nom 0.1.6

A byte oriented, zero copy, parser combinators library
//! Basic combination functions
//! Provides the flat_map, map, map_opt and map_res methods used elsewhere.
//! Traits provided here must be implemented for any new combination of I and O types in IResult<I,O>

use internal::*;
use internal::IResult::*;

/// flat_map is a method of IResult<R,S>, takes a function Fn(S) -> IResult<S,T>,
/// and returns a IResult<S,T>
/// ```
/// use nom::IResult::Done;
/// use nom::FlatMap;
/// use std::str;
/// Done((),()).flat_map(|data| { println!("data: {:?}", data); Done(data,())});
/// ```
pub trait FlatMap<I:?Sized,O:?Sized,N:?Sized> {
  fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn(O) -> IResult<O,N>>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;
pub fn compose<'x,'y,'z,R,S,T,F:Fn(S) -> IResult<S,T>>(f:F, g:IResultClosure<'z,R,S>) -> IResultClosure<'x,R,T> {
  Box::new(move |input: R| -> IResult<'x,R,T> {
/// derives flat_map implementation for a list of IResult types with referenced types
/// like str or vectors
/// ```
/// //flat_map_ref_impl! { [bool] [uint] };
/// ```
macro_rules! flat_map_ref_impl {
  ($($t:ty)*) => ($(
      impl<'a,'b,'z,R,T> FlatMap<&'b R,&'a $t, T> for IResult<&'b R,&'a $t> {
        fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn(&'a $t) -> IResult<&'a $t,T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'b R,T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(|input:&'b R| { cl(input).map(f) }),
            &Done(ref i, ref o) => match f(*o) {
              Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
              Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
              Done(_, o2) => Done(*i, o2)
      impl<'a,'z,T> FlatMap<(),&'a $t, T> for IResult<(),&'a $t> {
        fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn(&'a $t) -> IResult<&'a $t,T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i), //Incomplete(|input:I| { cl(input).map(f) })
            &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
              Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
              Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
              Done(_, o2) => Done((), o2)

flat_map_ref_impl! {
  str [bool] [char] [usize] [u8] [u16] [u32] [u64] [isize] [i8] [i16] [i32] [i64] [f32] [f64]

impl<'a,'b,'z, T> FlatMap<&'b [u8],&'a [u8], T> for IResult<&'b [u8],&'a [u8]> {
  fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn(&'a [u8]) -> IResult<&'a [u8],T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'b [u8],T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(|input:&'b R| { cl(input).map(f) }),
      &Done(ref i, ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
        Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
        Done(_, o2) => Done(*i, o2)
/// derives flat_map implementation for a list of specific IResult types
/// ```
/// //flat_map_impl! { bool uint };
/// ```
macro_rules! flat_map_impl {
  ($($t:ty)*) => ($(
      impl<'a,'z,R,T> FlatMap<&'a R,$t, T> for IResult<&'a R,$t> {
        fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn($t) -> IResult<$t,T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a R,T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
            &Done(ref i, o) => match f(o) {
              Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
              Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
              Done(i2, o2) => Done(*i, o2)
      impl<'z,T> FlatMap<(),$t, T> for IResult<(),$t> {
        fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn($t) -> IResult<$t,T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
            &Done((), o) => match f(o) {
              Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
              Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
              Done(i2, o2) => Done((), o2)

flat_map_impl! {
  bool char usize u8 u16 u32 u64 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 f32 f64

impl<'a,'z,R,T> FlatMap<&'a R,(), T> for IResult<&'a R,()> {
  fn flat_map<'y,F: Fn(()) -> IResult<(),T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a R,T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Incomplete(f), //Incomplete(|input:I| { cl(input).map(f) })
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Incomplete(Box::new(move |input| { cl(input).flat_map(f) })),
      &Done(ref i, ()) => match f(()) {
        Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
        Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
        Done(_, o2) => Done(*i, o2)

impl<'a,'x,'z,S,T> FlatMap<(),&'a S,T> for IResult<(),&'a S> {
  fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn(&'a S) -> IResult<&'a S,T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Incomplete(f), //Incomplete(|input:I| { cl(input).map(f) })
      &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
        Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
        Done(_, o2) => Done((), o2)

impl<'x,'z,T> FlatMap<(),(),T> for IResult<(),()> {
  fn flat_map<'y,F:Fn(()) -> IResult<(),T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Incomplete(f), //Incomplete(|input:I| { cl(input).map(f) })
      &Done((), ()) => match f(()) {
        Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
        Incomplete(ref i2) => Incomplete(*i2),
        Done(_, o2) => Done((), o2)

