neon 0.10.0-alpha.3

A safe abstraction layer for Node.js.
# Version 0.9.1

* Expose the `Finalize` trait as `neon::types::Finalize` so that docs are visible
* Improved docs and build scripts in `create-neon` to make release builds more
  discoverable (
* Update `nan` to fix an Electron 13 incompatibility (

# Version 0.9.0

## Performance

`Channel`, formerly `EventQueue`, are now cloneable. Clones share a backing queue to take advantage of an [optimization]( in Node threadsafe functions. Additionally, when specifying Node API 6 or higher (`napi-6`), calling `` will return a shared queue (

The change may cause a performance regression in some pathological use cases (

## Deprecation

`EventQueue` and `EventQueueError` have been renamed to `Channel` and `ChannelError` respectively to clarify their function and similarity to Rust channels. The types are available as deprecated aliases (

## Docs

* Document error causes for `Channel::try_send` docs (
* Document `neon::object` (

## Fixes

* Fix usage of a removed API in legacy buffers (

# Version 0.8.3

* Fix crash caused by non-thread safety in napi_threadsafefunction on early termination (
* Fix memory leak in `Root` (

# Version 0.8.2

* More docs improvements
* Added a deprecation warning to `neon new` (

# Version 0.8.1

* Fix `legacy-backend` for Node 16 (
* Various docs improvements

# Version 0.8.0

## Fixes

* `as_slice` and `as_mut_slice` properly handle a `null` pointer from an empty buffer (
* Global drop queue added to avoid panics on N-API 6+ when dropping a `Root` (

## Features

* Added `neon::reflect::eval` (
* Added `create-neon` for creating an N-API project (
* Added details to the `` generated by `create-neon` (

## Improvements

* Switched N-API tests to `cargo-cp-artifact` (
* Added `impl<T: Finalize> Finalize for Option<T>` (
* Added a N-API migration guide (

## Housekeeping

* Lint fixes (
* Lint CI enforcement and `cargo fmt` (

# Version 0.7.1

### Features

* Added `JsDate` to N-API backend (
* Implement `JsBuffer::unitialized` for N-API backend (

### Fixes

* Do not panic if a `Root` is leaked after the event loop has stopped (
* Stubs for features that will not be implemented in the N-API backend are removed (
* Fix doc URL link (

# Version 0.7.0

## N-API

### Version Selection

Neon supports a large number of different Node versions which may have different N-API requirements. Neon now supports selecting the minimum required N-API version required by a module. For example, for N-API Version 4:

neon = { version = "0.7", default-features = false, features = ["napi-4"] }

If the Neon module is loaded in an older version of Node that does not support that N-API version, a `panic` message will inform the user.

### Threadsafe Functions

A prerelease version of `EventQueue` for calling into the main JavaScript thread from Rust threads can be enabled with the `event-queue-api` feature flag. The API is considered unstable and may change in the future until the [RFC]( is merged.

# Version 0.6.0

The `cx.try_catch(..)` API has been updated to return `T: Sized` instead of `T: Value` ( This API is strictly more powerful and allows users to return both JavaScript and Rust values from `try_catch` closures.

## N-API

* N-API symbols are now loaded dynamically (
* Build process for N-API is greatly simplified by leveraging dynamic loading (

# Version 0.5.3

## Bug Fixes

Upgrade `node-gyp` (
* Fix Windows Node 15
* Fix Apple M1

## Features

Added `neon::main` macro as a replacement for `register_module!` (

## Known Issues

Builds occassionally fail with Windows, Node 15 and npm 7 (

# Version 0.5.2

## CLI

Added support for [additional arguments]( passed to `cargo build`. Resolves

neon build --release -- --features awesome

## N-API

* Improved [arguments performance]
* Add [redirect and `NPM_CONFIG_DISTURL`] support

# Version 0.5.1

## Performance

* `smallvec` is used for collecting arguments and yields a small performance gain when calling `JsFunction`

## Broader Support

Thanks to @staltz, neon now builds for both iOS and Android with [nodejs-mobile](

# Version 0.5.0


Versions `0.4.1` and `0.4.2` included a breaking change in `neon-runtime`. At the time, this was considered acceptable because `neon-runtime` is considered an internal crate and not part of the public API. However, it was discovered, after publishing, that `neon-serde`, a commonly used crate in the `neon` ecosystem, contained a direct dependency on `neon-runtime`. In order to best support users, versions `0.4.1` and `0.4.2` were "yanked" and re-published as `0.5.0`.

