naughty-strings 0.2.3

The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.


Rust binding of minimaxir's Big List Of Naughty Strings.

The crate only provides one array naughty_strings::BLNS : &'static [&'static str]:

extern crate naughty_strings;

fn main() {
    for ns in naughty_strings::BLNS {
        println!("{}", ns);

The crate is on


The documentation is available here.

Note that because those strings are so naughty, rustdoc did not handle the documentation of the crate correctly!

Generate the library

The library is generated with cargo run --bin make-lib [PATH-TO-BLNS-REPO] (PATH-TO-BLNS-REPO defaults to minimaxir's repo). This generates the sole file src/


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