nphysics3d 0.11.1

3-dimensional physics engine in Rust.
use num::Zero;

use na::{self, RealField};
use ncollide::shape::Compound;
use crate::volumetric::{InertiaTensor, Volumetric};
use crate::math::{AngularInertia, Point};

impl<N: RealField> Volumetric<N> for Compound<N> {
    fn area(&self) -> N {
        let mut stot: N = na::zero();

        for &(_, ref s) in self.shapes().iter() {
            stot += s.area()


    fn volume(&self) -> N {
        let mut vtot: N = na::zero();

        for &(_, ref s) in self.shapes().iter() {
            vtot += s.volume()


    fn center_of_mass(&self) -> Point<N> {
        let mut mtot = N::zero();
        let mut ctot = Point::origin();
        let mut gtot = Point::origin(); // geometric center.

        let shapes = self.shapes();

        for &(ref m, ref s) in shapes.iter() {
            let (mpart, cpart, _) = s.mass_properties(na::one());

            mtot += mpart;
            ctot += (*m * cpart * mpart).coords;
            gtot += (*m * cpart).coords;

        if mtot.is_zero() {
        } else {
            ctot / mtot

    fn unit_angular_inertia(&self) -> AngularInertia<N> {
        let mut itot = AngularInertia::zero();

        let com = self.center_of_mass();
        let shapes = self.shapes();

        for &(ref m, ref s) in shapes.iter() {
            let (mpart, cpart, ipart) = s.mass_properties(na::one());

            itot += ipart
                .to_relative_wrt_point(mpart, &(*m * cpart + (-com.coords)));


    /// The mass properties of this `CompoundData`.
    /// If `density` is not zero, it will be multiplied with the density of every object of the
    /// compound shape.
    fn mass_properties(&self, density: N) -> (N, Point<N>, AngularInertia<N>) {
        let mut itot = AngularInertia::zero();
        let mut ctot = Point::origin();
        let mut gtot = Point::origin(); // geometric center.
        let mut mtot = N::zero();

        let shapes = self.shapes();
        let props: Vec<_> = shapes
            .map(|&(_, ref s)| s.mass_properties(na::one()))

        for (&(ref m, _), &(ref mpart, ref cpart, _)) in shapes.iter().zip(props.iter()) {
            mtot += *mpart;
            ctot += (*m * *cpart * *mpart).coords;
            gtot += (*m * *cpart).coords;

        if mtot.is_zero() {
            ctot = gtot;
        } else {
            ctot /= mtot;

        for (&(ref m, _), &(ref mpart, ref cpart, ref ipart)) in shapes.iter().zip(props.iter()) {
            itot += ipart
                .to_relative_wrt_point(*mpart, &(*m * *cpart + (-ctot.coords)));

        (mtot * density, ctot, itot * density)