ndarray 0.15.6

An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.
// Copyright 2014-2020 bluss and ndarray developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

use crate::imp_prelude::*;

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
use crate::dimension::offset_from_low_addr_ptr_to_logical_ptr;
use crate::numeric_util;

use crate::{LinalgScalar, Zip};

use std::any::TypeId;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use alloc::vec::Vec;

use num_complex::Complex;
use num_complex::{Complex32 as c32, Complex64 as c64};

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
use libc::c_int;
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
use std::cmp;
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
use std::mem::swap;

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
use cblas_sys as blas_sys;
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
use cblas_sys::{CblasNoTrans, CblasRowMajor, CblasTrans, CBLAS_LAYOUT};

/// len of vector before we use blas
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
const DOT_BLAS_CUTOFF: usize = 32;
/// side of matrix before we use blas
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
const GEMM_BLAS_CUTOFF: usize = 7;
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
type blas_index = c_int; // blas index type

impl<A, S> ArrayBase<S, Ix1>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    /// Perform dot product or matrix multiplication of arrays `self` and `rhs`.
    /// `Rhs` may be either a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional array.
    /// If `Rhs` is one-dimensional, then the operation is a vector dot
    /// product, which is the sum of the elementwise products (no conjugation
    /// of complex operands, and thus not their inner product). In this case,
    /// `self` and `rhs` must be the same length.
    /// If `Rhs` is two-dimensional, then the operation is matrix
    /// multiplication, where `self` is treated as a row vector. In this case,
    /// if `self` is shape *M*, then `rhs` is shape *M* × *N* and the result is
    /// shape *N*.
    /// **Panics** if the array shapes are incompatible.<br>
    /// *Note:* If enabled, uses blas `dot` for elements of `f32, f64` when memory
    /// layout allows.
    pub fn dot<Rhs>(&self, rhs: &Rhs) -> <Self as Dot<Rhs>>::Output
        Self: Dot<Rhs>,
        Dot::dot(self, rhs)

    fn dot_generic<S2>(&self, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>) -> A
        S2: Data<Elem = A>,
        A: LinalgScalar,
        debug_assert_eq!(self.len(), rhs.len());
        assert!(self.len() == rhs.len());
        if let Some(self_s) = self.as_slice() {
            if let Some(rhs_s) = rhs.as_slice() {
                return numeric_util::unrolled_dot(self_s, rhs_s);
        let mut sum = A::zero();
        for i in 0..self.len() {
            unsafe {
                sum = sum + *self.uget(i) * *rhs.uget(i);

    #[cfg(not(feature = "blas"))]
    fn dot_impl<S2>(&self, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>) -> A
        S2: Data<Elem = A>,
        A: LinalgScalar,

    #[cfg(feature = "blas")]
    fn dot_impl<S2>(&self, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>) -> A
        S2: Data<Elem = A>,
        A: LinalgScalar,
        // Use only if the vector is large enough to be worth it
        if self.len() >= DOT_BLAS_CUTOFF {
            debug_assert_eq!(self.len(), rhs.len());
            assert!(self.len() == rhs.len());
            macro_rules! dot {
                ($ty:ty, $func:ident) => {{
                    if blas_compat_1d::<$ty, _>(self) && blas_compat_1d::<$ty, _>(rhs) {
                        unsafe {
                            let (lhs_ptr, n, incx) =
                                blas_1d_params(self.ptr.as_ptr(), self.len(), self.strides()[0]);
                            let (rhs_ptr, _, incy) =
                                blas_1d_params(rhs.ptr.as_ptr(), rhs.len(), rhs.strides()[0]);
                            let ret = blas_sys::$func(
                                lhs_ptr as *const $ty,
                                rhs_ptr as *const $ty,
                            return cast_as::<$ty, A>(&ret);

            dot! {f32, cblas_sdot};
            dot! {f64, cblas_ddot};

/// Return a pointer to the starting element in BLAS's view.
/// BLAS wants a pointer to the element with lowest address,
/// which agrees with our pointer for non-negative strides, but
/// is at the opposite end for negative strides.
#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
unsafe fn blas_1d_params<A>(
    ptr: *const A,
    len: usize,
    stride: isize,
) -> (*const A, blas_index, blas_index) {
    // [x x x x]
    //        ^--ptr
    //        stride = -1
    //  ^--blas_ptr = ptr + (len - 1) * stride
    if stride >= 0 || len == 0 {
        (ptr, len as blas_index, stride as blas_index)
    } else {
        let ptr = ptr.offset((len - 1) as isize * stride);
        (ptr, len as blas_index, stride as blas_index)

