near-parameters 0.20.1

This crate provides the information about the configuration of the near protocol
use crate::config::RuntimeConfig;
use crate::parameter_table::{ParameterTable, ParameterTableDiff};
use near_primitives_core::types::ProtocolVersion;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ops::Bound;
use std::sync::Arc;

macro_rules! include_config {
    ($file:expr) => {
        include_str!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/res/runtime_configs/", $file))

/// The base config file with all initial parameter values defined.
/// Later version are calculated by applying diffs to this base.
static BASE_CONFIG: &str = include_config!("parameters.yaml");

/// Stores pairs of protocol versions for which runtime config was updated and
/// the file containing the diffs in bytes.
static CONFIG_DIFFS: &[(ProtocolVersion, &str)] = &[
    (35, include_config!("35.yaml")),
    (42, include_config!("42.yaml")),
    (46, include_config!("46.yaml")),
    (48, include_config!("48.yaml")),
    (49, include_config!("49.yaml")),
    (50, include_config!("50.yaml")),
    // max_gas_burnt increased to 300 TGas
    (52, include_config!("52.yaml")),
    // Increased deployment costs, increased wasmer2 stack_limit, added limiting of contract locals,
    // set read_cached_trie_node cost, decrease storage key limit
    (53, include_config!("53.yaml")),
    (55, include_config!("55.yaml")),
    (57, include_config!("57.yaml")),
    // Introduce Zero Balance Account and increase account creation cost to 7.7Tgas
    (59, include_config!("59.yaml")),
    (61, include_config!("61.yaml")),
    (62, include_config!("62.yaml")),
    (63, include_config!("63.yaml")),
    (64, include_config!("64.yaml")),
    (129, include_config!("129.yaml")),
    // Introduce ETH-implicit accounts.
    (138, include_config!("138.yaml")),

/// Testnet parameters for versions <= 29, which (incorrectly) differed from mainnet parameters
pub static INITIAL_TESTNET_CONFIG: &str = include_config!("parameters_testnet.yaml");

/// Stores runtime config for each protocol version where it was updated.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RuntimeConfigStore {
    /// Maps protocol version to the config.
    store: BTreeMap<ProtocolVersion, Arc<RuntimeConfig>>,

impl RuntimeConfigStore {
    /// Constructs a new store.
    /// If genesis_runtime_config is Some, configs for protocol versions 0 and 42 are overridden by
    /// this config and config with lowered storage cost, respectively.
    /// This is done to preserve compatibility with previous implementation, where we updated
    /// runtime config by sequential modifications to the genesis runtime config.
    /// calimero_zero_storage flag sets all storages fees to zero by setting
    /// storage_amount_per_byte to zero, to keep calimero private shards compatible with future
    /// protocol upgrades this is done for all protocol versions
    /// TODO #4775: introduce new protocol version to have the same runtime config for all chains
    pub fn new(genesis_runtime_config: Option<&RuntimeConfig>) -> Self {
        let mut params: ParameterTable =
            BASE_CONFIG.parse().expect("Failed parsing base parameter file.");

        let mut store = BTreeMap::new();
        #[cfg(not(feature = "calimero_zero_storage"))]
            let initial_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&params).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed generating `RuntimeConfig` from parameters for base parameter file. Error: {err}"));
            store.insert(0, Arc::new(initial_config));
        #[cfg(feature = "calimero_zero_storage")]
            let mut initial_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&params).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed generating `RuntimeConfig` from parameters for base parameter file. Error: {err}"));
            initial_config.fees.storage_usage_config.storage_amount_per_byte = 0;
            store.insert(0, Arc::new(initial_config));

        for (protocol_version, diff_bytes) in CONFIG_DIFFS {
            let diff :ParameterTableDiff= diff_bytes.parse().unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed parsing runtime parameters diff for version {protocol_version}. Error: {err}"));
            params.apply_diff(diff).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed applying diff to `RuntimeConfig` for version {protocol_version}. Error: {err}"));
            #[cfg(not(feature = "calimero_zero_storage"))]
                Arc::new(RuntimeConfig::new(&params).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed generating `RuntimeConfig` from parameters for version {protocol_version}. Error: {err}"))),
            #[cfg(feature = "calimero_zero_storage")]
                let mut runtime_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&params).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("Failed generating `RuntimeConfig` from parameters for version {protocol_version}. Error: {err}"));
                runtime_config.fees.storage_usage_config.storage_amount_per_byte = 0;
                store.insert(*protocol_version, Arc::new(runtime_config));

        if let Some(runtime_config) = genesis_runtime_config {
            let mut config = runtime_config.clone();
            store.insert(0, Arc::new(config.clone()));

            config.fees.storage_usage_config.storage_amount_per_byte = 10u128.pow(19);
            store.insert(42, Arc::new(config));

