networking 0.1.9

secure RSA + AES network implementations in a peer to peer enabled manner
# Peer to Peer TLS

## Purpose

The purpose of this network is to provide secured AES asymmetric implementation that uses RSA. it is being designed as the network layer for a distributed artificial inteligence training platform known as Artifice. currently this crate is the furthest along in the Artifice Project by far.

## Divergence From Classic TLS

This crate aims to prevent man in the middle attacks by encrypting pre-shared keys that are sent in each packet. By doing this, even if a hacker has a public key, they will be unable to feed false information that could cause a crash to either of the peers. in this way each peer can maintain knowledge of the other in both directions, which allows for a more decentralized approach than traditional TLS.

## Version Details

This version is a patch for previous version, it fixes the issue of packets being joined in tcp with respect to packet decryption. it also provides a more efficient means of using aes, in which instead of using a new aes key per packet, one is held for the entires session, increase the encryption speed at least 4x. This version also provides a patch for data being fragmented according to the MTU of the NIC.

## Contact US
This crate is the base for a much larger project, as such submitting it to is simply done in order to test it, as such please don't hesitate to file bug reports, or use the below email.


## Implementation of SLLP

The SLLP implementation in this project ensures a pseudo connection that is private between two peers, by authenticating encrypted pre-shared keys. it is done for the sake of transfering large amounts of data quickly when precision is not needed.

## Future Implementations
<li>proper SLLP error handling to notify a stream when connection has been terminated.</li>
<li>data order tracking, for SLLP.</li>
<li>data transfer rates exceeding 65535 bytes, by sending multiple blocks of data broken into packets of length 65535 for TCP implementations. </li>
<li>Increase in packet types, currently only has raw data, and administrative packet types see protocol.</li>

## Example usage

### Database usage

use networking::database::HashDatabase;
use networking::ArtificePeer;
use networking::{random_string, test_config};

fn main(){
   // generate aes encryption key
   let key = random_string(16).into_bytes();
   let (peer, _config) = test_config();
   let mut database: HashDatabase<ArtificePeer> = HashDatabase::new("./test_db", key.clone()).unwrap();
   database.insert(peer.global_peer_hash().to_string(), peer.clone()).unwrap();
   let mut second_database: HashDatabase<ArtificePeer> = HashDatabase::new("./test_db", key).unwrap();
   let newpeer = second_database.get(&peer.global_peer_hash().to_string()).unwrap();
## Async

### Dependencies

tokio = {version = "0.2.21", features = ["full"]}

### Async Client
use networking::{asyncronous::{AsyncHost, AsyncRecv}, test_config};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let (peer, config) = test_config();
   let host = AsyncHost::client_only(&config).await.unwrap();
   let mut stream = host.connect(peer).await.unwrap();
   let mut buffer = Vec::new();
       "got {} bytes from server",
       stream.recv(&mut buffer).await.unwrap()
   let string = String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap();
   println!("got message: {} from server", string);
### Async Server
use networking::{asyncronous::{AsyncHost, AsyncSend, AsyncNetworkHost}, test_config};
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let (peer, config) = test_config();
    let mut host = AsyncHost::from_host_config(&config).await.unwrap();
    while let Some(Ok(strm)) = host.incoming()?.await {
        let mut stream = strm.verify(&peer)?;
        // make sure you got a connection from the correct peer
        println!("sending message hello world");
        stream.send(b"hello world").await.unwrap();
## Sync

for sync examples and sllp examples see <a href="">docs</a>
the camera example is to show a practical application, and test the network by supplying high load