/// Matrix Multiplication
/// For two-dimensional arrays, the dot method computes the matrix
/// multiplication.
pub trait Dot<Rhs> {
    /// The result of the operation.
    /// For two-dimensional arrays: a rectangular array.
    type Output;
    fn dot(&self, rhs: &Rhs) -> Self::Output;

impl<A, S, S2> Dot<ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>> for ArrayBase<S, Ix1>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    type Output = A;

    /// Compute the dot product of one-dimensional arrays.
    /// The dot product is a sum of the elementwise products (no conjugation
    /// of complex operands, and thus not their inner product).
    /// **Panics** if the arrays are not of the same length.<br>
    /// *Note:* If enabled, uses blas `dot` for elements of `f32, f64` when memory
    /// layout allows.
    fn dot(&self, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>) -> A {

impl<A, S, S2> Dot<ArrayBase<S2, Ix2>> for ArrayBase<S, Ix1>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    type Output = Array<A, Ix1>;

    /// Perform the matrix multiplication of the row vector `self` and
    /// rectangular matrix `rhs`.
    /// The array shapes must agree in the way that
    /// if `self` is *M*, then `rhs` is *M* × *N*.
    /// Return a result array with shape *N*.
    /// **Panics** if shapes are incompatible.
    fn dot(&self, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix2>) -> Array<A, Ix1> {

impl<A, S> ArrayBase<S, Ix2>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    /// Perform matrix multiplication of rectangular arrays `self` and `rhs`.
    /// `Rhs` may be either a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional array.
    /// If Rhs is two-dimensional, they array shapes must agree in the way that
    /// if `self` is *M* × *N*, then `rhs` is *N* × *K*.
    /// Return a result array with shape *M* × *K*.
    /// **Panics** if shapes are incompatible or the number of elements in the
    /// result would overflow `isize`.
    /// *Note:* If enabled, uses blas `gemv/gemm` for elements of `f32, f64`
    /// when memory layout allows. The default matrixmultiply backend
    /// is otherwise used for `f32, f64` for all memory layouts.
    /// ```
    /// use ndarray::arr2;
    /// let a = arr2(&[[1., 2.],
    ///                [0., 1.]]);
    /// let b = arr2(&[[1., 2.],
    ///                [2., 3.]]);
    /// assert!(
    ///     a.dot(&b) == arr2(&[[5., 8.],
    ///                         [2., 3.]])
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn dot<Rhs>(&self, rhs: &Rhs) -> <Self as Dot<Rhs>>::Output
        Self: Dot<Rhs>,
        Dot::dot(self, rhs)

impl<A, S, S2> Dot<ArrayBase<S2, Ix2>> for ArrayBase<S, Ix2>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    type Output = Array2<A>;
    fn dot(&self, b: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix2>) -> Array2<A> {
        let a = self.view();
        let b = b.view();
        let ((m, k), (k2, n)) = (a.dim(), b.dim());
        if k != k2 || m.checked_mul(n).is_none() {
            dot_shape_error(m, k, k2, n);

        let lhs_s0 = a.strides()[0];
        let rhs_s0 = b.strides()[0];
        let column_major = lhs_s0 == 1 && rhs_s0 == 1;
        // A is Copy so this is safe
        let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(m * n);
        let mut c;
        unsafe {
            v.set_len(m * n);
            c = Array::from_shape_vec_unchecked((m, n).set_f(column_major), v);
        mat_mul_impl(A::one(), &a, &b, A::zero(), &mut c.view_mut());

/// Assumes that `m` and `n` are ≤ `isize::MAX`.
fn dot_shape_error(m: usize, k: usize, k2: usize, n: usize) -> ! {
    match m.checked_mul(n) {
        Some(len) if len <= ::std::isize::MAX as usize => {}
        _ => panic!("ndarray: shape {} × {} overflows isize", m, n),
        "ndarray: inputs {} × {} and {} × {} are not compatible for matrix multiplication",
        m, k, k2, n

fn general_dot_shape_error(m: usize, k: usize, k2: usize, n: usize, c1: usize, c2: usize) -> ! {
    panic!("ndarray: inputs {} × {}, {} × {}, and output {} × {} are not compatible for matrix multiplication",
           m, k, k2, n, c1, c2);

