nalgebra-py 0.3.1

conversions between nalgebra and numpy via pyo3
use nalgebra::base::{SliceStorage, SliceStorageMut};
use nalgebra::{Dynamic, Matrix};
use numpy::npyffi;
use numpy::npyffi::objects::PyArrayObject;
use pyo3::Python;
use pyo3::{types::PyAny, AsPyPointer};

/// Compile-time matrix dimension used in errors.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
pub enum Dimension {

/// Compile-time shape of a matrix used in errors.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
pub struct Shape(Dimension, Dimension);

/// Error that can occur when converting from Python to a nalgebra matrix.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
	/// The Python object is not a [`numpy.ndarray`](

	/// The input array is not compatible with the requested nalgebra matrix.

	/// The input array is not properly aligned.

/// Error indicating that the Python object is not a [`numpy.ndarray`](
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct WrongObjectTypeError {
	pub actual: String,

/// Error indicating that the input array is not compatible with the requested nalgebra matrix.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct IncompatibleArrayError {
	pub expected_shape: Shape,
	pub actual_shape: Vec<usize>,
	pub expected_dtype: String,
	pub actual_dtype: String,

/// Error indicating that the input array is not properly aligned.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct UnalignedArrayError;

/// Create a nalgebra view from a numpy array.
/// The array dtype must match the output type exactly.
/// If desired, you can convert the array to the desired type in Python
/// using [`numpy.ndarray.astype`](
/// # Safety
/// This function creates a const slice that references data owned by Python.
/// The user must ensure that the data is not modified through other pointers or references.
pub unsafe fn matrix_slice_from_numpy<'a, N, R, C>(
	py: pyo3::Python,
	input: &'a PyAny,
) -> Result<nalgebra::MatrixSlice<'a, N, R, C, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Error>
	N: nalgebra::Scalar + numpy::Element,
	R: nalgebra::Dim,
	C: nalgebra::Dim,
	matrix_slice_from_numpy_ptr(py, input.as_ptr())

/// Create a mutable nalgebra view from a numpy array.
/// The array dtype must match the output type exactly.
/// If desired, you can convert the array to the desired type in Python
/// using [`numpy.ndarray.astype`](
/// # Safety
/// This function creates a mutable slice that references data owned by Python.
/// The user must ensure that no other Rust references to the same data exist.
pub unsafe fn matrix_slice_mut_from_numpy<'a, N, R, C>(
	py: pyo3::Python,
	input: &'a PyAny,
) -> Result<nalgebra::MatrixSliceMut<'a, N, R, C, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Error>
	N: nalgebra::Scalar + numpy::Element,
	R: nalgebra::Dim,
	C: nalgebra::Dim,
	matrix_slice_mut_from_numpy_ptr(py, input.as_ptr())

/// Create an owning nalgebra matrix from a numpy array.
/// The data is copied into the matrix.
/// The array dtype must match the output type exactly.
/// If desired, you can convert the array to the desired type in Python
/// using [`numpy.ndarray.astype`](
pub fn matrix_from_numpy<N, R, C>(py: pyo3::Python, input: &PyAny) -> Result<nalgebra::OMatrix<N, R, C>, Error>
	N: nalgebra::Scalar + numpy::Element,
	R: nalgebra::Dim,
	C: nalgebra::Dim,
	nalgebra::base::default_allocator::DefaultAllocator: nalgebra::base::allocator::Allocator<N, R, C>,
	Ok(unsafe { matrix_slice_from_numpy::<N, R, C>(py, input) }?.into_owned())

/// Same as [`matrix_slice_from_numpy`], but takes a raw [`PyObject`](pyo3::ffi::PyObject) pointer.
pub unsafe fn matrix_slice_from_numpy_ptr<'a, N, R, C>(
	py: Python,
	array: *mut pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
) -> Result<nalgebra::MatrixSlice<'a, N, R, C, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Error>
	N: nalgebra::Scalar + numpy::Element,
	R: nalgebra::Dim,
	C: nalgebra::Dim,
	let array = cast_to_py_array(py, array)?;
	let shape = check_array_compatible::<N, R, C>(py, array)?;

	let row_stride = Dynamic::new(*(*array).strides.add(0) as usize / std::mem::size_of::<N>());
	let col_stride = Dynamic::new(*(*array).strides.add(1) as usize / std::mem::size_of::<N>());
	let storage = SliceStorage::<N, R, C, Dynamic, Dynamic>::from_raw_parts((*array).data as *const N, shape, (row_stride, col_stride));


/// Same as [`matrix_slice_mut_from_numpy`], but takes a raw [`PyObject`](pyo3::ffi::PyObject) pointer.
pub unsafe fn matrix_slice_mut_from_numpy_ptr<'a, N, R, C>(
	py: Python,
	array: *mut pyo3::ffi::PyObject,
) -> Result<nalgebra::MatrixSliceMut<'a, N, R, C, Dynamic, Dynamic>, Error>
	N: nalgebra::Scalar + numpy::Element,
	R: nalgebra::Dim,
	C: nalgebra::Dim,
	let array = cast_to_py_array(py, array)?;
	let shape = check_array_compatible::<N, R, C>(py, array)?;

	let row_stride = Dynamic::new(*(*array).strides.add(0) as usize / std::mem::size_of::<N>());
	let col_stride = Dynamic::new(*(*array).strides.add(1) as usize / std::mem::size_of::<N>());
	let storage = SliceStorageMut::<N, R, C, Dynamic, Dynamic>::from_raw_parts((*array).data as *mut N, shape, (row_stride, col_stride));


