neon 0.10.0-alpha.3

A safe abstraction layer for Node.js.
# Contributing to Neon

Neon welcomes contribution from everyone. Here are some resources to help you join us!

## Contributions

### Issue reports

We welcome issues and aim to keep the barrier low. Just [file a GitHub issue](
like normal---we don't require issue templates or have any particular process.

That said, the more information you can provide to help us reproduce your issue, the better!

### Requests For Comments

If you would like to propose a design change or new feature for the Neon API or the `neon` command-line tool,
we encourage you to [submit an RFC](!

The [RFC process]( has a little more overhead than
filing an issue, but it's for the goal of allowing the Neon community to have a chance to vet
design ideas and reach consensus. And even at that, we've deliberately kept the [RFC template](
simple and open-ended.

### Good first bugs

Search our issue tracker for anything labeled **[beginner friendly](**.

**We are here to help you!** Join our Slack and send an at-mention to **@dherman** and we'll happily arrange
to help you get going and mentor you as much as you feel would be helpful.

## Conduct

We follow the [Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct](
The maintainers of Neon personally promise to work actively to uphold that code of conduct.
We aim to foster a community that is welcoming, inclusive, empathetic, and kind.
If you share those goals and want to have a ton of fun playing with Rust and JS, we hope you will come be a part of our community!

## License

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as described in the [README](, without any additional terms or conditions.

## Communication

* Slack: <> -- get an invite from [the Slackin app]