new-rust-project 0.1.4

@ErichDonGubler's fancy template for new Rust projects
//! This project is Erich's personal Rust starter kit for developing new libraries and binaries in
//! Rust. You shouldn't be seeing this anywhere outside of his
//! [`new-rust-project`]( repo.
//! ## Overview
//! At one point, Erich got tired of accumulating lots of interesting tidbits for starting Rust
//! projects that he knew he'd forget. So he finally hunkered down and made this repo. An example
//! of usage:
//! ```sh,ignore
//! #! /bin/sh
//! git clone --shallow name-of-new-rust-project
//! cd name-of-new-rust-project
//! rm -rf .git
//! git init
//! git add .
//! git commit -m "Initial commit"
//! git remote add origin
//! git push -u origin master
//! ```
//! ## Features
//! ### Licensing
//! This template uses [MPL 2.0]( by default. Erich's reasons for MPL by default here are:
//! * Very permissive license in general
//! * Patent protection for that project that suddenly takes off
//! * Not-terribly-annoying copyleft
//! When in doubt, remember that Erich is not a lawyer. change your own project to use what you
//! deem appropriate.
//! ### Contributing
//! Contributions, feature requests, and bug reports are warmly welcomed! See the [contribution
//! guidelines]( for getting started.
//! The [code of conduct]( uses [Contributor Covenant
//! v1.4.1]( If there's a newer
//! version of this, feel free to open a PR!
//! ### Crate documentation in README
//! Crate documentation is inlined into this README.  This means you get doc-tests for freebies!
//! Try it out by reading the README -- it uses `cargo-sync-readme`.  Also, this is integrated into
//! CI, so you don't forget about it!
//! ```rust
//! println!("This should run just fine.");
//! ```
//! ```rust,should_panic
//! panic!("This should panic.");
//! ```
//! ```rust,compile_fail
//! !@#$% // This should fail to compile.
//! ```
//! ### Intelligent defaults for docs
//! The [Rust Playground]( is used as the playground service by
//! default.
//! ### `cargo-release` configuration
//! `cargo-release` is configured to keep features of this template in sync with version releases,
//! and has some defaults Erich considers more sensible.
//! Yes, you should maintain a [`CHANGELOG`]( ;)
//! ### More aggressive linting and tests
//! Several `rustc` and `clippy` lints have been enabled that Erich prefers. See the top of
//! [`src/`](src/ for the full list.
//! Warnings are denied in doctests and in release mode.
//! ### Out-of-the-box CI
//! The associated CI configuration (Travis at [`.travis.yml`](.travis.yml)) tests:
//! * Runs tests on Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
//! * The full set of lints with `cargo clippy`
//! * Formatting with `cargo fmt`
//! * The full suite of built-in tests with `cargo test`
//! ### Buttons!
//! There are a variety of handy buttons on the top of the README. These are meant to encourage
//! activity both for maintainers and newcomers. Some buttons may not be suitable for, say,
//! internal or private projects that won't actually be published on ``. You are
//! encouraged to keep the ones you want and throw out the rest.

#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), deny(warnings))]
#![doc(html_playground_url = "")]
// UNCOMMENT_BEFORE_RELEASE: #![doc(html_root_url = "")]

fn check_readme_synchronized() {
    use {
        cargo_sync_readme::{extract_inner_doc, read_readme, transform_readme},

    let crate_docs = extract_inner_doc(file!(), false, cfg!(windows));
    let readme_path = PathBuf::from(file!())
        .and_then(|p| p.parent())
        .expect("unable to create path to README dir")
    let current_readme_content = read_readme(readme_path).expect("unable to read README");
    if transform_readme(&current_readme_content, crate_docs, cfg!(windows)).unwrap()
        != current_readme_content
        panic!("README is not sync'd -- make sure to run `cargo sync-readme`");

fn test_html_root_url() {