Additionally, the team is working with the authors of `neon-serde` to remove the dependency on `neon-runtime` to prevent future issues.

## Bug Fixes

* Fix stack overflow in `DowncastError` `Display` impl (

# Version 0.4.2

_Unpublished / Yanked_

## Bug Fixes

* Fix memory leak and race condition in `EventHandler`

# Version 0.4.1

_Unpublished / Yanked_

## Features

### Try Catch

Added the `cx.try_catch` API of [RFC 29]( This feature is behind the `try-catch-api` feature flag.

## Bug Fixes

* Pass `async_context` to `node::MakeCallback` (
* Cache bust neon if node version changes (
* Fix debug builds in windows (
* Fix cross compiling architectures (
* Fix neon new hanging on Windows (

## CI Improvements

The Neon Project now uses Github Actions thanks to @lhr0909! As part of this change, CI now runs on all of our supported platforms (macOS, Windows, linux) and Node versions.

# Version ✨0.4✨ 🎉

## `EventHandler` API

The [`EventHandler` API]( is a new feature for scheduling work on the javascript main thread from other threads. Big thanks to @geovie for the RFC and implementation.

This feature is currently _unstable_ and gated by a `event-handler-api` feature flag.

## Improvements

* New project template updated for Rust 2018

## Bug Fixes

* Workaround for nodejs/node-gyp#1933
* Docs build fixed
* Temporarily disable static tests which keep breaking CI

## N-API

* Context/Isolate threading
* Scopes
* Strings
* Primitive values (numbers, undefined, null, boolean)

# Version 0.3.3

Hot fix for `neon build` in projects with many dependencies.

# Version 0.3.2

## Bug fixes and Small Features

* Disable node module registration on test build, allowing `cargo test` to be used on neon modules
* Added support for alternate `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` locations (e.g., workspaces)
* Added macros to `neon::prelude` to improve ergonomics in Rust 2018
* Link `win_delay_hook` when building with `electron-build-env`, fixing Windows Electron
* Fixed missing `__cxa_pure_virtual` on Linux
* Copy native files into `OUT_DIR` and build there to fix `cargo publish` and follow best practices
* Eliminated `mem::uniitialized()` usage, reducing warnings and fixing an instance of undefined behavior

## Potentially Breaking

The macOS link arguments were moved from `neon-cli` to `neon-build`. This is more idiomatic, but makes `neon-build` _required_ for macOS builds where it was unnecessary before.

Since `neon-build` has been included in the project template since `0.1` this change was not deemed significant enough to warrant a major revision.

## N-API

Neon 0.3.2 lays the groundwork for the next major revision. Development of Neon against an ABI stable Node API (N-API) will occur on main.

* Added `legacy-runtime` and `n-api` feature flags for toggling neon runtime
* Moved the legacy runtime to `nodejs-sys` crate
* Stubbed required `n-api` implementation
* Added `feature` flag to `neon-cli` to help configuring `n-api` projects

# Version 0.3.1

* Build v0.3 project templates by default in the CLI

# Version 0.3

## Breaking Changes

* [Removed support for Node 6]

## Bug Fixes

* Correctly fail the build if [custom build command fails]
* Fix breaking changes with v8 [`GetFunction`]
* Moved `nan` from `devDependencies` to `dependencies` in [`neon-runtime`]
* Changed neon [crate type] from `dylib` to `cdylib`
* Ensure that neon module loading is [not optimized away]

## Improvements

* Added support for [`CARGO_BUILD_TARGET` environment variable]

# Version ✨0.2✨ 🎉

See the [Neon 0.2 Migration Guide]( for documentation on migrating your projects from the Neon 0.1.x series to Neon 0.2, and please [let us know]( if you need help!

