Crate numeric [] [src]

Numeric Rust provides a foundation for doing scientific computing with Rust. It aims to be for Rust what Numpy is for Python.

OpenBLAS/LAPACK is used to make things like matrix muliplications and solving linear equations fast.


pub use tensor::Tensor;
pub use tensor::AxisIndex;
pub use tensor::Ellipsis;
pub use tensor::StridedSlice;
pub use tensor::Index;
pub use tensor::Full;
pub use tensor::NewAxis;
pub use tensor::SingleTensor;
pub use tensor::DoubleTensor;
pub use math::log;
pub use math::ln;
pub use math::log10;
pub use math::log2;
pub use math::sin;
pub use math::cos;
pub use math::tan;
pub use math::asin;
pub use math::acos;
pub use math::atan;
pub use math::exp_m1;
pub use math::exp;
pub use math::exp2;
pub use math::ln_1p;
pub use math::sinh;
pub use math::cosh;
pub use math::tanh;
pub use math::asinh;
pub use math::acosh;
pub use math::atanh;
pub use math::atan2;
pub use math::sqrt;
pub use math::floor;
pub use math::ceil;
pub use math::round;
pub use math::trunc;
pub use math::fract;
pub use math::abs;
pub use math::signum;
pub use math::powf;
pub use math::powi;
pub use math::is_nan;
pub use math::is_finite;
pub use math::is_infinite;
pub use math::is_normal;
pub use math::is_sign_positive;
pub use math::is_sign_negative;



Saving and loading data to and from disk.


Linear algebra functions.


Contains mathematical functions that operate on tensors. These functions are largely modelled after what is available natively in Rust.


The random module provides methods of randomizing tensors.


The tensor module defines an N-dimensional matrix for use in scientific computing.


Traits used by Tensor.



Macro for creating vectors and matrices.