near-paperclip-core 0.3.0

Core types and traits for paperclip OpenAPI tooling library
#[cfg(feature = "v2")]
use crate::v2::models::{DataType, ParameterIn};
use thiserror::Error;

/// Errors related to spec validation.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum ValidationError {
    /// Failed to resolve the schema because an invalid URI was provided for
    /// `$ref` field.
    /// Currently, we only support `#/{definitions,parameters}/Name` in `$ref` field.
    #[error("Invalid $ref URI {:?}. Only relative URIs are supported.", _0)]
    /// The specified reference is missing in the spec.
    #[error("Reference missing in spec: {}", _0)]
    /// If a parameter specifies body, then schema must be specified.
        "Parameter {:?} in path {:?} is a body but the schema is missing",
    MissingSchemaForBodyParameter(String, String),
    /// Some headers have special meaning in OpenAPI. The user cannot have these headers
    /// in their API spec.
    #[error("Path {:?} has header parameter {:?} which is not allowed", _1, _0)]
    InvalidHeader(String, String),
    #[cfg(feature = "v2")]
    /// Only arrays and primitive types are allowed in parameters.
        "Parameter {:?} in path {:?} has specified {:?} type, but it's invalid for {:?} parameters",
    InvalidParameterType(String, String, Option<DataType>, ParameterIn),