr::wide!("Wide\0"), expected);

The `random!` macro provides compiletime random values:

const RND: i32 = obfstr::random!(u8) as i32;
assert!(RND >= 0 && RND <= 255);

Compiletime random values are based on `file!()`, `line!()`, `column!()` and a fixed seed to ensure reproducibility.
This fixed seed is stored as text in the environment variable `OBFSTR_SEED` and can be changed as desired.


Licensed under [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), see [license.txt](license.txt).

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.