/// Perform the matrix multiplication of the rectangular array `self` and
/// column vector `rhs`.
/// The array shapes must agree in the way that
/// if `self` is *M* × *N*, then `rhs` is *N*.
/// Return a result array with shape *M*.
/// **Panics** if shapes are incompatible.
impl<A, S, S2> Dot<ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>> for ArrayBase<S, Ix2>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    type Output = Array<A, Ix1>;
    fn dot(&self, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>) -> Array<A, Ix1> {
        let ((m, a), n) = (self.dim(), rhs.dim());
        if a != n {
            dot_shape_error(m, a, n, 1);

        // Avoid initializing the memory in vec -- set it during iteration
        unsafe {
            let mut c = Array1::uninit(m);
            general_mat_vec_mul_impl(A::one(), self, rhs, A::zero(), c.raw_view_mut().cast::<A>());

impl<A, S, D> ArrayBase<S, D>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    D: Dimension,
    /// Perform the operation `self += alpha * rhs` efficiently, where
    /// `alpha` is a scalar and `rhs` is another array. This operation is
    /// also known as `axpy` in BLAS.
    /// If their shapes disagree, `rhs` is broadcast to the shape of `self`.
    /// **Panics** if broadcasting isn’t possible.
    pub fn scaled_add<S2, E>(&mut self, alpha: A, rhs: &ArrayBase<S2, E>)
        S: DataMut,
        S2: Data<Elem = A>,
        A: LinalgScalar,
        E: Dimension,
        self.zip_mut_with(rhs, move |y, &x| *y = *y + (alpha * x));

// mat_mul_impl uses ArrayView arguments to send all array kinds into
// the same instantiated implementation.
#[cfg(not(feature = "blas"))]
use self::mat_mul_general as mat_mul_impl;

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
fn mat_mul_impl<A>(
    alpha: A,
    lhs: &ArrayView2<'_, A>,
    rhs: &ArrayView2<'_, A>,
    beta: A,
    c: &mut ArrayViewMut2<'_, A>,
) where
    A: LinalgScalar,
    // size cutoff for using BLAS
    let cut = GEMM_BLAS_CUTOFF;
    let ((mut m, a), (_, mut n)) = (lhs.dim(), rhs.dim());
    if !(m > cut || n > cut || a > cut)
        || !(same_type::<A, f32>()
        || same_type::<A, f64>()
        || same_type::<A, c32>()
        || same_type::<A, c64>())
        return mat_mul_general(alpha, lhs, rhs, beta, c);
        // Use `c` for c-order and `f` for an f-order matrix
        // We can handle c * c, f * f generally and
        // c * f and f * c if the `f` matrix is square.
        let mut lhs_ = lhs.view();
        let mut rhs_ = rhs.view();
        let mut c_ = c.view_mut();
        let lhs_s0 = lhs_.strides()[0];
        let rhs_s0 = rhs_.strides()[0];
        let both_f = lhs_s0 == 1 && rhs_s0 == 1;
        let mut lhs_trans = CblasNoTrans;
        let mut rhs_trans = CblasNoTrans;
        if both_f {
            // A^t B^t = C^t => B A = C
            let lhs_t = lhs_.reversed_axes();
            lhs_ = rhs_.reversed_axes();
            rhs_ = lhs_t;
            c_ = c_.reversed_axes();
            swap(&mut m, &mut n);
        } else if lhs_s0 == 1 && m == a {
            lhs_ = lhs_.reversed_axes();
            lhs_trans = CblasTrans;
        } else if rhs_s0 == 1 && a == n {
            rhs_ = rhs_.reversed_axes();
            rhs_trans = CblasTrans;

        macro_rules! gemm_scalar_cast {
            (f32, $var:ident) => {
            (f64, $var:ident) => {
            (c32, $var:ident) => {
                &$var as *const A as *const _
            (c64, $var:ident) => {
                &$var as *const A as *const _

