nmstate 2.2.1

Library for networking management in a declarative manner
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

#![doc(html_favicon_url = "https://nmstate.io/favicon.png")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://nmstate.io/favicon.png")]

//! Declarative API for Host Network Management
//! Nmstate is a library with an accompanying command line tool that manages
//! host networking settings in a declarative manner. The networking state is
//! described by a pre-defined schema. Reporting of current state and changes to
//! it (desired state) both conform to the schema.
//! Nmstate is aimed to satisfy enterprise needs to manage host networking
//! through a northbound declarative API and multi provider support on the
//! southbound. NetworkManager acts as the main provider supported to provide
//! persistent network configuration after reboot. Kernel mode is also provided
//! as tech-preview to apply network configurations without NetworkManager.
//! The [NetworkState] and its subordinates are all implemented the serde
//! `Deserialize` and  `Serialize`, instead of building up [NetworkState]
//! manually, you may deserialize it from file(e.g. JSON, YAML and etc).
//! ## Features
//! The `nmstate` crate has these cargo features:
//!  * `gen_conf` -- Generate offline network configures.
//!  * `query_apply` -- Query and apply network state.
//! By default, both features are enabled.
//! The `gen_conf` feature is only supported on Linux platform.
//! The `query_apply` feature is supported and tested on both Linux and MacOS.
//! ## Examples
//! To retrieve current network state:
//! ```rust
//! use nmstate::NetworkState;
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//!     let mut net_state = NetworkState::new();
//!     // Use kernel mode
//!     net_state.set_kernel_only(true);
//!     net_state.retrieve()?;
//!     println!("{}", serde_yaml::to_string(&net_state)?);
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! To apply network configuration(e.g. Assign static IP to eth1):
//! ```no_run
//! use nmstate::NetworkState;
//! fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//!     let mut net_state: NetworkState = serde_yaml::from_str(
//!         r#"---
//!         interfaces:
//!           - name: eth1
//!             type: ethernet
//!             state: up
//!             mtu: 1500
//!             ipv4:
//!               address:
//!               - ip:
//!                 prefix-length: 24
//!               - ip:
//!                 prefix-length: 24
//!               dhcp: false
//!               enabled: true
//!             ipv6:
//!               address:
//!                 - ip: 2001:db8:2::1
//!                   prefix-length: 64
//!                 - ip: 2001:db8:1::1
//!                   prefix-length: 64
//!               autoconf: false
//!               dhcp: false
//!               enabled: true
//!         "#,
//!     )?;
//!     net_state.set_kernel_only(true);
//!     net_state.apply()?;
//!     Ok(())
//! }
//! ```

mod deserializer;
mod dns;
mod error;
#[cfg(feature = "gen_conf")]
mod gen_conf;
mod hostname;
mod ieee8021x;
mod iface;
mod ifaces;
mod ip;
mod lldp;
mod mptcp;
mod net_state;
#[cfg(feature = "query_apply")]
mod nispor;
mod nm;
mod ovs;
#[cfg(feature = "query_apply")]
mod ovsdb;
#[cfg(feature = "query_apply")]
mod policy;
#[cfg(feature = "query_apply")]
mod query_apply;
mod route;
mod route_rule;
mod serializer;
#[cfg(feature = "query_apply")]
mod state;
mod unit_tests;

pub use crate::dns::{DnsClientState, DnsState};
pub use crate::error::{ErrorKind, NmstateError};
pub use crate::hostname::HostNameState;
pub use crate::ieee8021x::Ieee8021XConfig;
pub use crate::iface::{
    Interface, InterfaceState, InterfaceType, UnknownInterface,
pub use crate::ifaces::{
    BaseInterface, BondAdSelect, BondAllPortsActive, BondArpAllTargets,
    BondArpValidate, BondConfig, BondFailOverMac, BondInterface, BondLacpRate,
    BondMode, BondOptions, BondPrimaryReselect, BondXmitHashPolicy,
    BridgePortTunkTag, BridgePortVlanConfig, BridgePortVlanMode,
    BridgePortVlanRange, DummyInterface, EthernetConfig, EthernetDuplex,
    EthernetInterface, EthtoolCoalesceConfig, EthtoolConfig,
    EthtoolFeatureConfig, EthtoolPauseConfig, EthtoolRingConfig,
    InfiniBandConfig, InfiniBandInterface, InfiniBandMode, Interfaces,
    LinuxBridgeConfig, LinuxBridgeInterface, LinuxBridgeMulticastRouterType,
    LinuxBridgeOptions, LinuxBridgePortConfig, LinuxBridgeStpOptions,
    MacVlanConfig, MacVlanInterface, MacVlanMode, MacVtapConfig,
    MacVtapInterface, MacVtapMode, OvsBridgeBondConfig, OvsBridgeBondMode,
    OvsBridgeBondPortConfig, OvsBridgeConfig, OvsBridgeInterface,
    OvsBridgeOptions, OvsBridgePortConfig, OvsDpdkConfig, OvsInterface,
    OvsPatchConfig, SrIovConfig, SrIovVfConfig, VethConfig, VlanConfig,
    VlanInterface, VlanProtocol, VrfConfig, VrfInterface, VxlanConfig,
pub use crate::ip::{
    AddressFamily, Dhcpv4ClientId, Dhcpv6Duid, InterfaceIpAddr, InterfaceIpv4,
    InterfaceIpv6, Ipv6AddrGenMode, WaitIp,
pub use crate::lldp::{
    LldpAddressFamily, LldpChassisId, LldpChassisIdType, LldpConfig,
    LldpMacPhyConf, LldpMaxFrameSize, LldpMgmtAddr, LldpMgmtAddrs,
    LldpNeighborTlv, LldpPortId, LldpPortIdType, LldpPpvids,
    LldpSystemCapabilities, LldpSystemCapability, LldpSystemDescription,
    LldpSystemName, LldpVlan, LldpVlans,
pub use crate::mptcp::{MptcpAddressFlag, MptcpConfig};
pub use crate::net_state::NetworkState;
pub use crate::ovs::{OvsDbGlobalConfig, OvsDbIfaceConfig};
#[cfg(feature = "query_apply")]
pub use crate::policy::{
    NetworkCaptureRules, NetworkPolicy, NetworkStateTemplate,
pub use crate::route::{RouteEntry, RouteState, Routes};
pub use crate::route_rule::{RouteRuleEntry, RouteRuleState, RouteRules};