Crate near_providers

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near-providers crate provides a set of abstractions for connecting to the NEAR blockchain, allowing users to interact with the network in a simplified way. This crate includes the Provider trait, which defines a common interface for blockchain interactions, and specific implementations of this interface, such as the JsonRpcProvider.

The Provider trait offers methods for querying blockchain status, sending transactions, and retrieving information about transactions, blocks, chunks, and validators. The JsonRpcProvider is an implementation of the Provider trait that uses JSON RPC to communicate with NEAR blockchain nodes.

This crate is designed to be easily extendable with more providers and to offer a straightforward way to integrate NEAR blockchain functionalities into Rust applications.



  • Re-exporting jsonrpc_primitives types so users of near-providers don’t need to keep track of multiple jsonrpc crates. For now we export them as types but when we implement more providers, we can change it to jsonrpc_types


  • Re-export the JsonRpcProvider Represents a provider that uses JSON RPC to interact with the NEAR blockchain.
