nannou_core 0.19.0

The core components of nannou - a creative coding framework for Rust. Ideal for libraries and headless/embedded applications that use nannou.
//! A collection of commonly used items that are generally useful to have in scope.

pub use crate::color::named::*;
pub use crate::color::{
    gray, hsl, hsla, hsv, hsva, lin_srgb, lin_srgba, rgb, rgb8, rgba, rgba8, srgb, srgb8, srgba,
pub use crate::color::{
    Gray, Hsl, Hsla, Hsv, Hsva, LinSrgb, LinSrgba, Rgb, Rgb8, Rgba, Rgba8, Srgb, Srgba,
pub use crate::geom::{self, pt2, pt3, Cuboid, Point2, Point3, Rect};
pub use crate::geom::{Vector2, Vector3, Vector4};
pub use crate::glam::{
    dmat2, dmat3, dmat4, dquat, dvec2, dvec3, dvec4, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, mat2, mat3, mat3a, mat4,
    quat, vec2, vec3, vec3a, vec4, Affine2, Affine3A, BVec2, BVec3, BVec4, DAffine2, DAffine3,
    DMat2, DMat3, DMat4, DQuat, DVec2, DVec3, DVec4, IVec2, IVec3, IVec4, Mat2, Mat3, Mat3A, Mat4,
    Quat, UVec2, UVec3, UVec4, Vec2, Vec3, Vec3A, Vec4,
pub use crate::math::num_traits::*;
pub use crate::math::{
    clamp, deg_to_rad, fmod, map_range, partial_max, partial_min, rad_to_deg, rad_to_turns,
    turns_to_rad, Mat4LookTo, Vec2Angle, Vec2Rotate,

// NOTE: These helper functions rely on a thread-local RNG and are currently only available via std.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use crate::rand::{random, random_ascii, random_f32, random_f64, random_range};

pub use core::f32::consts::{PI, TAU};
pub use core::f64::consts::{PI as PI_F64, TAU as TAU_F64};