nonvolatile 0.3.0

A package providing the ability to store configuration data out of the way

Nonvolatile   Latest Version

Nonvolatile is a library for storing persistent settings and configuration data out of the way.

Nonvolatile state is created by instantiating a State instance with a name, usually the name of the program creating it. Any set values are written to disk either in ~/.local/.../[name] or in %appdata%/.../[name], depending on the platform being used. Values persist until they are overwritten, and can be accessed by any program that loads the state with that name.

Note: This library is still a work-in-progress and is not yet fully functional.


use nonvolatile::State;
use generic_error::*;

fn main() -> Result<()> {
	//create a new state instance with the name "foo"
	let mut state = State::load_else_create("foo")?;
	//set a variable in foo
	state.set("var", "some value")?;
	//destroy the state variable
	//create a new state instance
	let state = State::load_else_create("foo")?;
	//retrieve the previously set variable.
	println!("foo: {}", state.get("var").unwrap());  //"some value"	