nar 0.0.8

Narc, a dependently-typed programming language with dependent pattern matching
use std::cmp::Ordering;

use voile_util::{meta::MI, uid::GI};

use crate::{
        monad::{MetaSol, TCE, TCM, TCS},
        subst::{RedEx, Subst},
        Closure, Elim, FoldVal, Term, Val, ValData,

fn check_solution(meta: MI, rhs: &Val) -> TCM<()> {
    rhs.try_fold_val((), |(), v| match v {
        Val::Meta(mi, ..) if mi == &meta => Err(TCE::MetaRecursion(*mi)),
        _ => Ok(()),

pub fn subtype(mut tcs: TCS, sub: &Val, sup: &Val) -> TCM {
    if !tcs.trace_tc {
        return subtype_impl(tcs, sub, sup);
    // Continue with logging
    let depth_ws = tcs.tc_depth_ws();
    let mut tcs = subtype_impl(tcs, sub, sup).map_err(|e| {
        println!("{}Subtyping {} <: {}", depth_ws, sub, sup);
    println!("{}{} <: {} --> {}", depth_ws, sub, sup, tcs.meta_ctx());

fn subtype_impl(mut tcs: TCS, sub: &Val, sup: &Val) -> TCM {
    use Val::*;
    match (sub, sup) {
        (Type(sub_l), Type(sup_l)) if sub_l <= sup_l => Ok(tcs),
        (Pi(a, c0), Pi(b, c1)) if a.licit == b.licit => {
            tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, &a.ty, &b.ty)?;
            compare_closure(tcs, c0, c1, |tcs, a, b| match (a, b) {
                // Covariance
                (Term::Whnf(left), Term::Whnf(right)) => subtype(tcs, left, right),
                (a, b) => Unify::unify(tcs, a, b),
        (e, t) => Unify::unify(tcs, e, t),

trait Unify {
    /// Conversion check, maybe can solve metas.
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM;

impl<T: Unify> Unify for [T] {
    fn unify(mut tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        for (a, b) in left.iter().zip(right.iter()) {
            tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, a, b)?;

impl<T: Unify> Unify for Box<T> {
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        Unify::unify(tcs, &**left, &**right)

impl Unify for Term {
    fn unify(mut tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        use Term::*;
        match (left, right) {
            (Whnf(left), Whnf(right)) => Unify::unify(tcs, left, right),
            (Redex(i, _, a), Redex(j, _, b)) if a.len() == b.len() => {
                tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, i, j)?;
                Unify::unify(tcs, a.as_slice(), b.as_slice())
            (a, b) => Err(TCE::different_term(a.clone(), b.clone())),

impl Unify for GI {
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        if left != right {
            let left_name = tcs.def(*left).def_name().clone();
            let right_name = tcs.def(*right).def_name().clone();
            Err(TCE::DifferentName(left_name, right_name))
        } else {

impl Unify for Elim {
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        use Elim::*;
        match (left, right) {
            (Proj(a), Proj(b)) if a == b => Ok(tcs),
            (App(a), App(b)) => Unify::unify(tcs, a, b),
            (a, b) => Err(TCE::different_elim(a.clone(), b.clone())),

fn compare_closure(
    mut tcs: TCS,
    left: &Closure,
    right: &Closure,
    term_cmp: impl FnOnce(TCS, &Term, &Term) -> TCM,
) -> TCM {
    use Closure::*;
    tcs.unify_depth += 1;
    tcs = match (left, right) {
        (Plain(a), Plain(b)) => term_cmp(tcs, &**a, &**b)?,
    tcs.unify_depth -= 1;

impl Unify for Closure {
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        compare_closure(tcs, left, right, Unify::unify)

impl Unify for ValData {
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        let tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, &left.def, &right.def)?;
        Unify::unify(tcs, left.args.as_slice(), right.args.as_slice())

impl Unify for Val {
    fn unify(tcs: TCS, left: &Self, right: &Self) -> TCM {
        unify_val(tcs, left, right)

fn unify_meta_with(mut tcs: TCS, term: &Val, mi: MI) -> TCM {
    let depth = tcs.unify_depth;
    match tcs.meta_ctx().solution(mi) {
        MetaSol::Unsolved => {
            check_solution(mi, term)?;
            if tcs.trace_tc {
                println!("{}?{} := {}", tcs.tc_depth_ws(), mi.0, term);
            let solution = Term::Whnf(term.clone());
            tcs.mut_meta_ctx().solve_meta(mi, depth, solution);
        MetaSol::Solved(ix, sol) => match ix.cmp(&depth) {
            Ordering::Equal => {
                let sol = *sol.clone();
                let (sol, tcs) = simplify(tcs, sol)?;
                Unify::unify(tcs, &sol, term)
            Ordering::Less => {
                let sol = sol.clone().reduce_dbi(Subst::raise(depth - *ix));
                let (sol, tcs) = simplify(tcs, sol)?;
                Unify::unify(tcs, &sol, term)
            Ordering::Greater => {
                let sol_ix = *ix;
                let term = term.clone().reduce_dbi(Subst::raise(sol_ix - depth));
                let sol = *sol.clone();
                tcs.unify_depth = sol_ix;
                tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, &sol, &term)?;
                tcs.unify_depth = depth;

fn unify_val(mut tcs: TCS, left: &Val, right: &Val) -> TCM {
    use Val::*;
    match (left, right) {
        (Type(sub_l), Type(sup_l)) if sub_l == sup_l => Ok(tcs),
        (Data(left), Data(right)) if left.kind == right.kind => Unify::unify(tcs, left, right),
        (Pi(a, c0), Pi(b, c1)) if a.licit == b.licit => {
            tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, &a.ty, &b.ty)?;
            Unify::unify(tcs, c0, c1)
        (Cons(c0, a), Cons(c1, b)) if == => {
            Unify::unify(tcs, a.as_slice(), b.as_slice())
        (Axiom(i), Axiom(j)) if i == j => Ok(tcs),
        (Meta(i, a), Meta(j, b)) if i == j => Unify::unify(tcs, a.as_slice(), b.as_slice()),
        (Meta(i, a), b) | (b, Meta(i, a)) if a.is_empty() => unify_meta_with(tcs, b, *i),
        (Var(i, a), Var(j, b)) if i == j => Unify::unify(tcs, a.as_slice(), b.as_slice()),
        (Id(a, b, c), Id(x, y, z)) => {
            tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, a, x)?;
            tcs = Unify::unify(tcs, b, y)?;
            Unify::unify(tcs, c, z)
        // Uniqueness of identity proof??
        (Refl, Refl) => Ok(tcs),
        (a, b) => Err(TCE::different_term(