ndarray-npy 0.3.0

.npy and .npz file format support for ndarray


Build status Coverage Dependencies status Crate Documentation

This crate provides support for reading/writing ndarray's ArrayBase type from/to .npy and .npz files. See the documentation for more information.

This crate is a work-in-progress. It currently supports only a subset of .npy header descriptors and supports only primitive numeric types as the array element type. You can implement ReadableElement and WritableElement for your own types, but the next breaking release of this library will probably change those traits.

Future plans include support for:

  • Memory-mapped files.
  • More element types (e.g. structs). If you need support for structs before this is implemented in ndarray-npy, check out the npy crate.
  • Possibly merging this with the npy crate.

Using with Cargo

To use with the default features:

ndarray-npy = "0.3"

The default feature set includes the compressed_npz_default feature, which enables support for uncompresssed and compressed .npz files with the default compression backend. This requires a dependency on the zip crate and flate2 crate.

To use without the default features:

ndarray-npy = { version = "0.3", default-features = false }

With default-features = false, ndarray-npy provides support only for .npy files, not .npz files. If you want .npz file support, you can select additional features:

  • npz enables support for uncompressed .npz files. This requires a dependency on the zip crate.
  • compressed_npz enables support for uncompressed and compressed .npz files without selecting a flate2 backend. This requires a dependency on the zip crate and flate2 crate. If you use default-features = false and enable the compressed_npz feature, you must select a flate2 backend (see example below).

For example, you can use just the npz feature:

version = "0.3"
default-features = false
features = ["npz"]

You can use the compressed_npz feature with a non-default flate2 backend. Note that the version of flate2 must match the version of flate2 used by the zip crate for this to work. This example shows selecting the zlib backend:

version = "0.3"
default-features = false
features = ["compressed_npz"]

version = "1.0"
default-features = false
features = ["zlib"]

Library authors

Library authors should specify their dependency on ndarray-npy like this:

version = "0.3"
default-features = false

where the features list is one of the following:

  • [] if your crate does not depend on .npz file support
  • ["npz"] if your crate depends on .npz file support but not compression
  • ["compressed_npz"] if your crate depends on .npz file support with compression

Ideally, do not include a required dependency on the default feature set or the compressed_npz_default feature, so that the user can select their desired flate2 backend.

If your crate depends on the compressed_npz feature, it may be a good idea to simplify use with the following:

default = ["ndarray-npy/compressed_npz_default"]

so that the user does not have to manually select a flate2 backend if they use your crate's default feature set. This still enables the user to select a backend if they use default-features = false with your crate.


  • 0.3.0

    • Updated to ndarray 0.12.
    • Updated to num-traits 0.2 (replacing dependency on num).
    • Updated to py_literal 0.2.
  • 0.2.0

    • Updated to zip 0.4.
    • Made the compression backend for compressed .npz files user-selectable.
    • Reworked how feature selection works. This should only affect you if you use default-features = false, features = ["compressed_npz"].
  • 0.1.1

    • Improved crate documentation (no functional changes).
  • 0.1.0

    • Initial release.


Please feel free to create issues and submit PRs. PRs adding more tests would be especially appreciated.


Copyright 2018 Jim Turner

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license, at your option. You may not use this project except in compliance with those terms.