ndarray 0.10.14

An n-dimensional array for general elements and for numerics. Lightweight array views and slicing; views support chunking and splitting.

extern crate ndarray;

use ndarray::prelude::*;
use ndarray::Data;

pub fn roll_axis<A, S, D>(mut a: ArrayBase<S, D>, to: Axis, from: Axis) -> ArrayBase<S, D>
    where S: Data<Elem=A>,
          D: Dimension,
    let i = to.index();
    let mut j = from.index();
    if j > i {
        while i != j {
            a.swap_axes(i, j);
            j -= 1;
    } else {
        while i != j {
            a.swap_axes(i, j);
            j += 1;

fn main() {
    let mut data = array![[[-1., 0., -2.], [1., 7., -3.]],
                          [[ 1., 0., -3.], [1., 7.,  5.]],
                          [[ 1., 0., -3.], [1., 7.,  5.]],
                          [[ 2., 0.,  2.], [1., 7.,  2.]]];

    println!("{:8.4?}", data);

    data = roll_axis(data, Axis(2), Axis(0));

    println!("{:8.4?}", data);