        macro_rules! gemm {
            ($ty:tt, $gemm:ident) => {
                if blas_row_major_2d::<$ty, _>(&lhs_)
                    && blas_row_major_2d::<$ty, _>(&rhs_)
                    && blas_row_major_2d::<$ty, _>(&c_)
                    let (m, k) = match lhs_trans {
                        CblasNoTrans => lhs_.dim(),
                        _ => {
                            let (rows, cols) = lhs_.dim();
                            (cols, rows)
                    let n = match rhs_trans {
                        CblasNoTrans => rhs_.raw_dim()[1],
                        _ => rhs_.raw_dim()[0],
                    // adjust strides, these may [1, 1] for column matrices
                    let lhs_stride = cmp::max(lhs_.strides()[0] as blas_index, k as blas_index);
                    let rhs_stride = cmp::max(rhs_.strides()[0] as blas_index, n as blas_index);
                    let c_stride = cmp::max(c_.strides()[0] as blas_index, n as blas_index);
                    // gemm is C ← αA^Op B^Op + βC
                    // Where Op is notrans/trans/conjtrans
                    unsafe {
                            m as blas_index,                 // m, rows of Op(a)
                            n as blas_index,                 // n, cols of Op(b)
                            k as blas_index,                 // k, cols of Op(a)
                            gemm_scalar_cast!($ty, alpha),   // alpha
                            lhs_.ptr.as_ptr() as *const _,   // a
                            lhs_stride,                      // lda
                            rhs_.ptr.as_ptr() as *const _,   // b
                            rhs_stride,                      // ldb
                            gemm_scalar_cast!($ty, beta),    // beta
                            c_.ptr.as_ptr() as *mut _,       // c
                            c_stride,                        // ldc
        gemm!(f32, cblas_sgemm);
        gemm!(f64, cblas_dgemm);

        gemm!(c32, cblas_cgemm);
        gemm!(c64, cblas_zgemm);
    mat_mul_general(alpha, lhs, rhs, beta, c)

/// C ← α A B + β C
fn mat_mul_general<A>(
    alpha: A,
    lhs: &ArrayView2<'_, A>,
    rhs: &ArrayView2<'_, A>,
    beta: A,
    c: &mut ArrayViewMut2<'_, A>,
) where
    A: LinalgScalar,
    let ((m, k), (_, n)) = (lhs.dim(), rhs.dim());

    // common parameters for gemm
    let ap = lhs.as_ptr();
    let bp = rhs.as_ptr();
    let cp = c.as_mut_ptr();
    let (rsc, csc) = (c.strides()[0], c.strides()[1]);
    if same_type::<A, f32>() {
        unsafe {
                ap as *const _,
                bp as *const _,
                cp as *mut _,
    } else if same_type::<A, f64>() {
        unsafe {
                ap as *const _,
                bp as *const _,
                cp as *mut _,
    } else if same_type::<A, c32>() {
        unsafe {
                ap as *const _,
                bp as *const _,
                cp as *mut _,
    } else if same_type::<A, c64>() {
        unsafe {
                ap as *const _,
                bp as *const _,
                cp as *mut _,
    } else {
        // It's a no-op if `c` has zero length.
        if c.is_empty() {

        // initialize memory if beta is zero
        if beta.is_zero() {

        let mut i = 0;
        let mut j = 0;
        loop {
            unsafe {
                let elt = c.uget_mut((i, j));
                *elt = *elt * beta
                    + alpha
                        * (0..k).fold(A::zero(), move |s, x| {
                            s + *lhs.uget((i, x)) * *rhs.uget((x, j))
            j += 1;
            if j == n {
                j = 0;
                i += 1;
                if i == m {

/// General matrix-matrix multiplication.
/// Compute C ← α A B + β C
/// The array shapes must agree in the way that
/// if `a` is *M* × *N*, then `b` is *N* × *K* and `c` is *M* × *K*.
/// ***Panics*** if array shapes are not compatible<br>
/// *Note:* If enabled, uses blas `gemm` for elements of `f32, f64` when memory
/// layout allows.  The default matrixmultiply backend is otherwise used for
/// `f32, f64` for all memory layouts.
pub fn general_mat_mul<A, S1, S2, S3>(
    alpha: A,
    a: &ArrayBase<S1, Ix2>,
    b: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix2>,
    beta: A,
    c: &mut ArrayBase<S3, Ix2>,
) where
    S1: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    S3: DataMut<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    let ((m, k), (k2, n)) = (a.dim(), b.dim());
    let (m2, n2) = c.dim();
    if k != k2 || m != m2 || n != n2 {
        general_dot_shape_error(m, k, k2, n, m2, n2);
    } else {
        mat_mul_impl(alpha, &a.view(), &b.view(), beta, &mut c.view_mut());