/// map_opt and map_res are used to combine common functions with parsers
/// ```
/// use nom::IResult::Done;
/// use nom::FlatMapOpt;
/// use std::str;
/// let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map_res(|&: data| { str::from_utf8(data) });
/// assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
/// ```
pub trait FlatMapOpt<I,O,N> {
  fn map_opt<'y,F: Fn(O) -> Option<N>>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;
  fn map_res<'y,P,F: Fn(O) -> Result<N,P>>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;

/// derives map_opt and map_res implementations for a list of IResult types with referenced types
/// like str or vectors
macro_rules! map_ref_impl {
  ($i:ty, $o:ty) => (
      impl<'a,'b,'z,T> FlatMapOpt<&'b $i,&'a $o, T> for IResult<&'b $i,&'a $o> {
        fn map_opt<'y,F:Fn(&'a $o) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'b $i,T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
            //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
            &Done(ref i, ref o) => match f(*o) {
              Some(output) => Done(*i, output),
              None         => Error(0)

        fn map_res<'y,U, F: Fn(&'a $o) -> Result<T,U>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'b $i,T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
            //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
            &Done(ref i, ref o) => match f(*o) {
              Ok(output) => Done(*i, output),
              Err(_)     => Error(0)

map_ref_impl!([u8], [u8]);
map_ref_impl!([u8], str);
map_ref_impl!(str,  [u8]);
map_ref_impl!(str,  str);

impl<'a,'z,S,T> FlatMapOpt<(), &'a[S], T> for IResult<(),&'a [S]> {
  fn map_opt<'y,F:Fn(&'a[S]) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Some(output) => Done((), output),
        None         => Error(0)

  fn map_res<'y,U, F: Fn(&'a[S]) -> Result<T,U>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Ok(output) => Done((), output),
        Err(_)     => Error(0)

impl<'a,'z,T> FlatMapOpt<(),&'a str, T> for IResult<(),&'a str> {
  fn map_opt<'y,F:Fn(&'a str) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Some(output) => Done((), output),
        None         => Error(0)

  fn map_res<'y,U, F: Fn(&'a str) -> Result<T,U>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Ok(output) => Done((), output),
        Err(_)     => Error(0)

impl<'a,'z,R,T> FlatMapOpt<&'a[R], (), T> for IResult<&'a[R],()> {
  fn map_opt<'y,F:Fn(()) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a[R],T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, __) => match f(()) {
        Some(output) => Done(*i, output),
        None         => Error(0)

  fn map_res<'y,U, F: Fn(()) -> Result<T,U>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a [R],T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Ok(output) => Done(*i, output),
        Err(_)     => Error(0)

impl<'a,'z,T> FlatMapOpt<&'a str, (), T> for IResult<&'a str,()> {
  fn map_opt<'y,F:Fn(()) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a str,T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, __) => match f(()) {
        Some(output) => Done(*i, output),
        None         => Error(0)

  fn map_res<'y,U, F: Fn(()) -> Result<T,U>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a str,T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),// Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Ok(output) => Done(*i, output),
        Err(_)     => Error(0)

impl<'z,T> FlatMapOpt<(),(), T> for IResult<(),()> {
  fn map_opt<'y,F:Fn(()) -> Option<T>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), __) => match f(()) {
        Some(output) => Done((), output),
        None         => Error(0)

  fn map_res<'y,U, F: Fn(()) -> Result<T,U>>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => match f(*o) {
        Ok(output) => Done(*o, output),
        Err(_)     => Error(0)

