Crate nfa_regex[][src]

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NFA Regex

A non finite automata regular expression engine library. NFA Regex concept:

Implementation of NFA regex engine:

  1. Convert infix string regex pattern to postfix pattern also called reverse polish notation.
  2. Build the NFA regex engine from the postfix notation.

List of supported operators for NFA regex: | Operator | Description |–––––––|————————————————————————————————————————————————— | \ | Escape character | - | Range operator. E.g. [0-9a-z] | . | Any displayable character (also called metacharacter) | [] | Square bracket, Ors characters inside | () | Round bracket, groups characters (concats) | * | Zero or more character repeatition | + | One or more charatcer repeatition | ? | Zero or one character repeatition | {m,n} or {n} | Curly bracket for character repeatition with min and max limit count | ^ | Exclude characters used only inside [] at the begin. E.g. 1 - string must not have a and b. | | | ORs characters or group. (Do not use inside []) |–––––––|—————————————————————————————————————————————————

Operator precedance and associativity, table taken from unix: (Not all operators are supported in below implementation.) +—+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+ | | ERE Precedence (from high to low) | +—+–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––+ | 1 | Collation-related bracket symbols | [==] [::] [..] | | 2 | Escaped characters | <special character> | | 3 | Bracket expression | [] | | 4 | Grouping | () | | 5 | Single-character-ERE duplication | * + ? {m,n} | | 6 | Concatenation | | | 7 | Anchoring | ^ $ | | 8 | Alternation | | | +—+———————————–+–––––––––––+




NFA regex engine