ndarray-linalg 0.6.2

Linear algebra package for rust-ndarray using LAPACK
//! Solve Hermitian (or real symmetric) linear problems and invert Hermitian
//! (or real symmetric) matrices
//! **Note that only the upper triangular portion of the matrix is used.**
//! # Examples
//! Solve `A * x = b`, where `A` is a Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrix:
//! ```
//! #[macro_use]
//! extern crate ndarray;
//! extern crate ndarray_linalg;
//! use ndarray::prelude::*;
//! use ndarray_linalg::SolveH;
//! # fn main() {
//! let a: Array2<f64> = array![
//!     [3., 2., -1.],
//!     [2., -2., 4.],
//!     [-1., 4., 5.]
//! ];
//! let b: Array1<f64> = array![11., -12., 1.];
//! let x = a.solveh_into(b).unwrap();
//! assert!(x.all_close(&array![1., 3., -2.], 1e-9));
//! # }
//! ```
//! If you are solving multiple systems of linear equations with the same
//! Hermitian or real symmetric coefficient matrix `A`, it's faster to compute
//! the factorization once at the beginning than solving directly using `A`:
//! ```
//! # extern crate ndarray;
//! # extern crate ndarray_linalg;
//! use ndarray::prelude::*;
//! use ndarray_linalg::*;
//! # fn main() {
//! let a: Array2<f64> = random((3, 3));
//! let f = a.factorizeh_into().unwrap(); // Factorize A (A is consumed)
//! for _ in 0..10 {
//!     let b: Array1<f64> = random(3);
//!     let x = f.solveh_into(b).unwrap(); // Solve A * x = b using the factorization
//! }
//! # }
//! ```

use ndarray::*;

use super::convert::*;
use super::error::*;
use super::layout::*;
use super::types::*;

pub use lapack_traits::{Pivot, UPLO};

/// An interface for solving systems of Hermitian (or real symmetric) linear equations.
/// If you plan to solve many equations with the same Hermitian (or real
/// symmetric) coefficient matrix `A` but different `b` vectors, it's faster to
/// factor the `A` matrix once using the `FactorizeH` trait, and then solve
/// using the `FactorizedH` struct.
pub trait SolveH<A: Scalar> {
    /// Solves a system of linear equations `A * x = b` with Hermitian (or real
    /// symmetric) matrix `A`, where `A` is `self`, `b` is the argument, and
    /// `x` is the successful result.
    fn solveh<S: Data<Elem = A>>(&self, b: &ArrayBase<S, Ix1>) -> Result<Array1<A>> {
        let mut b = replicate(b);
        self.solveh_mut(&mut b)?;
    /// Solves a system of linear equations `A * x = b` with Hermitian (or real
    /// symmetric) matrix `A`, where `A` is `self`, `b` is the argument, and
    /// `x` is the successful result.
    fn solveh_into<S: DataMut<Elem = A>>(&self, mut b: ArrayBase<S, Ix1>) -> Result<ArrayBase<S, Ix1>> {
        self.solveh_mut(&mut b)?;
    /// Solves a system of linear equations `A * x = b` with Hermitian (or real
    /// symmetric) matrix `A`, where `A` is `self`, `b` is the argument, and
    /// `x` is the successful result. The value of `x` is also assigned to the
    /// argument.
    fn solveh_mut<'a, S: DataMut<Elem = A>>(&self, &'a mut ArrayBase<S, Ix1>) -> Result<&'a mut ArrayBase<S, Ix1>>;