/// map applies a parser function directly to the output of another parser function
/// use nom::IResult::Done;
/// use nom::Functor;
/// use std::str;
/// let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).unwrap() });
/// assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
pub trait Functor<I,O,N> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(O) -> N>(& self, f: F) -> IResult<I,N>;

macro_rules! map2_ref_impl {
  ($i:ty, $o:ty) => (
      impl<'a,'b,'z,T> Functor<&'b $i,&'a $o, T> for IResult<&'b $i,&'a $o> {
        fn map<'y,F: Fn(&'a $o) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'b $i,T> {
          match self {
            &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
            &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
            //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
            &Done(ref i, ref o) => Done(*i,f(*o))

map2_ref_impl!([u8], [u8]);
map2_ref_impl!([u8], str);
map2_ref_impl!(str,  [u8]);
map2_ref_impl!(str,  str);

impl<'a,'z,S,T> Functor<(), &'a[S], T> for IResult<(),&'a [S]> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(&'a[S]) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => Done((),f(*o))

impl<'a,'z,R,T> Functor<&'a R, (), T> for IResult<&'a R,()> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(()) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a R,T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, ()) => Done(*i,f(()))

impl<'a,'z,R,T> Functor<&'a [R], (), T> for IResult<&'a [R],()> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(()) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a [R],T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, ()) => Done(*i,f(()))

impl<'a,'z,T> Functor<&'a str, (), T> for IResult<&'a str,()> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(()) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<&'a str,T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, ()) => Done(*i,f(()))

impl<'a,'z,T> Functor<(), (), T> for IResult<(),()> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(()) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done(ref i, ()) => Done(*i,f(()))

impl<'a,'z,T> Functor<(), &'a str, T> for IResult<(),&'a str> {
  fn map<'y,F: Fn(&'a str) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
  //fn map<F: Fn(&'a str) -> T>(&self, f: F) -> IResult<(),T> {
    match self {
      &Error(ref e) => Error(*e),
      &Incomplete(ref i) => Incomplete(*i),//Incomplete(*i),
      //&Incomplete(ref cl) => Error(0),//Incomplete(|input: &'a I| {*cl(input).mapf(f)}),
      &Done((), ref o) => Done((),f(*o))

mod tests {
  use super::*;
  use internal::IResult;
  use internal::IResult::*;
  use std::str;
  use std::fmt::Debug;

  fn local_print<T: Debug>(input: T) -> IResult<T,()> {
    println!("{:?}", input);
    Done(input, ())

  fn flat_map_fn() {

  fn flat_map_closure() {
    Done((),()).flat_map(|data| { println!("data: {:?}", data); Done(data,())});
    //assert_eq!(decoded.number, 10);

  fn map() {
    let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).unwrap() });
    assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
    let res2 = Done("abcd".as_bytes(),"efgh".as_bytes()).map(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).unwrap() });
    assert_eq!(res2, Done("abcd".as_bytes(), "efgh"));
    let res3 = Done("abcd","efgh".as_bytes()).map(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).unwrap() });
    assert_eq!(res3, Done("abcd", "efgh"));

  fn map_option() {
    let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map_opt(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).ok() });
    assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
    let res2 = Done("abcd".as_bytes(),"efgh".as_bytes()).map_opt(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).ok() });
    assert_eq!(res2, Done("abcd".as_bytes(), "efgh"));
    let res3 = Done("abcd","efgh".as_bytes()).map_opt(|data| { str::from_utf8(data).ok() });
    assert_eq!(res3, Done("abcd", "efgh"));

  fn map_result() {
    let res = Done((),"abcd".as_bytes()).map_res(|data| { str::from_utf8(data) });
    assert_eq!(res, Done((), "abcd"));
    let res2 = Done("abcd".as_bytes(),"efgh".as_bytes()).map_res(|data| { str::from_utf8(data) });
    assert_eq!(res2, Done("abcd".as_bytes(), "efgh"));
    let res3 = Done("abcd","efgh".as_bytes()).map_res(|data| { str::from_utf8(data) });
    assert_eq!(res3, Done("abcd", "efgh"));

  fn t1() {
    let v1:Vec<u8> = vec![1,2,3];
    let res = local_print(&v1[..]);
    assert_eq!(res, Done(&v1[..], ()));