* Release automation (#318)
* New `ArrayBuffer` views API -- see [RFC 5] (#306)
* VM 2.0 -- see [RFC 14] (#306)
* New `JsString` constructor -- see [RFC 21] (#322)
* Eliminated `JsInteger`, `JsVariant`, `callee()` -- see [RFC 22] (#323)
* Renamed `Key` to `PropertyKey` and its method names -- see [RFC 22] (#323)
* Module reorganization -- see [RFC 20] (#324)
* New `JsError` API -- see [RFC 23] (#325)
* Eliminated `ToJsString` API -- see [RFC 22] (#326)
* Eliminated `NEON_NODE_ABI` env var -- see [RFC 22] (#327)
* Default to release builds -- see [RFC 22] (#328)
* Made `Buffer` construction safe by default (#329, #331)
* Made `Throw` not implement `std::error::Error` to avoid accidental suppression, thanks to [@kjvalencik] (#334)
* Fixed a bug causing unnecessary rebuilds, thanks to [@kjvalencik] (#343)
* Fixed a soundness bug in the `Task` API, thanks to [@kjvalencik] (#335)

# Version 0.1.23

* Optimization in `Scope` structures, thanks to [@maciejhirsz] (#282)
* Fixed a memory leak in the `Task` API, thanks to [@kjvalencik] (#291)
* Add support for Node 10, thanks to [@mhsjlw] and [@nomadtechie] (#314)

# Version 0.1.22

* Reinstate `JsInteger` (although it's deprecated) for now, to be removed in 0.2. (#279)

# Version 0.1.21

* Fix a bug that was causing annoying unnecessary rebuilds ([#242]
* New [API for getting the global object] ([#249]

# Version 0.1.20

* Background task API ([#214]
* Fixes to Windows builds ([#221], [#227], thanks to [@hone]'s tenacious troubleshooting.

# Version 0.1.19

* TypeScript upgrade fixes ([neon-bindings/neon-cli#62], [neon-bindings/neon-cli#65]

# Version 0.1.18

* CLI bugfix ([neon-bindings/neon-cli#59]
* JsArrayBuffer ([#210]

# Version 0.1.17

* CLI bugfix ([neon-bindings/neon-cli#57]

# Version 0.1.16

* CLI bugfix ([neon-bindings/neon-cli#56]

# Version 0.1.15 (2017-05-21)

* Better Electron support in CLI's build process.
* Better support for Electron via the artifacts file ([neon-bindings/neon-cli#52]

# Version 0.1.14 (2017-04-02)

* Ensure failing tests break the build ([#191]
* Catch Rust panics and convert them to JS exceptions ([#192]
* Implement `Error` for `Throw` ([#201]
* Clean up the CLI and allow `neon build` to optionally take module names ([neon-bindings/neon-cli#48]

# Version 0.1.13 (2017-02-17)

* More robust build scripts for neon-runtime, fixing Homebrew node installations (see [#189]

# Version 0.1.12 (2017-02-16)

* [Optimized rooting protocol]
* [Eliminate rustc warnings]
* Lots of internal API docs
* Windows support! :tada:
* [Renamed `neon-sys` to `neon-runtime`]
* Depend on `neon-build` as a build dependency (see [neon-bindings/neon-cli#46]

# Version 0.1.11 (2016-08-08)

* [Exposed `This` trait] to allow user-level abstractions involving `FunctionCall`
* Bump version to match Neon so they can be kept in sync from now on.
* Generate a `` to make Windows work (see [neon-bindings/neon-cli#42] and [neon-bindings/neon-cli#44]

# Version 0.1.10 (2016-05-11)

* Added `JsError` API with support for throwing [all] [standard] [error] [types]
* [Test harness and CI integration]!! :tada: :tada: :tada:
* API to [call JS functions from Rust]
* API to [new JS functions from Rust]
* Added [generalized `as_slice` and `as_mut_slice` methods] to `CSlice` API.
* Fixed a [soundness issue] with Locks.

## Incompatible Changes

* The `JsTypeError` type is gone, and replaced by the more general `JsError` type.
* `neon::js::error::JsTypeError::throw(msg)` is now `neon::js::error::JsError::throw(neon::js::error::kind::TypeError, msg)`