nar 0.0.8

Narc, a dependently-typed programming language with dependent pattern matching
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Narc is a dependently-typed programming language with Agda
style dependent pattern matching.

# Goal

The purpose of this language is to realize the elaboration algorithm described
in [this paper][paper].


The implementation is heavily inspired from [Agda version][Agda].
Special thanks to Jesper Cockx for answering my questions about the Agda
codebase during the development of Narc.

I want this language to have:

+ Conversion check should be nominal for simplicity
+ Only case-tree instantiation need to be supported
+ Surface syntax should be considerate of parsing ease
+ Simple (co)inductive types (not indexed) with an identity type as
  described in Jesper's paper
  + It's not actually (co)inductive --
    there's no termination or productivity checks yet
+ Definition by pattern matching according to Jesper's paper
+ Coverage check + case-tree generation described in Jesper's paper
+ Prefix (applying on projection) *and* postfix (projecting from data)
  projection (or maybe not?)

... and I plan to enhance everything in the *next language after* Narc,
including (but not limited to):

+ Pattern instantiation, to see if we can prove things easier
+ Structural conversion check (or a partial one, like in mlang)
+ Totality check: termination/productivity
+ ... more?

... and even next language in the future:

+ Indexed data families, remove the built-in identity type
+ IDE mode like `agda2-mode`,
  but I'll go for both Code (primary) and Emacs (secondary)
+ De-morgan cubical primitives (Interval, Path, hcomp, transport, Glue)
+ ... more?

<summary>About the name, Narc</summary>
This name is inspired from a friend whose username is <a
href=""><em>Narc</em></a> (or
<em>lwoo1999</em> on
<a href="">CodeWars</a> and
<a href="">GitHub</a>).
<summary>The real origin</summary>
The word <em>Narc</em> is originated from the visual noval
<a href="">Narcissu</a>.

extern crate voile_util;

/// Core language, abstract syntax, surface syntax, and the parser.
/// Corresponds to Agda's `Agda.Syntax`.
pub mod syntax;

/// Anything relevant to type-checking.
/// Corresponds to Agda's `Agda.TypeChecking`.
pub mod check;