/// Check if an object is numpy array and cast the pointer.
unsafe fn cast_to_py_array(py: Python, object: *mut pyo3::ffi::PyObject) -> Result<*mut PyArrayObject, WrongObjectTypeError> {
	if npyffi::array::PyArray_Check(py, object) == 1 {
		Ok(&mut *(object as *mut npyffi::objects::PyArrayObject))
	} else {
		Err(WrongObjectTypeError {
			actual: object_type_string(object),

/// Check if a numpy array is compatible and return the runtime shape.
unsafe fn check_array_compatible<N, R, C>(py: Python, array: *mut PyArrayObject) -> Result<(R, C), IncompatibleArrayError>
	N: numpy::Element,
	R: nalgebra::Dim,
	C: nalgebra::Dim,
	// Delay semi-expensive construction of error object using a lambda.
	let make_error = || {
		let expected_shape = Shape(
		let dtype = N::get_dtype(py);
		let kind_char = [dtype.kind()];
		let kind = std::str::from_utf8(&kind_char).unwrap();
		let itemsize = dtype.itemsize();
		let expected_dtype = format!("{}{}", kind, itemsize);
		IncompatibleArrayError {
			actual_shape: shape(array),
			actual_dtype: data_type_string(array),

	// Check the data type of the input array.
	if npyffi::array::PY_ARRAY_API.PyArray_EquivTypenums(py, (*(*array).descr).type_num, N::get_dtype(py).num() as u32 as i32) != 1 {
		return Err(make_error());

	// Input array must have one or two dimensions.
	if (*array).nd == 1 {
		let input_rows = *(*array).dimensions.add(0) as usize;

		// Check number of rows in input array.
		if R::try_to_usize().map(|expected| input_rows == expected) == Some(false) {
			return Err(make_error());

		// All good.
		Ok((R::from_usize(input_rows), C::from_usize(1)))
	} else if (*array).nd == 2 {
		let input_rows = *(*array).dimensions.add(0) as usize;
		let input_cols = *(*array).dimensions.add(1) as usize;

		// Check number of rows in input array.
		if R::try_to_usize().map(|expected| input_rows == expected) == Some(false) {
			return Err(make_error());

		// Check number of columns in input array.
		if C::try_to_usize().map(|expected| input_cols == expected) == Some(false) {
			return Err(make_error());

		// All good.
		Ok((R::from_usize(input_rows), C::from_usize(input_cols)))
	} else {
		return Err(make_error());

unsafe fn check_array_alignment(array: *mut PyArrayObject) -> Result<(), UnalignedArrayError> {
	if (*array).flags & npyffi::flags::NPY_ARRAY_ALIGNED != 0 {
	} else {

/// Get a string representing the type of a Python object.
unsafe fn object_type_string(object: *mut pyo3::ffi::PyObject) -> String {
	let py_type = (*object).ob_type;
	let name = (*py_type).tp_name;
	let name = std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(name).to_bytes();

/// Get a string representing the data type of a numpy array.
unsafe fn data_type_string(array: *mut PyArrayObject) -> String {
	// Convert the dtype to string.
	// Don't forget to call Py_DecRef in all paths if py_name isn't null.
	let py_name = pyo3::ffi::PyObject_Str((*array).descr as *mut pyo3::ffi::PyObject);
	if py_name.is_null() {
		return String::from("<error converting dtype to string>");

	let mut size = 0isize;
	let data = pyo3::ffi::PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(py_name, &mut size as *mut isize);
	if data.is_null() {
		return String::from("<invalid UTF-8 in dtype>");

	let name = std::slice::from_raw_parts(data as *mut u8, size as usize);
	let name = String::from_utf8_unchecked(name.to_vec());

/// Get the shape of a numpy array as [`Vec`].
unsafe fn shape(object: *mut numpy::npyffi::objects::PyArrayObject) -> Vec<usize> {
	let num_dims = (*object).nd;
	let dimensions = std::slice::from_raw_parts((*object).dimensions as *const usize, num_dims as usize);

impl From<WrongObjectTypeError> for Error {
	fn from(other: WrongObjectTypeError) -> Self {

impl From<IncompatibleArrayError> for Error {
	fn from(other: IncompatibleArrayError) -> Self {

impl From<UnalignedArrayError> for Error {
	fn from(other: UnalignedArrayError) -> Self {

impl std::fmt::Display for Dimension {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
		match self {
			Self::Dynamic => write!(f, "Dynamic"),
			Self::Static(x) => write!(f, "{}", x),

impl std::fmt::Display for Shape {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
		let Self(rows, cols) = self;
		write!(f, "[{}, {}]", rows, cols)

impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
		match self {
			Self::WrongObjectType(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
			Self::IncompatibleArray(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),
			Self::UnalignedArray(e) => write!(f, "{}", e),

impl std::fmt::Display for WrongObjectTypeError {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
		write!(f, "wrong object type: expected a numpy.ndarray, found {}", self.actual)

impl std::fmt::Display for IncompatibleArrayError {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
			"incompatible array: expected ndarray(shape={}, dtype='{}'), found ndarray(shape={:?}, dtype={:?})",
			self.expected_shape, self.expected_dtype, self.actual_shape, self.actual_dtype,

impl std::fmt::Display for UnalignedArrayError {
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
		write!(f, "the input array is not properly aligned for this platform")

impl std::error::Error for Error {}
impl std::error::Error for WrongObjectTypeError {}
impl std::error::Error for IncompatibleArrayError {}