naughty-strings 0.2.1

The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.


Rust binding of minimaxir's Big List Of Naughty Strings

The crate only provides one array naughty_strings::BLNS : &'static [&'static str]:

extern crate naughty_strings;

fn main() {
    for ns in naughty_strings::BLNS {
        println!("{}", ns);

Note that because those strings are so naughty, I can't even upload a rustdoc generated documentation: rustdoc does not escape the various <script> in the list and the doc is unusable.

The crate is on

Generate the library

The library is generated with cargo run --bin make-lib [PATH-TO-BLNS-REPO] (PATH-TO-BLNS-REPO defaults to minimaxir's repo). This generates the sole file src/