nar 0.0.8

Narc, a dependently-typed programming language with dependent pattern matching
use voile_util::uid::DBI;

use crate::{
        monad::{TCE, TCMS, TCS},
    syntax::core::{Term, Val, ValData},

/// Is it a datatype or a record type?
pub fn expect_data(tcs: TCS, term: Term) -> TCMS<ValData> {
    let (val, tcs) = simplify(tcs, term)?;
    match val {
        Val::Data(d) => Ok((d, tcs)),
        e => Err(TCE::not_data(e)),

/// A borrowing version of [`is_eta_var`](Self::is_eta_var).
pub fn is_eta_var_ref(tcs: TCS, term: &Term, ty: &Term) -> TCMS<Option<DBI>> {
    match term {
        Term::Whnf(Val::Var(dbi, v)) if v.is_empty() => Ok((Some(*dbi), tcs)),
        _ => is_eta_var(tcs, term.clone(), ty.clone()),

/// Checks whether the given term (of the given type) is beta-eta-equivalent
/// to a variable. Returns just the de Bruijn-index of the variable if it is,
/// or nothing otherwise.
/// [Agda](
/// TODO: type-directedness.
pub fn is_eta_var(tcs: TCS, term: Term, ty: Term) -> TCMS<Option<DBI>> {
    let (term, tcs) = simplify(tcs, term)?;
    let (ty, tcs) = simplify(tcs, ty)?;
    match (term, ty) {
        (Val::Var(dbi, v), _) if v.is_empty() => Ok((Some(dbi), tcs)),
        _ => unimplemented!(),