network-collections 0.1.4

Collections suitable for use with networking, particularly when a fixed memory usage is required to prevent out-of-memory crashes. Includes two kinds of least recently used caches, a bounded hash map, a magic ring buffer (virtual ring buffer) and an arena allocator.
// This file is part of network. It is subject to the license terms in the COPYRIGHT file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at No part of network, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the COPYRIGHT file.
// Copyright © 2016-2018 The developers of network. See the COPYRIGHT file in the top-level directory of this distribution and at

/// A trait to unify ArrayVec and Vec when dealing with NonNull pointers.
pub trait NonNullUnifiedArrayVecAndVec<T> : UnifiedArrayVecAndVec<NonNull<T>>
	/// To FFI data.
	/// Returns a pointer and a length for FFI functions to read from.
	fn to_ffi_data(&mut self, start_from_index: usize) -> (*mut *mut T, usize)
		let length = self.length();
		debug_assert!(length >= start_from_index, "length '{}' is less than start_from_index '{}'", length, start_from_index);
		let number_of_potential_packets = length - start_from_index;
		debug_assert_ne!(number_of_potential_packets, 0, "number_of_potential_packets is zero");
		let pointer: *mut *mut T = unsafe { transmute(self.mutable_pointer_at_length(start_from_index) as *mut NonNull<T>) };
		(pointer, number_of_potential_packets)
	/// To FFI data.
	/// Returns a pointer and a length (u16) for FFI functions to read from.
	fn to_ffi_data_u16(&mut self, start_from_index: usize) -> (*mut *mut T, u16)
		let (pointer, number_of_potential_packets) = self.to_ffi_data(start_from_index);
		debug_assert!(number_of_potential_packets <= ::std::u16::MAX as usize, "number_of_potential_packets '{}' exceeds ::std::u16::MAX '{}'", number_of_potential_packets, ::std::u16::MAX);
		(pointer, number_of_potential_packets as u16)
	/// To FFI data.
	/// Returns a pointer and a length (u32) for FFI functions to read from.
	fn to_ffi_data_u32(&mut self, start_from_index: usize) -> (*mut *mut T, u32)
		let (pointer, number_of_potential_packets) = self.to_ffi_data(start_from_index);
		debug_assert!(number_of_potential_packets <= ::std::u32::MAX as usize, "number_of_potential_packets '{}' exceeds ::std::u32::MAX '{}'", number_of_potential_packets, ::std::u32::MAX);
		(pointer, number_of_potential_packets as u32)
	/// From FFI data.
	/// Returns a pointer and a length for FFI functions to write to.
	fn from_ffi_data(&mut self) -> (*mut *mut T, usize)
		let length = self.length();
		let maximum_capacity = self.maximum_capacity();
		debug_assert!(maximum_capacity >= length, "maximum_capacity '{}' is less than length '{}'", maximum_capacity, length);
		let number_of_potential_packets = maximum_capacity - length;
		debug_assert_ne!(number_of_potential_packets, 0, "number_of_potential_packets is zero");
		let pointer: *mut *mut T = unsafe { transmute(self.mutable_pointer_at_length(length) as *mut NonNull<T>) };
		(pointer, number_of_potential_packets)
	/// From FFI data.
	/// Returns a pointer and a length (u16) for FFI functions to write to.
	fn from_ffi_data_u16(&mut self) -> (*mut *mut T, u16)
		let (pointer, number_of_potential_packets) = self.from_ffi_data();
		debug_assert!(number_of_potential_packets <= ::std::u16::MAX as usize, "number_of_potential_packets '{}' exceeds ::std::u16::MAX '{}'", number_of_potential_packets, ::std::u16::MAX);
		(pointer, number_of_potential_packets as u16)
	/// From FFI data.
	/// Returns a pointer and a length (u32) for FFI functions to write to.
	fn from_ffi_data_u32(&mut self) -> (*mut *mut T, u32)
		let (pointer, number_of_potential_packets) = self.from_ffi_data();
		debug_assert!(number_of_potential_packets <= ::std::u32::MAX as usize, "number_of_potential_packets '{}' exceeds ::std::u32::MAX '{}'", number_of_potential_packets, ::std::u32::MAX);
		(pointer, number_of_potential_packets as u32)

impl<T> NonNullUnifiedArrayVecAndVec<T> for Vec<NonNull<T>>