        Self { store }

    /// Create store of runtime configs for the given chain id.
    /// For mainnet and other chains except testnet we don't need to override runtime config for
    /// first protocol versions.
    /// For testnet, runtime config for genesis block was (incorrectly) different, that's why we
    /// need to override it specifically to preserve compatibility.
    pub fn for_chain_id(chain_id: &str) -> Self {
        match chain_id {
            near_primitives_core::chains::TESTNET => {
                let genesis_runtime_config = RuntimeConfig::initial_testnet_config();
            _ => Self::new(None),

    /// Constructs test store.
    pub fn with_one_config(runtime_config: RuntimeConfig) -> Self {
        Self { store: BTreeMap::from_iter([(0, Arc::new(runtime_config))].iter().cloned()) }

    /// Constructs test store.
    pub fn test() -> Self {

    /// Constructs store with a single config with zero costs.
    pub fn free() -> Self {

    /// Returns a `RuntimeConfig` for the corresponding protocol version.
    pub fn get_config(&self, protocol_version: ProtocolVersion) -> &Arc<RuntimeConfig> {
            .range((Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Included(protocol_version)))
            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                panic!("Not found RuntimeConfig for protocol version {}", protocol_version)

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::cost::{ActionCosts, ExtCosts};
    use near_primitives_core::version::ProtocolFeature::{
        LowerDataReceiptAndEcrecoverBaseCost, LowerStorageCost, LowerStorageKeyLimit,
    use std::collections::HashSet;

    const GENESIS_PROTOCOL_VERSION: ProtocolVersion = 29;
    const RECEIPTS_DEPTH: u64 = 63;

    fn all_configs_are_specified() {
        let file_versions =
            std::fs::read_dir(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/res/runtime_configs/"))
                .expect("can open config directory");
        let mut files = file_versions
            .map(|de| {
                de.expect("direntry should read successfully")
                    .expect("direntry should have a filename")

        for (ver, _) in super::CONFIG_DIFFS {
            assert!(files.remove(&format!("{ver}.yaml")), "{ver}.yaml file is missing?");

        for file in files {
            let Some((name, "yaml")) = file.rsplit_once(".") else { continue };
            let Ok(version_num) = name.parse::<u32>() else { continue };
            panic!("CONFIG_DIFFS does not contain reference to the {version_num}.yaml file!");

    fn test_max_prepaid_gas() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        for (protocol_version, config) in {
                    / config.fees.min_receipt_with_function_call_gas()
                    <= 63,
                "The maximum desired depth of receipts for protocol version {} should be at most {}",

    #[cfg(not(feature = "calimero_zero_storage"))]
    fn test_lower_storage_cost() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let base_cfg = store.get_config(GENESIS_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
        let new_cfg = store.get_config(LowerStorageCost.protocol_version());
        assert!(base_cfg.storage_amount_per_byte() > new_cfg.storage_amount_per_byte());

    fn test_override_account_length() {
        // Check that default value is 32.
        let base_store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let base_cfg = base_store.get_config(GENESIS_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
        assert_eq!(base_cfg.account_creation_config.min_allowed_top_level_account_length, 32);

        let mut cfg = base_cfg.as_ref().clone();
        cfg.account_creation_config.min_allowed_top_level_account_length = 0;

        // Check that length was changed.
        let new_store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(Some(&cfg));
        let new_cfg = new_store.get_config(GENESIS_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
        assert_eq!(new_cfg.account_creation_config.min_allowed_top_level_account_length, 0);

    fn test_lower_data_receipt_cost() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let base_cfg = store.get_config(LowerStorageCost.protocol_version());
        let new_cfg = store.get_config(LowerDataReceiptAndEcrecoverBaseCost.protocol_version());
                > new_cfg.fees.fee(ActionCosts::new_data_receipt_base).send_sir
                > new_cfg.fees.fee(ActionCosts::new_data_receipt_byte).send_sir

