nonvolatile 0.5.1

A package providing the ability to store configuration data out of the way

Nonvolatile   Latest Version

Nonvolatile is a library for storing persistent settings and configuration data out of the way.

Nonvolatile state is created by instantiating a State instance with a name, usually the name of the program creating it. Any set values are written to disk either in ~/.local/.../[name] or in %appdata%/.../[name], depending on the platform being used. Values persist until they are overwritten, and can be accessed by any program that loads the state with that name.

Most of the builtin types, and any type that implements serde::Serialize/Deserialize may be passed into and read from State::set and State::get.


use nonvolatile::State;
use generic_error::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
	//create a new state instance with the name "foo"
	let mut state = State::load_else_create("foo")?;
	//set a variable in foo
	state.set("var", String::from("some value"))?;
	//destroy the state variable
	//create a new state instance
	let state = State::load_else_create("foo")?;
	//retrieve the previously set variable.
	println!("foo: {}", state.get::<String>("var").unwrap());  //"some value"	