/// General matrix-vector multiplication.
/// Compute y ← α A x + β y
/// where A is a *M* × *N* matrix and x is an *N*-element column vector and
/// y an *M*-element column vector (one dimensional arrays).
/// ***Panics*** if array shapes are not compatible<br>
/// *Note:* If enabled, uses blas `gemv` for elements of `f32, f64` when memory
/// layout allows.
pub fn general_mat_vec_mul<A, S1, S2, S3>(
    alpha: A,
    a: &ArrayBase<S1, Ix2>,
    x: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>,
    beta: A,
    y: &mut ArrayBase<S3, Ix1>,
) where
    S1: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    S3: DataMut<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    unsafe { general_mat_vec_mul_impl(alpha, a, x, beta, y.raw_view_mut()) }

/// General matrix-vector multiplication
/// Use a raw view for the destination vector, so that it can be uninitialized.
/// ## Safety
/// The caller must ensure that the raw view is valid for writing.
/// the destination may be uninitialized iff beta is zero.
unsafe fn general_mat_vec_mul_impl<A, S1, S2>(
    alpha: A,
    a: &ArrayBase<S1, Ix2>,
    x: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix1>,
    beta: A,
    y: RawArrayViewMut<A, Ix1>,
) where
    S1: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    let ((m, k), k2) = (a.dim(), x.dim());
    let m2 = y.dim();
    if k != k2 || m != m2 {
        general_dot_shape_error(m, k, k2, 1, m2, 1);
    } else {
        #[cfg(feature = "blas")]
        macro_rules! gemv {
            ($ty:ty, $gemv:ident) => {
                if let Some(layout) = blas_layout::<$ty, _>(&a) {
                    if blas_compat_1d::<$ty, _>(&x) && blas_compat_1d::<$ty, _>(&y) {
                        // Determine stride between rows or columns. Note that the stride is
                        // adjusted to at least `k` or `m` to handle the case of a matrix with a
                        // trivial (length 1) dimension, since the stride for the trivial dimension
                        // may be arbitrary.
                        let a_trans = CblasNoTrans;
                        let a_stride = match layout {
                            CBLAS_LAYOUT::CblasRowMajor => {
                                a.strides()[0].max(k as isize) as blas_index
                            CBLAS_LAYOUT::CblasColMajor => {
                                a.strides()[1].max(m as isize) as blas_index

                        // Low addr in memory pointers required for x, y
                        let x_offset = offset_from_low_addr_ptr_to_logical_ptr(&x.dim, &x.strides);
                        let x_ptr = x.ptr.as_ptr().sub(x_offset);
                        let y_offset = offset_from_low_addr_ptr_to_logical_ptr(&y.dim, &y.strides);
                        let y_ptr = y.ptr.as_ptr().sub(y_offset);

                        let x_stride = x.strides()[0] as blas_index;
                        let y_stride = y.strides()[0] as blas_index;

                            m as blas_index,            // m, rows of Op(a)
                            k as blas_index,            // n, cols of Op(a)
                            cast_as(&alpha),            // alpha
                            a.ptr.as_ptr() as *const _, // a
                            a_stride,                   // lda
                            x_ptr as *const _,          // x
                            cast_as(&beta),             // beta
                            y_ptr as *mut _,            // y
        #[cfg(feature = "blas")]
        gemv!(f32, cblas_sgemv);
        #[cfg(feature = "blas")]
        gemv!(f64, cblas_dgemv);

        /* general */

        if beta.is_zero() {
            // when beta is zero, c may be uninitialized
            Zip::from(a.outer_iter()).and(y).for_each(|row, elt| {
                elt.write(row.dot(x) * alpha);
        } else {
            Zip::from(a.outer_iter()).and(y).for_each(|row, elt| {
                *elt = *elt * beta + row.dot(x) * alpha;

/// Kronecker product of 2D matrices.
/// The kronecker product of a LxN matrix A and a MxR matrix B is a (L*M)x(N*R)
/// matrix K formed by the block multiplication A_ij * B.
pub fn kron<A, S1, S2>(a: &ArrayBase<S1, Ix2>, b: &ArrayBase<S2, Ix2>) -> Array<A, Ix2>
    S1: Data<Elem = A>,
    S2: Data<Elem = A>,
    A: LinalgScalar,
    let dimar = a.shape()[0];
    let dimac = a.shape()[1];
    let dimbr = b.shape()[0];
    let dimbc = b.shape()[1];
    let mut out: Array2<MaybeUninit<A>> = Array2::uninit((
            .expect("Dimensions of kronecker product output array overflows usize."),
            .expect("Dimensions of kronecker product output array overflows usize."),
    Zip::from(out.exact_chunks_mut((dimbr, dimbc)))
        .for_each(|out, &a| {
            Zip::from(out).and(b).for_each(|out, &b| {
                *out = MaybeUninit::new(a * b);
    unsafe { out.assume_init() }