    // Check that for protocol version with lowered data receipt cost, runtime config passed to
    // config store is overridden.
    #[cfg(not(feature = "calimero_zero_storage"))]
    fn test_override_runtime_config() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let config = store.get_config(0);

        let mut base_params = BASE_CONFIG.parse().unwrap();
        let base_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&base_params).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(config.as_ref(), &base_config);

        let config = store.get_config(LowerStorageCost.protocol_version());
        assert_eq!(base_config.storage_amount_per_byte(), 100_000_000_000_000_000_000u128);
        assert_eq!(config.storage_amount_per_byte(), 10_000_000_000_000_000_000u128);
        assert_eq!(config.fees.fee(ActionCosts::new_data_receipt_base).send_sir, 4_697_339_419_375);
        assert_ne!(config.as_ref(), &base_config);
            store.get_config(LowerStorageCost.protocol_version() - 1).as_ref()

        for (ver, diff) in &CONFIG_DIFFS[..] {
            if *ver <= LowerStorageCost.protocol_version() {
        let expected_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&base_params).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(**config, expected_config);

        let config = store.get_config(LowerDataReceiptAndEcrecoverBaseCost.protocol_version());
        assert_eq!(config.fees.fee(ActionCosts::new_data_receipt_base).send_sir, 36_486_732_312);
        for (ver, diff) in &CONFIG_DIFFS[..] {
            if *ver <= LowerStorageCost.protocol_version() {
            } else if *ver <= LowerDataReceiptAndEcrecoverBaseCost.protocol_version() {
        let expected_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&base_params).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(config.as_ref(), &expected_config);

    fn test_lower_ecrecover_base_cost() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let base_cfg = store.get_config(LowerStorageCost.protocol_version());
        let new_cfg = store.get_config(LowerDataReceiptAndEcrecoverBaseCost.protocol_version());
                > new_cfg.wasm_config.ext_costs.gas_cost(ExtCosts::ecrecover_base)

    fn test_lower_max_length_storage_key() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let base_cfg = store.get_config(LowerStorageKeyLimit.protocol_version() - 1);
        let new_cfg = store.get_config(LowerStorageKeyLimit.protocol_version());
                > new_cfg.wasm_config.limit_config.max_length_storage_key

    /// Use snapshot testing to check that the JSON representation of the
    /// configurations of each version is unchanged.
    /// If tests fail after an intended change, run `cargo insta review` accept
    /// the new snapshot if it looks right.
    #[cfg(not(feature = "nightly"))]
    #[cfg(not(feature = "calimero_zero_storage"))]
    fn test_json_unchanged() {
        use crate::view::RuntimeConfigView;
        use near_primitives_core::version::PROTOCOL_VERSION;

        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        let mut any_failure = false;

        for version in {
            let snapshot_name = format!("{version}.json");
            let config_view = RuntimeConfigView::from(store.get_config(*version).as_ref().clone());
            any_failure |= std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
                insta::assert_json_snapshot!(snapshot_name, config_view, { ".wasm_config.vm_kind" => "<REDACTED>"});

        // Store the latest values of parameters in a human-readable snapshot.
            let mut params: ParameterTable = BASE_CONFIG.parse().unwrap();
            for (_, diff_bytes) in
                CONFIG_DIFFS.iter().filter(|(version, _)| *version <= PROTOCOL_VERSION)
                snapshot_path => "../res/runtime_configs",
                prepend_module_to_snapshot => false,
                omit_expression => true,
            }, {
                any_failure |= std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
                    insta::assert_display_snapshot!("parameters", params);

        // Testnet initial config for old version was different, thus needs separate testing
        let params = INITIAL_TESTNET_CONFIG.parse().unwrap();
        let new_genesis_runtime_config = RuntimeConfig::new(&params).unwrap();
        let testnet_store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(Some(&new_genesis_runtime_config));

        for version in {
            let snapshot_name = format!("testnet_{version}.json");
            let config_view = RuntimeConfigView::from(store.get_config(*version).as_ref().clone());
            any_failure |= std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
                insta::assert_json_snapshot!(snapshot_name, config_view, { ".wasm_config.vm_kind" => "<REDACTED>"});
        if any_failure {
            panic!("some snapshot assertions failed");

    #[cfg(feature = "calimero_zero_storage")]
    fn test_calimero_storage_costs_zero() {
        let store = RuntimeConfigStore::new(None);
        for (_, config) in {
            assert_eq!(config.storage_amount_per_byte(), 0u128);