/// Represents the Bunch–Kaufman factorization of a Hermitian (or real
/// symmetric) matrix as `A = P * U * D * U^H * P^T`.
pub struct FactorizedH<S: Data> {
    pub a: ArrayBase<S, Ix2>,
    pub ipiv: Pivot,

impl<A, S> SolveH<A> for FactorizedH<S>
    A: Scalar,
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    fn solveh_mut<'a, Sb>(&self, rhs: &'a mut ArrayBase<Sb, Ix1>) -> Result<&'a mut ArrayBase<Sb, Ix1>>
        Sb: DataMut<Elem = A>,
        unsafe {

impl<A, S> SolveH<A> for ArrayBase<S, Ix2>
    A: Scalar,
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    fn solveh_mut<'a, Sb>(&self, mut rhs: &'a mut ArrayBase<Sb, Ix1>) -> Result<&'a mut ArrayBase<Sb, Ix1>>
        Sb: DataMut<Elem = A>,
        let f = self.factorizeh()?;

impl<A, S> FactorizedH<S>
    A: Scalar,
    S: DataMut<Elem = A>,
    /// Computes the inverse of the factorized matrix.
    /// **Warning: The inverse is stored only in the upper triangular portion
    /// of the result matrix!** If you want the lower triangular portion to be
    /// correct, you must fill it in according to the results in the upper
    /// triangular portion.
    pub fn into_inverseh(mut self) -> Result<ArrayBase<S, Ix2>> {
        unsafe {

/// An interface for computing the Bunch–Kaufman factorization of Hermitian (or
/// real symmetric) matrix refs.
pub trait FactorizeH<S: Data> {
    /// Computes the Bunch–Kaufman factorization of a Hermitian (or real
    /// symmetric) matrix.
    fn factorizeh(&self) -> Result<FactorizedH<S>>;

/// An interface for computing the Bunch–Kaufman factorization of Hermitian (or
/// real symmetric) matrices.
pub trait FactorizeHInto<S: Data> {
    /// Computes the Bunch–Kaufman factorization of a Hermitian (or real
    /// symmetric) matrix.
    fn factorizeh_into(self) -> Result<FactorizedH<S>>;

impl<A, S> FactorizeHInto<S> for ArrayBase<S, Ix2>
    A: Scalar,
    S: DataMut<Elem = A>,
    fn factorizeh_into(mut self) -> Result<FactorizedH<S>> {
        let ipiv = unsafe { A::bk(self.layout()?, UPLO::Upper, self.as_allocated_mut()?)? };
        Ok(FactorizedH {
            a: self,
            ipiv: ipiv,

impl<A, Si> FactorizeH<OwnedRepr<A>> for ArrayBase<Si, Ix2>
    A: Scalar,
    Si: Data<Elem = A>,
    fn factorizeh(&self) -> Result<FactorizedH<OwnedRepr<A>>> {
        let mut a: Array2<A> = replicate(self);
        let ipiv = unsafe { A::bk(a.layout()?, UPLO::Upper, a.as_allocated_mut()?)? };
        Ok(FactorizedH { a: a, ipiv: ipiv })

/// An interface for inverting Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrix refs.
pub trait InverseH {
    type Output;
    /// Computes the inverse of the Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrix.
    /// **Warning: The inverse is stored only in the upper triangular portion
    /// of the result matrix!** If you want the lower triangular portion to be
    /// correct, you must fill it in according to the results in the upper
    /// triangular portion.
    fn invh(&self) -> Result<Self::Output>;

/// An interface for inverting Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrices.
pub trait InverseHInto {
    type Output;
    /// Computes the inverse of the Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrix.
    /// **Warning: The inverse is stored only in the upper triangular portion
    /// of the result matrix!** If you want the lower triangular portion to be
    /// correct, you must fill it in according to the results in the upper
    /// triangular portion.
    fn invh_into(self) -> Result<Self::Output>;

impl<A, S> InverseHInto for ArrayBase<S, Ix2>
    A: Scalar,
    S: DataMut<Elem = A>,
    type Output = Self;

    fn invh_into(self) -> Result<Self::Output> {
        let f = self.factorizeh_into()?;

impl<A, Si> InverseH for ArrayBase<Si, Ix2>
    A: Scalar,
    Si: Data<Elem = A>,
    type Output = Array2<A>;

    fn invh(&self) -> Result<Self::Output> {
        let f = self.factorizeh()?;