/// Return `true` if `A` and `B` are the same type
fn same_type<A: 'static, B: 'static>() -> bool {
    TypeId::of::<A>() == TypeId::of::<B>()

// Read pointer to type `A` as type `B`.
// **Panics** if `A` and `B` are not the same type
fn cast_as<A: 'static + Copy, B: 'static + Copy>(a: &A) -> B {
    assert!(same_type::<A, B>(), "expect type {} and {} to match",
            std::any::type_name::<A>(), std::any::type_name::<B>());
    unsafe { ::std::ptr::read(a as *const _ as *const B) }

/// Return the complex in the form of an array [re, im]
fn complex_array<A: 'static + Copy>(z: Complex<A>) -> [A; 2] {
    [z.re, z.im]

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
fn blas_compat_1d<A, S>(a: &ArrayBase<S, Ix1>) -> bool
    S: RawData,
    A: 'static,
    S::Elem: 'static,
    if !same_type::<A, S::Elem>() {
        return false;
    if a.len() > blas_index::max_value() as usize {
        return false;
    let stride = a.strides()[0];
    if stride == 0
        || stride > blas_index::max_value() as isize
        || stride < blas_index::min_value() as isize
        return false;

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
enum MemoryOrder {

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
fn blas_row_major_2d<A, S>(a: &ArrayBase<S, Ix2>) -> bool
    S: Data,
    A: 'static,
    S::Elem: 'static,
    if !same_type::<A, S::Elem>() {
        return false;
    is_blas_2d(&a.dim, &a.strides, MemoryOrder::C)

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
fn blas_column_major_2d<A, S>(a: &ArrayBase<S, Ix2>) -> bool
    S: Data,
    A: 'static,
    S::Elem: 'static,
    if !same_type::<A, S::Elem>() {
        return false;
    is_blas_2d(&a.dim, &a.strides, MemoryOrder::F)

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
fn is_blas_2d(dim: &Ix2, stride: &Ix2, order: MemoryOrder) -> bool {
    let (m, n) = dim.into_pattern();
    let s0 = stride[0] as isize;
    let s1 = stride[1] as isize;
    let (inner_stride, outer_dim) = match order {
        MemoryOrder::C => (s1, n),
        MemoryOrder::F => (s0, m),
    if !(inner_stride == 1 || outer_dim == 1) {
        return false;
    if s0 < 1 || s1 < 1 {
        return false;
    if (s0 > blas_index::max_value() as isize || s0 < blas_index::min_value() as isize)
        || (s1 > blas_index::max_value() as isize || s1 < blas_index::min_value() as isize)
        return false;
    if m > blas_index::max_value() as usize || n > blas_index::max_value() as usize {
        return false;

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
fn blas_layout<A, S>(a: &ArrayBase<S, Ix2>) -> Option<CBLAS_LAYOUT>
    S: Data,
    A: 'static,
    S::Elem: 'static,
    if blas_row_major_2d::<A, _>(a) {
    } else if blas_column_major_2d::<A, _>(a) {
    } else {

#[cfg(feature = "blas")]
mod blas_tests {
    use super::*;

    fn blas_row_major_2d_normal_matrix() {
        let m: Array2<f32> = Array2::zeros((3, 5));
        assert!(blas_row_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));
        assert!(!blas_column_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));

    fn blas_row_major_2d_row_matrix() {
        let m: Array2<f32> = Array2::zeros((1, 5));
        assert!(blas_row_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));
        assert!(blas_column_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));

    fn blas_row_major_2d_column_matrix() {
        let m: Array2<f32> = Array2::zeros((5, 1));
        assert!(blas_row_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));
        assert!(blas_column_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));

    fn blas_row_major_2d_transposed_row_matrix() {
        let m: Array2<f32> = Array2::zeros((1, 5));
        let m_t = m.t();
        assert!(blas_row_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m_t));
        assert!(blas_column_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m_t));

    fn blas_row_major_2d_transposed_column_matrix() {
        let m: Array2<f32> = Array2::zeros((5, 1));
        let m_t = m.t();
        assert!(blas_row_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m_t));
        assert!(blas_column_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m_t));

    fn blas_column_major_2d_normal_matrix() {
        let m: Array2<f32> = Array2::zeros((3, 5).f());
        assert!(!blas_row_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));
        assert!(blas_column_major_2d::<f32, _>(&m));