noodles-gff 0.2.0

Generic Feature Format (GFF) reader and writer

//! **noodles-gff** handles the reading and writing of the [GFF3 format][gff3-spec].
//! GFF (Generic Feature Format) is a text-based format used to represent genomic features.
//! [gff3-spec]:
//! # Examples
//! ## Read all records in a GFF3 file
//! ```no_run
//! # use std::{fs::File, io::{self, BufReader}};
//! use noodles_gff as gff;
//! let mut reader = File::open("annotations.gff3")
//!     .map(BufReader::new)
//!     .map(gff::Reader::new)?;
//! for result in reader.records() {
//!     let record = result?;
//!     println!(
//!         "{}\t{}\t{}",
//!         record.reference_sequence_name(),
//!         record.start(),
//!         record.end(),
//!     );
//! }
//! # Ok::<(), io::Error>(())
//! ```

pub mod directive;
pub mod line;
pub mod reader;
pub mod record;
mod writer;

pub use self::{directive::Directive, line::Line, reader::Reader, record::Record, writer::Writer};