nolock 0.4.1

A collection of Lock-Free Datastructures
//! A lock-free concurrent HashTrieMap
//! # Example
//! ```
//! # use nolock::hash_trie::HashTrieMap;
//! # use std::{collections::hash_map::RandomState, sync::Arc};
//! let instance = Arc::new(HashTrieMap::<String, u64, RandomState>::new());
//! let handles: Vec<_> = (0..6)
//!     .map(|_| {
//!         let instance = instance.clone();
//!         std::thread::spawn(move || {
//!             instance.insert("testing".into(), 123);
//!             instance.get(&"testing".into());
//!             instance.remove(&"testing".into());
//!         })
//!     })
//!     .collect();
//! for handle in handles {
//!     handle.join().unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! # Internals
//! The Implementation is based on the two Papers listed in the Reference section and uses
//! [hyaline](crate::hyaline) as its memory Reclaimation scheme
//! # Reference:
//! * [A Lock-Free Hash Trie Design for Concurrent Tabled Logic Programs](
//! * [Towards a Lock-Free, Fixed Size and Persistent Hash Map Design](

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;

use core::{
    hash::{BuildHasher, Hash, Hasher},

use alloc::boxed::Box;

mod entry;
mod hashlevel;
mod mptr;
mod refvalue;
use entry::Entry;
use hashlevel::HashLevel;

pub use refvalue::RefValue;

use crate::hyaline;

/// A Concurrent and Lock-Free HashTrieMap
pub struct HashTrieMap<K, V, H> {
    initial_level: Box<HashLevel<K, V, 4>>,
    build_hasher: H,
    instance: hyaline::Hyaline,
    _marker: PhantomData<H>,

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<K, V> HashTrieMap<K, V, RandomState> {
    /// Creates a new HashTrieMap
    pub fn new() -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<K, V> Default for HashTrieMap<K, V, RandomState> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<K, V, H> Debug for HashTrieMap<K, V, H> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "HashTrieMap ()")

impl<K, V, H> HashTrieMap<K, V, H>
    H: BuildHasher,
    fn free_func(ptr: *const ()) {
        if mptr::is_entry(ptr as *const u8) {
            let ptr = mptr::to_actual_ptr(ptr as *const u8) as *mut Entry<K, V>;
            let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr) };
        } else {
            // println!("Free Level");

    /// TODO
    pub fn with_build_hasher(build_hasher: H) -> Self {
        let start_level = HashLevel::new(core::ptr::null(), 0);

        Self {
            initial_level: start_level,
            instance: hyaline::Hyaline::new(Self::free_func),
            _marker: PhantomData,

impl<K, V, H> HashTrieMap<K, V, H>
    K: Hash + Eq + Debug,
    H: BuildHasher,
    V: Clone + Debug,
    /// Inserts the given Key and Value into the Map
    pub fn insert(&self, key: K, value: V) {
        let mut hasher = self.build_hasher.build_hasher();
        key.hash(&mut hasher);
        let hash = hasher.finish();

        let mut handle = self.instance.enter();
        self.initial_level.insert(hash, key, value, &mut handle);

    /// Clones out a value from the Hash-Trie-Map
    pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<RefValue<'_, K, V>> {
        let mut hasher = self.build_hasher.build_hasher();
        key.hash(&mut hasher);
        let hash = hasher.finish();

        self.initial_level.get(hash, key, self.instance.enter())

    /// TODO
    pub fn remove(&self, key: &K) {
        let mut hasher = self.build_hasher.build_hasher();
        key.hash(&mut hasher);
        let hash = hasher.finish();

        let mut handle = self.instance.enter();
        self.initial_level.remove_entry(hash, key, &mut handle);

unsafe impl<K, V, H> Sync for HashTrieMap<K, V, H> {}
unsafe impl<K, V, H> Send for HashTrieMap<K, V, H> {}

impl<K, V, H> Drop for HashTrieMap<K, V, H> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
            .cleanup_buckets(&mut self.instance.enter());

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn get_non_existing() {
        let map: HashTrieMap<String, usize, RandomState> = HashTrieMap::new();

        assert_eq!(None, map.get(&"test".to_owned()));

    fn insert_get() {
        let map: HashTrieMap<String, usize, RandomState> = HashTrieMap::new();

        map.insert("test".to_owned(), 123);
        let result = map.get(&"test".to_owned());
        assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), 123);

    fn insert_overwrite() {
        let map: HashTrieMap<String, usize, RandomState> = HashTrieMap::new();

        map.insert("test".to_owned(), 123);
        let result = map.get(&"test".to_owned());
        let first_value = result.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(first_value, 123);

        map.insert("test".to_owned(), 234);
        let result = map.get(&"test".to_owned());
        let second_value = result.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(second_value, 234);

        // Check that the first result is still valid
        assert_eq!(first_value, 123);

    fn insert_remove() {
        let map: HashTrieMap<String, usize, RandomState> = HashTrieMap::new();

        map.insert("test".to_owned(), 123);
        let result = map.get(&"test".to_owned());
        let first_value = result.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(first_value, 123);


        assert_eq!(None, map.get(&"test".to_owned()));

        assert_eq!(first_value, 123);

    fn remove_nonexisting() {
        let map: HashTrieMap<String, usize, RandomState> = HashTrieMap::new();


mod loom_tests {
    use super::*;

    use loom::thread;
    use std::sync::Arc;

    fn insert_remove() {
        loom::model(|| {
            let og_map: Arc<HashTrieMap<String, usize>> = Arc::new(HashTrieMap::new());

            let map = og_map.clone();
            thread::spawn(move || {
                map.insert("test".to_owned(), 123);
                let result = map.get(&"test".to_owned());
                // assert_eq!(true, result.is_some());
                let first_value = result.unwrap();
                // assert_eq!(first_value, 123);

                // map.remove(&"test".to_owned());

                // assert_eq!(None, map.get(&"test".to_owned()));

                // assert_eq!(first_value, 123);
            let map = og_map.clone();
            thread::spawn(move || {
                // map.insert("test".to_owned(), 123);
                // let result = map.get(&"test".to_owned());
                // assert_eq!(true, result.is_some());
                // let first_value = result.unwrap();
                // assert_eq!(first_value, 123);

                // map.remove(&"test".to_owned());

                // assert_eq!(None, map.get(&"test".to_owned()));

                // assert_eq!(first_value, 123);