nut 0.1.1

Bolt DB Port in Rust
//! # Nut
//! Key-value embed database, which is basically port of Bolt DB
//! # Examples
//! ## Create db and put something
//! ```no_run
//! use nut::DBBuilder;
//! let mut db = DBBuilder::new("test.db").build().unwrap();
//! let mut tx = db.begin_rw_tx().unwrap();
//! {
//!   let mut flowers = tx.create_bucket(b"flowers").unwrap();
//!   // returns mutable reference to bucket,
//!   // which prevents of reborrowing tx
//!   flowers.put(
//!     b"iris",
//!     b"song by American alternative rock band Goo Goo Dolls".to_vec()
//!   ).unwrap();
//!   flowers.put(
//!     b"binary data",
//!     vec![127, 127, 127, 127]
//!   ).unwrap();
//!   {
//!     // you can create subbuckets as well
//!     let mut annuals = flowers
//!       .create_bucket_if_not_exists(b"annuals").unwrap();
//!     // api is basically same as for transaction
//!     annuals.put(
//!       b"corn",
//!       b"American nu metal band from Bakersfield".to_vec()
//!     ).unwrap();
//!     // releasing subbucket
//!   }
//!   // releasing bucket to be able use tx again
//! }
//! // due to RAII tx will be automatically closed if no error occured,
//! // or rolled back if there was some.
//! // Additionally you can commit or rollback manually
//! tx.rollback().unwrap();
//! ```
//! ## Getting data back
//! ```no_run
//! use nut::DBBuilder;
//! let mut db = DBBuilder::new("test.db").build().unwrap();
//! // creating read only transaction
//! // read only ransaction will be automatically rolled back
//! let mut tx = db.begin_tx().unwrap();
//! // getting bucket
//! let flowers = tx.bucket(b"flowers").unwrap();
//! let data = flowers.get(b"iris").unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(
//!   data,
//!   &b"song by American alternative rock band Goo Goo Dolls"[..]
//! );
//! ```
//! ## Getting available buckets
//! ```no_run
//! use nut::DBBuilder;
//! let mut db = DBBuilder::new("test.db").build().unwrap();
//! let mut tx = db.begin_tx().unwrap();
//! {
//!   // .buckets() available to conveniently retrieve all buckets keys
//!   let bucket_names = tx.buckets(); // returns Vec<Vec<u8>>
//!   // bucket key is any binary data, not only string
//!   assert_eq!(bucket_names, vec!["flowers".as_bytes().to_vec()]);
//! }
//! {
//!   // additionally there is .cursor() method
//!   // that returns Cursor struct,
//!   // which is able to iterate through bucket contents
//!   let cursor = tx.cursor();
//!   assert_eq!(
//!     &cursor.first().unwrap().value.unwrap(),
//!     &"flowers".as_bytes()
//!   );
//! }
//! ```

#![allow(clippy::cast_ptr_alignment, clippy::module_inception)]

extern crate memoffset;

extern crate bitflags;

mod test_utils;

mod concurrency_tests;

mod bucket;
mod consts;
mod db;
mod errors;
mod freelist;
mod meta;
mod node;
mod page;
mod tx;
mod utils;

pub use bucket::{Bucket, BucketStats, Cursor, CursorItem};
pub use consts::Flags;
pub use db::{CheckMode, DBBuilder, RWTxGuard, Stats as DBStats, TxGuard, DB};
pub use errors::Error;
pub use tx::{Tx, TxStats};